[account deactivated]

futurewidow posted:
*checks watch*

yup. still hate men.

men are great tho

i hate the platonic idea of men but i don't mind the real ones so much.
[account deactivated]
heres a question, how come there are so many transwomen postin about but like no transmen, when irl populations are roughly equivalent
probably the same reason there are so many more male posters than female posters
there are a few trans men on wddp

deadken posted:
heres a question, how come there are so many transwomen postin about but like no transmen, when irl populations are roughly equivalent

i dont think thats true

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

Cycloneboy posted:
i hate the platonic idea of men but i don't mind the real ones so much.

yuo love them.

i want to kiss them on the lips, the butt lips.


deadken posted:
heres a question, how come there are so many transwomen postin about but like no transmen, when irl populations are roughly equivalent

some stupid broad said "if women ruled the world there'd be no more wars" and men in power decided to try that and trans themselves instead of giving the wheel to some girl.

thats the true secret reason for obama's (or "Barakeena Soetoro") nobel - he had a vagina in his acceptance speech. owned, feminailures.

Prospero was probated until (April 16, 2012 07:57:40) for this post!


Impper posted:
probably the same reason there are so many more male posters than female posters

WHOA. mods?? this is disgusting cisprivilege and the implications are fucked up

fucked up but true

deadken posted:
fucked up but true


Impper posted:
probably the same reason there are so many more male posters than female posters


seriously impper are you calling mtf troons men? WOW
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:
I think there are all of like 3 ciswomen left on wddp

but how can you be so sure??

[account deactivated]

discipline posted:
I think there are all of like 3 ciswomen left on wddp

yeah uh whats the 'deal' with that

there's like two there
all those 'ugh look at these men saying bad things' daily threads, self-hatred and gender-escapism (into a land where you're a precious glass vagina and un-man-like)

hmm maybe mras are onto something

discipline posted:
I think there are all of like 3 ciswomen left on wddp

Just say women, dont adopt the nonsense terminology of deranged psychosexual deviants, imo

i like to say cis as a joke
i like to say "his cis-sister" with a really effeminate lisp (and a spaniard lisp too)
damn thats a good user name too. deciding between Genderfuck Baby and His cis-sister
i think its ok for transwomen to be involved in feminist movements but when they do the whole men are awful 70s caricature Thing im like..... check ur chromosones
im not saying all transwomen are just people who failed at being men. but its statistically likely that a couple of them are
i have a lot more sympathy for someone that acted like a girl from a very young age in a way that was obvious to everyone than i do a guy who turns 37 and tells his common law goonette wife that he has discovered he is, in fact, trans*
if transitioning into a female means you are a failed male - then what are the characteristics of a person successful at being a male?
if you guys dont stop with this transphobic shit its gonna be probatiosn all around

AmericanNazbro posted:
if transitioning into a female means you are a failed male - then what are the characteristics of a person successful at being a male?

being prepared to do the right thing, whatever the cost

you don't have any power or scare me, tin man.
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

thirdplace posted:
being prepared to do the right thing, whatever the cost

what does that mean for me, as a womyn

be prepared to always do the wrong thing durr

(ur doing great btw - which means ur doing it wrong, which means you're doing right etc)


discipline posted:

thirdplace posted:

being prepared to do the right thing, whatever the cost

what does that mean for me, as a womyn


AmericanNazbro posted:
if transitioning into a female means you are a failed male - then what are the characteristics of a person successful at being a male?

being me, dead ken

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
feminism and all this gender stuff -- including homosexuality as a social identity category -- are gonna disappear within a century so have fun playing games with your weiners while you have the chacne i guess

tom has spoken!