rereading (for like the 100th time lol, i'm sure we've all lost count of how many times we've enjoyed this classic): http://www.amazon.com/Mein-Kampf-Adolf-Hitler/dp/0395925037
my copy of Truth And Method, By, Hans Georg Gadamer, is in the mail. SKADOOSH
I'm reading the zizekbook "The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity" which is about how even if god was real, if he "loved you", wouldn't that actually be gay.

Skylark posted:
I'm reading the zizekbook "The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity" which is about how even if god was real, if he "loved you", wouldn't that actually be gay.

hes a true genius

Im reading Comics on My ipad. This one Called Savage Hawk Man
hello wayne. im an america now
im reading special topics in calamity physics. next will be astonishingly loud and extremely close or whatever then the dave eggers back catalogue kill me
im reading the nutritional information for a pound of beef dripping lads
dont read extremely loud and incredibly close.

deadken posted:
dont read extremely loud and incredibly close.

oh kay

seeing as i cant remember what its called i think ill be alright ken

littlegreenpills posted:
im reading special topics in calamity physics. next will be astonishingly loud and extremely close or whatever then the dave eggers back catalogue kill me

im calling 911

World War Z. It's pretty goony but nice to read some fiction for a change
lol except I read it too a while back, it was basically fanfiction. which owns because he probably made a boatload of money from it.

littlegreenpills posted:
im reading special topics in calamity physics. next will be astonishingly loud and extremely close or whatever then the dave eggers back catalogue kill me

life is finite, dont read dave eggers

i never know the difference between dave eggers and david sedaris and i'm not sure it matters
they're both so terrible it's not even worth thinking about
sedaris is better but certainly not good at all

gyrofry posted:
you left out a lotta good ones

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wgat the fuck

obviously its weirdos looking for Concrete Evidence Of Rhizzone's Racist Insanity
architecture porticos and class
[account deactivated]
christopher hitchens handsome
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:
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[account deactivated]
jools thinks its appropriate to speak in a british accent in public like some kind of shameless barbarian
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
im reading the day of the locust by nathaniel west, starring, the gooniest character of the 1930s
fiction is for those too weak to engage with reality

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
fiction is for those too weak to engage with reality

reality is structured by fantasy and truth has the structure of fiction; in other words, right back at u buddy

you keep your harry potter mate, i'll be readin about belorussian traktor production and educating myself

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
fiction is for those too weak to engage with reality

no! it iz not thees, rather it iz, uh, that reality iz for thoze who cannot handle the dream - morpheus, the matrix (1999)

"whoa" - *tugs trenchcoat nervously*
[account deactivated]

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
you keep your harry potter mate, i'll be readin about belorussian traktor production and educating myself
