safety books and a collection of corporate pamphlets. i want to maybe write an article about safety.
[account deactivated]
my wife bought me a kobo unfortunately i haven't had time to play with it till now and the only ebook i have on my work computer is Fuck And Destroy by John Christy sooo.....
did you actually buy said ebook?
cool man kobos are kobowesome

unfortunately i got too nervous to go to that thing today for some reason
everybody should buy it
you cant even send me a text when you're in my hometown and you want me to buy your book? bah
bro i forgot i even added u to my phone, + im a notorious flake. we really shoulda hung, i can come back to austin.
im moving to new york next week didnt u read my thread? god it really hurts how much u neglect me
fuck, sorry bro i just have a LOT on my plate right now. maybe i can save up some money and we can get some cholos in ny??
tons of tumblr posts... several novels... not one text...
maaan.. u kno how it is.. with the phones..
Yo someone write a rhizzone app. peace
I texted and tweeted like a hundred times to DRUXX if that is even his real name. I lived in a shark tank in qua for two weeks. Druxx no call no shoe. I cry bitter weird tears. No call no show
[account deactivated]
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tpaine posted:

jools posted:
Yo someone write a rhizzone app. peace

george costanza already made one for you.

this is ur finest allusion yet tpaine

damn.. as it turns out... life is a lie...
mods change my name to not so slim shady

Impper posted:
damn.. as it turns out... life is a lie...

life is real, and worth worshipping

bask in the simple fact that life is real regardless of its illusory nature
okay thank you nietzsche
life is like a box of chocolates
[account deactivated]
definitely one of my most favorite x-files episodes. i'd like to think inside every evil capitalist spook is a frustrated writer
reading some cool stuff for a seminar class

Technological Utopianism in American Culture
by Howard P. Segal
[account deactivated]

gyrofry posted:
life is like a box of chocolates

okay thank you nietzsche


discipline posted:
hollow land by eyal weitzman, it's pretty amazing so I guess I'll write a review on it when I'm done with this damn paper

is this on kindle? looks badass

just finished the Old Patagonian Express by Paul Theroux. Pretty much what you'd expect from a travel book (written in 1979) but the chapter on Panama and the Americans living in the canal zone at the time was pretty fascinating.


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

discipline posted:
hollow land by eyal weitzman, it's pretty amazing so I guess I'll write a review on it when I'm done with this damn paper

is this on kindle? looks badass

just finished the Old Patagonian Express by Paul Theroux. Pretty much what you'd expect from a travel book (written in 1979) but the chapter on Panama and the Americans living in the canal zone at the time was pretty fascinating.

i'd like to hear more about that

i'm reading bataille's theory of religion atm

babyfinland posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

discipline posted:
hollow land by eyal weitzman, it's pretty amazing so I guess I'll write a review on it when I'm done with this damn paper

is this on kindle? looks badass

just finished the Old Patagonian Express by Paul Theroux. Pretty much what you'd expect from a travel book (written in 1979) but the chapter on Panama and the Americans living in the canal zone at the time was pretty fascinating.

i'd like to hear more about that

cool, i found the chapter.


I never knew anything about it, and certainly didn't know they had this mini-American canal zone where "the company" runs things like a dictator. Definitely worth giving this chapter a read, he's pretty observant.

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[account deactivated]
I'm Ben Gay
no this is ben Gayrion

[account deactivated]
we are dreams that are rapidly turning into a nightmare