
Impper posted:
well yeh, clearly, but every hipster takes on the characteristics of its surroundings and i just dont wana kno what goes on in australia w/r/t anything

No dice, sorry i don't buy this at all. Rootless Tumblrism is increasingly becoming the same everywhere

in the uk we mostly just call em twats or dickheads rather than hipsters

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Impper posted:
well yeh, clearly, but every hipster takes on the characteristics of its surroundings and i just dont wana kno what goes on in australia w/r/t anything

No dice, sorry i don't buy this at all. Rootless Tumblrism is increasingly becoming the same everywhere

this is pretty wrong man. the hipsters in chicago change dramatically from neighborhood to neighborhood, we have 4, maybe 5 hoods w. hipstahs

hahahahhaha those dickheads r cool as shit. also a lot of them are recognizably american dickheads!!! fikn a m8

Impper posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Impper posted:
well yeh, clearly, but every hipster takes on the characteristics of its surroundings and i just dont wana kno what goes on in australia w/r/t anything

No dice, sorry i don't buy this at all. Rootless Tumblrism is increasingly becoming the same everywhere

this is pretty wrong man. the hipsters in chicago change dramatically from neighborhood to neighborhood, we have 4, maybe 5 hoods w. hipstahs

yeah but are their styles "informed" by those neighbourhood or are they just different varieties of hipsters

Ken: yeah that video pretty much

There's only two hipsters on this forum and y'all aren't them so please refrain from talking about us. You do not get to speak for the hipsters.

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Impper posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Impper posted:
well yeh, clearly, but every hipster takes on the characteristics of its surroundings and i just dont wana kno what goes on in australia w/r/t anything

No dice, sorry i don't buy this at all. Rootless Tumblrism is increasingly becoming the same everywhere

this is pretty wrong man. the hipsters in chicago change dramatically from neighborhood to neighborhood, we have 4, maybe 5 hoods w. hipstahs

yeah but are their styles "informed" by those neighbourhood or are they just different varieties of hipsters

Ken: yeah that video pretty much


the two rhizzone hipsters: cycloneboy, baby finland
btw just before i got laid i was awkwardly talking about how capitalism and the patriarchy alienates us from society and each other. Theory got me laid.
this chick was really drunk wasnt she

deadken posted:
the two rhizzone hipsters: cycloneboy, baby finland


i dont think i know any girls who would just fuck in a park with someone whos not their boyfriend w.o bein drunk as hell
well she definitely wasnt drunk as hell. but, please, keep trying to insinuate that i'm a rapist, its very cool of you guys.
had she consumed alcohol that nite? were you drunk?

aerdil posted:
btw just before i got laid i was awkwardly talking about how capitalism and the patriarchy alienates us from society and each other. Theory got me laid.


who insinuated that u raped lol

Impper posted:
who insinuated that u raped lol

ya where did that come from...creepy...

do you feel guilty about something, aerdil?
if someone is very intoxicated, then they can't give consent. do you have some other definition for "drunk as hell"?
goldsmith is very disappointed you had sex with someone you don't love fyi

aerdil posted:
if someone is very intoxicated, then they can't give consent. do you have some other definition for "drunk as hell"?

at this point i think the real question is: do you???


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
goldsmith is very disappointed you had sex with someone you don't love fyi

we all are

i think it's about time we stop giving the benefit of the doubt to rapists around here

1. You are a rapist if you get a girl drunk and have sex with her.

2. You are a rapist if you find a drunk girl and have sex with her.

3. You are a rapist if you get yourself drunk and have sex with her. Your drunkeness is no excuse.

4. If you are BOTH drunk you may still be a rapist.

5. If she’s alternating between puking her guts out and passing out in the bed then you’re a rapist.

6. If she’s sleeping and you have sex with her you’re a rapist.

7. If she’s unconscious and you have sex with her then you’re a rapist.

8. If she’s taking sleeping pills and doesn’t wake up when you have sex with her then you’re a rapist.

9. If she is incapacitated in any way and unable to say ‘Yes’ then you’re a rapist.

10. If you drug her then you’re a rapist.

11. If you find a drugged girl and have sex with her then you’re a rapist.

12. If you don’t bother to ask her permission and she says neither ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ then you could be a rapist.

13. You are a rapist if you ‘nag’ her for sex. Because you manage to ply an eventual ‘yes’ from a weary victim doesn’t mean it’s not rape. You are a rapist.

14. You are a rapist if you try to circumvent her “No” by talking her into it. She’s not playing hard to get, and, even if she IS it’s not YOUR responsibility to ‘get’ her. You’re still a rapist.

15. You are a rapist if you manipulate her into sex when she doesn’t otherwise want it. If you say, “If you loved me you’d do X” then you’re a rapist. If you say, “All the other kids are doing it!” then you’re a rapist.

