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I'm reading the new york trilogy and a guy just gave a 10 page long soliloquy that made sense in the most deranged way possible.
sounds interesting. now please madly and obsessively type the entire thing up and post it here so you can transcend that derangement
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tpaine posted:
its weird to do a bunch of stuff you know you deserve to die for but have to do it to eat

everybody deserves to die, god forbid someone gets stuck here

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i wrote a post about the box man -_-

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in impper's new book the main character is named Beef Curtains and he tries to claim that this was her given name by her parents for really contrived reasons
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getfiscal posted:
in impper's new book the main character is named Beef Curtains and he tries to claim that this was her given name by her parents for really contrived reasons

theyre not very contrived imho


tpaine posted:
i'm just a patsy is what my tombstone would say if i would ever get or want one

i want mine to say "I have tried in my way to be free."

in impper's new book he has a 10 year old commit a string of heinous, sophisticated murders and near the end she is captured and is brought to trial and she gives a twenty page monologue about how she was genetically engineered to fight saddam hussein's republican guard and the last sentence is "Then she escaped... or did she?"
I got an ebook of the current New York Times Bestsller, 50 Shades of Grey by E.L. James, and I'm checking it out. It is erotic Twilight fanfiction written by "AngstGoddess003", then sold to publishers in a version where the characters' names were changed, so that it isn't copyright infringement. That's literally what it is. Seems pretty neat so far.

Over the last few days, top executives from Warner Bros., Sony Pictures, Fox 2000, Universal and Paramount have -- or will -- deliver presentations, some of them highly elaborate, to convince James and her literary agent Valerie Hoskins that they are the best candidates to transform the popular material into a movie. (The three books are being sold as a package and would be developed as a potential franchise by the winning bidder.)

One person familiar with the pitch who asked not to be identified because of the sensitive nature of negotiations told 24 Frames that, to convince James and Hoskins to go with them, Paramount Pictures executives put together a video featuring female executives reacting positively to the novels. (In an odd turn, Adam Goodman, president of the studio's film group, is bidding on the project against his wife, Jessica Goodman, who serves as executive vice president of Fox 2000 under Elizabeth Gabler.)

i'm rereading Capital: Vol 1 by Karl H. Marx and i'm having difficultlies understanding how his explanation of paper money would work with fiat/post-nixon bills. Like paper money as a symbol of gold to be used as a means of cirrculation makes sense because it is tied to a commodity with objective labor value, but fiat money stands on its own legs without the crutch of gold so

1: modern paper money is a very low-value commodity (it takes labor to design and print bills!) whose price is controlled and kept high by a state monolopy of supply.

2: modern paper money is a symbol of something valueless (I.E. Faith In The Government To Repay Its Debts) given a price and thus essentially an arbitrary benchmark determined at a whim by capitalist's basic urges and fears.

3: ???

edit: what is wrong with my text! ack!!!
i never understood how gold extraction was socially necessary labour, plus the marxian theory of money is hilariously boring and irrelevant to everything else so i never got hung up on it

Scrree posted:
i'm rereading Capital: Vol 1 by Karl H. Marx and i'm having difficultlies understanding how his explanation of paper money would work with fiat/post-nixon bills. Like paper money as a symbol of gold to be used as a means of cirrculation makes sense because it is tied to a commodity with objective labor value, but fiat money stands on its own legs without the crutch of gold so

1: modern paper money is a very low-value commodity (it takes labor to design and print bills!) whose price is controlled and kept high by a state monolopy of supply.

2: modern paper money is a symbol of something valueless (I.E. Faith In The Government To Repay Its Debts) given a price and thus essentially an arbitrary benchmark determined at a whim by capitalist's basic urges and fears.

3: ???

edit: what is wrong with my text! ack!!!


MMT/chartalism was the only way i was ever able to make sense of how currencies work. my understanding is that those theories have their own problems but they were really helpful for me and as soon as i understood them i stopped caring or being interested in money per se

yo what's some good books on the gdr?

jiroemon1897 posted:
yo what's some good books on the gdr?

"the people's state" is supposed to be good i think


jiroemon1897 posted:
yo what's some good books on the gdr?

If you can speak german you are in luck, because sadly most of these kinda books are only printed by obscure little publishers in east germany and never ever translated

yo wuts some books dat r not boring n white when explainin smart shit, thx
the Quran

vinyl posted:
yo wuts some books dat r not boring n white when explainin smart shit, thx

If you can speak german you are in luck,


Ronnski posted:

vinyl posted:
yo wuts some books dat r not boring n white when explainin smart shit, thx

If you can speak german you are in luck,

idk german is p white, wut book u talkin bout btw???????


vinyl posted:
yo wuts some books dat r not boring n white when explainin smart shit, thx


the I Ching
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Ronnski posted:

jiroemon1897 posted:
yo what's some good books on the gdr?

If you can speak german you are in luck, because sadly most of these kinda books are only printed by obscure little publishers in east germany and never ever translated

can you rec a title or two, preferably one not in really dense academic language because my german is rusty


crustpunk_trotsky posted:

Ronnski posted:

jiroemon1897 posted:
yo what's some good books on the gdr?

If you can speak german you are in luck, because sadly most of these kinda books are only printed by obscure little publishers in east germany and never ever translated

can you rec a title or two, preferably one not in really dense academic language because my german is rusty

http://www.amazon.de/Die-unterm-L%C3%BCgenberg-Ralph-Hartmann/dp/3360018206/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1332944682&sr=8-1 - This one is pretty short and just aims at disproving some myths about the DDR that have been flying around for decades. It's worth reading and should be easy enough

http://www.offen-siv.com/Bucher/Buecher.shtml - These dudes write a bi-monthly marxist paper, basically, and they have two of their books that I think are worth reading up for download. Like this one:
http://www.offen-siv.com/Bucher/Unter-Feuer.pdf - This one is about the DDR in particular. It's probably harder than the first book but I remember it having a lot of interesting information about the DDR economy and the many hurdles it faced.

http://www.amazon.de/Taubenfusschronik-oder-Chruschtschowiade-Taubenfu%C3%9Fchronik-Chruschtschowiade1953/dp/3000087737/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1332945123&sr=1-5 - Stuff by Kurt Gossweiler is always good though this is more about the 'Khrushevian' effect on the Eastern Bloc in general, but Kurt lived in the DDR since Heaven's Mandate fell on Ulbricht, so he got interesting views on it.

And here is a list of books about the DDR in general, but the Stasi in particular, put together by a bunch of former Ex-Stasi people on a really ugly website. Definitely start with the first book I posted though, unless you are looking for a general history book about the DDR, which I don't really know any of. Theres a load of books about what a crock of shit the reunification was and what the Treuhand really did, but im already feeling like a turd for recommending so many books I haven't come around to reading yet! Yikes! Enjoy

i wish i stuck with german after high school
the collected works of Horst Mahler

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
the Quran

which translation

pickthall or yusuf ali imo
tbh pickthall didnt do anything for me until i was already familiar, i never got shit out fo reading the quran til i came upon yusuf ali's translation in the back of a used bookstore and the scales fell from my eyes so respect god
pichtall and yusuf ali are pretty good but i prefter abdullah yusuf ali tbh
I can appreciate those translations now but I had to read things like Asad and Haleem's translations first. I still prefer Haleem for quick reads.
i like haleem so far, the companion book is good as well asnd it has a whole chapter on sura 55 which is my fave so far
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