Jailed for being the victim of witness intimidation.

Cycloneboy posted:
Jailed for being the victim of witness intimidation.

The victim of victim intimidation.

check your privileged at the door, cyclöne boi

Cycloneboy posted:

gyrofry posted:
in your estimation, were you born asexual, shaped by your environment to be such, or was it primarily a matter of rational choice

i think it was in-born. i remember a lot of my early sexual/romantic thinking as being really weird and "warning signs" in retrospect (e.g. high attraction to ideas which undermined the normalization of romantic love even before i reached puberty, when i "fantasized" about being married there was no hugging, kissing, anything like that, she was just someone to Help Watch The Kids). I Never Wanted To Kiss A Girl and only recently even thought about doing it, just for experimentation, and had a pretty strong internal reaction in the "no" column (not, like, disgusted or anything. i'd compare it to another experience but i've never had any quite like it. it was just like, "no, I don't want to do that").

crustpunk_trotsky posted:
cycloneboy have you considered becoming a eunuch. it honestly can't be too long before harems come back in style again so job opportunities will be plentiful.

i have actually seriously considered going on cyproterone acetate to reduce my sex drive in the past. but just so i don't have to masturbate. it can cause health problems though and i'd pretty much have to buy it through the mail so i don't think i'm going to actually wind up doing it.

you should try something like pascal's wager only with sex

no, she got jailed for falsely retracting a rape claim. which means its acknowledged she got raped, but shes going to jail for withdrawing her complaint since she knew it was true and by doing so she perverted the proper course of justice.

its more fucked up than at first glance.
thats probably how a cardassian court would handle a rape case if it chose not to silence her from the start
who has a wddp account

Northface posted:
who has a wddp account

i do, but i was probated for a month because i mentioned goatstein

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

& the comments
ahahahahha omg that news anchor owns
a while ago i wanted to make a gif of the end to mean "women putting up with bullshit" but i got stuck laughing at his "t-t-t-that's all true but"
"yeah yeah sure, t-t-that's all true, yeah sure, b-b-b-b-but but you know... butt."
[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

Northface posted:
who has a wddp account

i do, but i was probated for a month because i mentioned goatstein

im voldemort *makes teh me gusta face*

[account deactivated]
a zine on the topic of gendered bathrooms
[account deactivated]
sounds like a good argument for public transit
What do you female LF posters use for female hygiene? Do you use rags or some other reusable type thing and wash them or do you actually waste cotton and plastic products on tampons and pads. If you do, do you buy organic cotton or bioengineered pesticide cotton?
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
What do you female LF posters use for female hygiene? Do you use rags or some other reusable type thing and wash them or do you actually waste cotton and plastic products on tampons and pads. If you do, do you buy organic cotton or bioengineered pesticide cotton?

if by hygiene you mean menstruation, I've used a reusable cup made in canada since I was 18 and it owns

thats disgusting

a dude once told me this bit of advice: if youre scoping out a group of babes go for the one in the white shorts cuz u know shes not on the rag
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
What do you female LF posters use for female hygiene? Do you use rags or some other reusable type thing and wash them or do you actually waste cotton and plastic products on tampons and pads. If you do, do you buy organic cotton or bioengineered pesticide cotton?

if by hygiene you mean menstruation, I've used a reusable cup made in canada since I was 18 and it owns

what happens if you go on a rollercoaster

rollercoasters are bourgeois.
you can't hurl that word around as a pejorative when you, yourself, are a 15 year old child, sheltered from reality by your parents, never stepping foot into the world to even interact with people with more than a sheepish nod when at taco bell. you are the epitome of bourgeois as you are nothing more than a useless parasite draining society.

besides, theme parks and the carvinals, share a long held tradition of employing the working class plus serving as family activity for those same blue collar workers. just because you have crippling social phobia doesn't detract from theme parks and other places of congregation for the worker class (e.g. bars, sports leagues, gyms, hunting ground, etc...) all owning really hard.

