Also these anti smoking groups are very much opposed to safe tobacco alternatives like ecigs or snus. Why could this be? Maybe because pharma doesn't make money off of those routes of administration.
Groulxsmith posted:
cycloneboy what do you think wddp is like
liberal lf i'm guessing
was lunchtime and felt mega hungry so i startedd riving and see a chipotle. ordered a burrito bowl w/ extra rixce(rice owns ^_^) got both bean types (black n pinto), chikcen, tomatoes, and corn. man oh man next thing i know im peeing out of my butt.
NounsareVerbs posted:
Just checked - The top thread there is titled How I just Pooped and the OP of the thread:
was lunchtime and felt mega hungry so i startedd riving and see a chipotle. ordered a burrito bowl w/ extra rixce(rice owns ^_^) got both bean types (black n pinto), chikcen, tomatoes, and corn. man oh man next thing i know im peeing out of my butt.
they seem like cool dudes.
but if you think it's where people go to discuss theory and the simultaneous equations used to determine tractor output in a socialist economy you might be in for a disappointment. i'm afraid their fealty to hoxhaism is probably based more in shock factor and the sense of community that goes along with being a closed in group of weirdos than anything else
Edited by Goethestein ()
Goethestein posted:
Groulxsmith posted:
i'm afraid their fealty to hoxhaism is probably based more in shock factor and the sense of community that goes along with being a closed in group of weirdos than anything else
*raises paw*
discipline posted:
discipline posted:
can you actually change usernames
asonetuh posted:
Hello everyone, this seems to be the place where one goes to get a wddp account. So I would like to say that I want a wddp account. Please PM me with deets. Thanks in advance, friends!
check your PMs
asonetuh posted:
Hello everyone, this seems to be the place where one goes to get a wddp account. So I would like to say that I want a wddp account. Please PM me with deets. Thanks in advance, friends!
getfiscal posted:asonetuh posted:
Hello everyone, this seems to be the place where one goes to get a wddp account. So I would like to say that I want a wddp account. Please PM me with deets. Thanks in advance, friends!check your PMs
I just did, there's nothing there.
asonetuh posted:getfiscal posted:asonetuh posted:
Hello everyone, this seems to be the place where one goes to get a wddp account. So I would like to say that I want a wddp account. Please PM me with deets. Thanks in advance, friends!check your PMs
I just did, there's nothing there.
get used to it
*cackles while pedalling away*
getfiscal posted:asonetuh posted:getfiscal posted:asonetuh posted:
Hello everyone, this seems to be the place where one goes to get a wddp account. So I would like to say that I want a wddp account. Please PM me with deets. Thanks in advance, friends!check your PMs
I just did, there's nothing there.
get used to it
*cackles while pedalling away*
wow dude. rude. rude dude. you're all pretty rude. i just want to post on the 'ddp, is that so much to ask? apparently... *sigh*
- police officers refusing to give Deaf people a pen and paper to communicate
- police officers arresting Deaf people because ASL is somehow intimidating or threatening, then after arresting them refuse to provide them with an interpreter
- a lack of captions on instant streaming movies or Tv shows on netflix or hulu or redbox Dvds
- being treated like idiots by people who refuse to communicate in a decent way with them
- babies and kids getting cochlear implants and never being taught sign, only oral language
- being considered bad parents because they only use sign with their kid, even if the kid regularly is around hearing people