my parents are cooler than me, they went to glastonbury and i post on the internet
i probably consciously view books as a more powerful signifier than any other object so if i see someone on a kindle they pretty much become homo sacer
[account deactivated]

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
kindle side my paso im gonna have to comerents have way cooler than deadken down kindles and they are on the pro-

triple post. hows that internet in mexico bub?

both my parents are cooler than me.
i used the internet at a wifi hotspot in tijuana and lemme tell ya it worked FINE
tijuana isn't mexico you disgusting hedonistic cretin
my dad told me a good story once about how he went to tijuana and was trying to get some horse or blow or something and the dude he bought it from was an undercover cop or something and he had to bribe him with all the rest of his money and go back home to LA the next day because he was broke
[account deactivated]
"i'd like some horse"

*confused mexican goes away and comes back with 3 horses"

another good story my dad told me was about being in morocco in '68 and he went into some walled city controlled by a local warlord where you could buy a bunch of drugs. he spent like 15 francs on hash and thought he'd get a manageable amount but instead he got like a giant brick. the moroccan police were waiting outside of the city and searching tourists leaving so his choices were to stay and smoke it all, leave it, or try and smuggle it out. he said he spent a couple days getting ripped and being really paranoid because he wanted to try and sneak it out but instead he just stayed and smoked it all.
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[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
i bribed some police in mexico

Myfanwy posted:
How do you guys force yourself to read so much, i can only get in the mood to read dense stuff in the bathtub, and because of social and work obligations I can only be in a bathtub for so long per day. What's the secret, Give methe secret

taking the bus regularly

as long as martin amis keeps writing i'll be motivated to keep reading. right, impper?
Wrong. As long as I keep writing.
i really love my kindle, its awesome, even with library.nu shut down

what was the argument on wddp about kindle politics
while there is a soul reading imppers novels, I am not free
it's weird how i keep hearing the statistic that developed countries like mine have a 99% literacy rate and then you look at what people watch or attempt to read and you're like "that isn't true".
it was exactly what i said, there was 2 or 3 people who said that anybody who bought paper books are class traitors, and a real communist would purchase a kindle and pirate books instead. it wasn't particularly informative and nobody was saying anything unique, rather it was how angry they were about kindles that was amusing. i got accused multiple times of hoarding books and being some kind of reactionary because i bought used paper books or something

Impper posted:
it was exactly what i said, there was 2 or 3 people who said that anybody who bought paper books are class traitors, and a real communist would purchase a kindle and pirate books instead. it wasn't particularly informative and nobody was saying anything unique, rather it was how angry they were about kindles that was amusing. i got accused multiple times of hoarding books and being some kind of reactionary because i bought used paper books or something

Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution sounds like a great idea, i sure want some psychopathic teenagers murdering me in my bed because i have a paper book instead of a kindle full of Genderfuck Erotica

hahah yeah jokes all around but don't y'all get a LITTLE irritated when you see genderfuck erotica written in a traditional book? I mean it really boils my blood to see someone exuding such pure cisprivilege and bigotry so blatantly... even if it's like a REALLY hot scene of gay cummy daddy tops and bottoms orgying in a laundromat at 3 am in full drag i REFUSE to read that shit on paper.. wow..
[account deactivated]
Hey impper you lothario: I'm talking to this girl on okcupid who is doing a PHD and i asked what it was about and she said "artists working at the intersection of art and science to re-imagine sustainability / environmental health"

Now usually i can draw on my general knowledge or something to makes trenchant or relevant conversation with people doing serious academic work but i'm at a complete and utter loss about what that is meant to entail. What to do?
I own John Christy novels in hardcover.
fucking sever.