AmericanNazbro posted:
you can't hurl that word around as a pejorative when you, yourself, are a 15 year old child, sheltered from reality by your parents, never stepping foot into the world to even interact with people with more than a sheepish nod when at taco bell. you are the epitome of bourgeois as you are nothing more than a useless parasite draining society.

Uh, actually, I'm attending college?? Your little "ooh you're so childish" ploy just failed, all because you couldn't be bothered to do the research. So, yeah, gtfo.

AmericanNazbro posted:
besides, theme parks and the carvinals, share a long held tradition of employing the working class plus serving as family activity for those same blue collar workers. just because you have crippling social phobia doesn't detract from theme parks and other places of congregation for the worker class (e.g. bars, sports leagues, gyms, hunting ground, etc...) all owning really hard.

You know who else employed the working class and provided family activities for them? That's right... Hitler.

Ferris wheels are proletarian

Cycloneboy posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:
you can't hurl that word around as a pejorative when you, yourself, are a 15 year old child, sheltered from reality by your parents, never stepping foot into the world to even interact with people with more than a sheepish nod when at taco bell. you are the epitome of bourgeois as you are nothing more than a useless parasite draining society.

Uh, actually, I'm attending college?? Your little "ooh you're so childish" ploy just failed, all because you couldn't be bothered to do the research. So, yeah, gtfo.


yeah, you might say i'm a non-traditional student
i bet cycloneboy creeps out all his classmates at "college." TX is the only state where people can homeschool their kids with absolutely no supervision by the state or any sort of regulatory body. that means that homeschooling texas parents are overwhelmingly either insane hippies/'artists' or christian fundamentalists. since cycloneboy has said his brother is a minister i'm gonna go with 'both.'

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
i bet cycloneboy creeps out all his classmates at "college." TX is the only state where people can homeschool their kids with absolutely no supervision by the state or any sort of regulatory body. that means that homeschooling texas parents are overwhelmingly either insane hippies/'artists' or christian fundamentalists. since cycloneboy has said his brother is a minister i'm gonna go with 'both.'

i'm homeschooled bc American public schools are terrible one-size-fits-all trash. i mean if i'd gone to public school i'd be taking what, Geometry? lmao goddamn i can do multivariable integrals.


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
i bet cycloneboy creeps out all his classmates at "college." TX is the only state where people can homeschool their kids with absolutely no supervision by the state or any sort of regulatory body. that means that homeschooling texas parents are overwhelmingly either insane hippies/'artists' or christian fundamentalists. since cycloneboy has said his brother is a minister i'm gonna go with 'both.'

yeah countercultural leftism or religion have no place here at the 'zone

there's no such thing as a hivemind but if there was it would be convinced that institutions are integral to primary and secondary education but a complete waste of time and money for post-secondary and That's Funny, Imo


Cycloneboy posted:

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
i bet cycloneboy creeps out all his classmates at "college." TX is the only state where people can homeschool their kids with absolutely no supervision by the state or any sort of regulatory body. that means that homeschooling texas parents are overwhelmingly either insane hippies/'artists' or christian fundamentalists. since cycloneboy has said his brother is a minister i'm gonna go with 'both.'

i'm homeschooled bc American public schools are terrible one-size-fits-all trash. i mean if i'd gone to public school i'd be taking what, Geometry? lmao goddamn i can do multivariable integrals.

if it was economically feasible i actually wouldn't have a problem with home schooling my kids


Cycloneboy posted:

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
i bet cycloneboy creeps out all his classmates at "college." TX is the only state where people can homeschool their kids with absolutely no supervision by the state or any sort of regulatory body. that means that homeschooling texas parents are overwhelmingly either insane hippies/'artists' or christian fundamentalists. since cycloneboy has said his brother is a minister i'm gonna go with 'both.'

i'm homeschooled bc American public schools are terrible one-size-fits-all trash. i mean if i'd gone to public school i'd be taking what, Geometry? lmao goddamn i can do multivariable integrals.
