
really simple, you just pick a character and tell me what you want to do on a given turn.
how come i get to be mohammed daoud khan who has been dead for a decade by the time the game starts? am i a corpse-god?
how does this work?? I have a lot of freetime cause i'm sick

Myfanwy posted:
how does this work?? I have a lot of freetime cause i'm sick

its pretty freeform, most of the gameplay is negotiating and planning with other players if you want to go that far. otherwise you just say things like "protect Kabul, send 500 troops north to hassle that village thats been a terrorist stronghold". I figure the success and failure of actions based on some dicerolls adn stuff like that and any information you might need you can ask me for

Dostum is available


noavbazzer posted:
how come i get to be mohammed daoud khan who has been dead for a decade by the time the game starts? am i a corpse-god?

lol how did i miss that

ya ok this is alt universe where khan didnt die or something
Sweet, do you know good sources for his party or w/e
i'll be Sting and have no connection with any of the events on the game

*rolls 20 on 'tantricsex', i become my lover's rotary wings and we fly away*
i will do what i can to keep the jews from meddling in afghani affairs
this looks p cool but i don't know what the fuck so ima just watch

gyrofry posted:
this looks p cool but i don't know what the fuck so ima just watch

sure thing, ill register you as the UN


noavbazzer posted:
Sweet, do you know good sources for his party or w/e

not really. I know he was like a Pashtun nationalist which caused problems between him and Pakistan and that is like the embryo of the civil war

This is really fun
who all is playing this we should make a tacit lf alliance and possibly do monkey cheese islam things
I'm Mohammed Daoud Khan, the raging spirit of Afghanistan itself made flesh. The wandering ghost of Central Asia. The vengeance of the Pashtun.
o ok i guess i already talked to u im the KhAD dude. i talked to myfanwy too... i guess thats everyone
time to roleplay as gay islamofascists, heh heh *straps on videojuegos goggles*
im playing as the GM
whos myfanwy