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Hey impper you lothario: I'm talking to this girl on okcupid who is doing a PHD and i asked what it was about and she said "artists working at the intersection of art and science to re-imagine sustainability / environmental health"

Now usually i can draw on my general knowledge or something to makes trenchant or relevant conversation with people doing serious academic work but i'm at a complete and utter loss about what that is meant to entail. What to do?

tell her it sounds interesting and ask her what exactly the artists are doing duh


Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Hey impper you lothario: I'm talking to this girl on okcupid who is doing a PHD and i asked what it was about and she said "artists working at the intersection of art and science to re-imagine sustainability / environmental health"

Now usually i can draw on my general knowledge or something to makes trenchant or relevant conversation with people doing serious academic work but i'm at a complete and utter loss about what that is meant to entail. What to do?

ugh she's one of those people who draws the design concepts for Urban Farm Towers and shit I bet


babyfinland posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Hey impper you lothario: I'm talking to this girl on okcupid who is doing a PHD and i asked what it was about and she said "artists working at the intersection of art and science to re-imagine sustainability / environmental health"

Now usually i can draw on my general knowledge or something to makes trenchant or relevant conversation with people doing serious academic work but i'm at a complete and utter loss about what that is meant to entail. What to do?

tell her it sounds interesting and ask her what exactly the artists are doing duh

Yes well that’s what I’m going to do but I’m a renaissance man and feel i should know something about this or at least be able to make clever wry comments on the subject


Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Hey impper you lothario: I'm talking to this girl on okcupid who is doing a PHD and i asked what it was about and she said "artists working at the intersection of art and science to re-imagine sustainability / environmental health"

Now usually i can draw on my general knowledge or something to makes trenchant or relevant conversation with people doing serious academic work but i'm at a complete and utter loss about what that is meant to entail. What to do?

my 'ok cupid game' is utterly putrid so you prboably wouldnt wanta listen to me. i play it by ear. i've had a lot of success recently sending the message "hey goofball" and the fact that girls responded to it positively reminds me that people have hella low self esteem and shit.

but as far as that goes, it doesnt sound like something she'd really like you to be wry or ironic about. it just sounds like shit tho lmao


Impper posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Hey impper you lothario: I'm talking to this girl on okcupid who is doing a PHD and i asked what it was about and she said "artists working at the intersection of art and science to re-imagine sustainability / environmental health"

Now usually i can draw on my general knowledge or something to makes trenchant or relevant conversation with people doing serious academic work but i'm at a complete and utter loss about what that is meant to entail. What to do?

my 'ok cupid game' is utterly putrid so you prboably wouldnt wanta listen to me. i play it by ear. i've had a lot of success recently sending the message "hey goofball" and the fact that girls responded to it positively reminds me that people have hella low self esteem and shit.

but as far as that goes, it doesnt sound like something she'd really like you to be wry or ironic about. it just sounds like shit tho lmao

It does sound shit but I guess I’d better find out. she was wry and ironic about other shit so as far as i'm concerned her questionable esoteric phd is in play too.

I can’t really talk to girls with low self esteem, the more arrogant they are the more I like them.

yeah, it's pretty bothersome usually. i talked to some girl who put herself down in 6 or 7 consecutive messages, and every time i tried to bring her up a little bit it seemed to upset her. so i pushed past that by just talking about myself

Impper posted:
yeah, it's pretty bothersome usually. i talked to some girl who put herself down in 6 or 7 consecutive messages, and every time i tried to bring her up a little bit it seemed to upset her. so i pushed past that by just talking about myself

I hate talking about myself and my petty mundane bullshit. As far as I’m concerned if we’re not debating literature or politics by the 2nd message then farking sever

the best okc thing i had was this girl who had dropped out of art school to become a full time sculptor in the suburbs; she would send me youtubes of this weird transcendental indie electronica shoegaze style stuff and if i was on the instant messenger thing she'd get on there and ask me if i was listening to it, and if i was she would tell me about how it's making her cry and sort of narrate her cries to me, i.e. the emotions she was feeling.
my new psychologist is very beautiful and i was certain i recognized her from somewhere and then i realized last night that i had sent her a message on okcupid in late 2010 and that she had responded but sort of perfunctory i think.

really, you guys all use okcupid? wtf can you not talk to people irl or something? idgi
getfiscal you are unbelievable
i suck at ok cupid and i'm great at meeting girls irl. but it's fun man, okc is full of awkward young girls who freak out at bars or in social situations and you basically would never meet them if not for the internet