16. If you threaten her, or act in a way that SHE thinks you’re threatening her then you’re a rapist. If you puff up and get loud and frustrated while trying to ‘talk’ her into sex then you’re a rapist.

17. You are a rapist if you don’t immediately get your hands off of her when she says ‘no’. You are a rapist if you take your hands off of her and then put them back ON her after 10 minutes and she eventually ‘gives in’ to this tactic.

18. You are a rapist if you won’t let her sleep peacefully without waking her every 15 minutes asking her for sex. Sleep depravation is a form of torture and YOU are a rapist.

19. If you’re necking with her and you’re naked and you’ve already gone down on her and she says ‘No’ to sex with you and you have sex with her anyway then you’re a rapist.

20. If you’re engaged in intercourse and she says ‘No’ at ANY point and you don’t immediately stop then you’re a rapist.

21. If she said “Yes” to sex with a condom and that condom breaks and you proceed anyway then you’re a rapist.

22. If she picked you up at a bar looking for sex and then decides that she doesn’t WANT sex and you continue then you’re a rapist.

23. If she changes her mind at ANY point for ANY reason and you don’t immediately back off or you try to talk her into it and get sex anyway then you’re a rapist.

24. If you don’t hit her and she says ‘No’ you’re still a rapist.

25. If you don’t have a knife or a gun or a garrote and she says ‘No’ then you’re still a rapist.

26. If you’re a friend of hers you can still be a rapist.

27. If you had sex with her the night before but she doesn’t want morning sex and you pressure her for it anyway then you’re a rapist.

28. If you’re her husband you can still be a rapist.

29. If it’s your wedding night and she doesn’t WANT to have sex with you and you force or coerce her anyway then you’re a rapist.

30. If she’s had sex with you hundreds of times before but doesn’t want to on the 101st time then you’re a rapist.

31. If you penetrate her anally, orally or digitally against her will then YOU my friend, are ALSO a rapist.

32. Women do not owe you sex.

33. Buying her dinner does not entitle you to sex.

34. Paying her mortgage does not entitle you to sex.

35. Buying her clothing does not entitle you to sex.

36. Buying her lingerie does not entitle you to sex. It also doesn’t mean that she has any obligation to wear that lingerie around you.

37. Spending any amount of money on her does not, ever, entitle you to sex.

38. Seeing her legs or cleavage does not entitle you to sex.

39. If she ‘turns you on’ you’re not entitled to sex.

40. If she has fucked every man in a 10 square mile radius and she doesn’t want to fuck you and you have sex with her anyway, then you’re a rapist.

41. Her clothing is not a reason for you to rape her. Her LACK of clothing is no reason to rape her. If she’s wearing a thong and pasties you STILL have no right to rape her.

42. If she’s a prostitute and she says “No” then you’re a rapist.

43. If she’s a stripper and she says “No” then you’re a rapist. Likewise, if she’s a stripper and she’s been rubbing against your dick all night long and you follow her to her car and have sex with her against her will then you are ALSO a rapist.

44. If you watch a woman being raped without calling the authorities then you’re as bad as a rapist and you may also be a rapist yourself.

45. If you don’t fight rape then you accept rape.

46. If you don’t believe a woman when she says she was raped then you’re encouraging rape.

47. If you choose to remain friends with a man who raped a woman you are encouraging rape.

48. If you confess to the authorities that you raped a woman it does not exonerate you. You are not suddenly a model of good behavior.

49. If you ‘only’ raped one woman, you’re STILL a rapist.

50. You cannot tell who is a rapist by the way they look. Rapists are your friends, your brothers, your fathers and you won’t know it.

51. Do not get frustrated with a woman if she doesn’t trust you. SHE already knows that rapists don’t wear signs on their foreheads. Something you think is innocuous SHE may find terrifying.


apparently i'm not a rapist according to that list
OK then we're good.

edit: :...according to that list..."
but unfortunately for me and everyone who isn't cycloneboy, all sex is rape.
damn i was really worried that i was a rapist on like 35 counts but then i found out that u might not be a rapist if u carry a garrote... tahnk god...
if a girl has a red dot on ok cupid . . . and you send her a message anyway, you ARE a rapist...
im actually starting to wonder if maybe i was raped since she initiated everything after a long conversation about philosophy and very enthusiastically and verbally gave consent throughout everything.... but i never did..
better ask my bros on the men's rights subreddit
bro.. ihate to break it to u.. but u were raped... and dont let any rape apologists convince u otherwise.....as a former admin i have access to ip information and the police r on their way with some rape kits
*starts unpacking rape kit* So these are rohypnols... and these are rape whistles if you're feeelin rapey... aH..!.. and this, my darling, is Fuck And Destroy..
47. If you choose to remain e-friends with a man who wrote a rape novel you are encouraging rape
if you farm canola you may be a rapist
the desire of the Other is always monstrous. if you have sex with someone who doesn't utterly repel you, you're a rapist
[account deactivated]