cars posted:tl;dr = Milo Yiannopoulos refused the vaccine, got COVID, refused treatment until he took brain damage from lack of oxygen, now he falls over and knocks himself unconscious when he tries to go down stairs. DOWN stairs
punching that guy is so fun even he does it!
They say you think of Milo twice in your life. The first time I thought of him was when I thought a flamboyant gay man encouraging people to be more racist was like a super-weapon for getting more liberals to flip to fascism.
my take: *hands out worksheet*
possibly the most important driver of U.S. global politics over the next 20-30 years will be attrition among workers, how the United $naKKKe$ bourgeoise has accepted >1 million deaths so far, and millions of deaths in the future, from an ongoing pandemic, while China simply chose not to do that. United $naKKKe$ government is actively trying to keep people from keeping track of the deaths in their country at this point
karphead posted:seasonal flu likely descended from the 1918 pandemic
United States plague ship sailing heroically into the 22nd century to kill off Star Trek
At least 20% of the victims of the US forcible mass COVID infection policy will suffer long term (likely permanent) damage, regardless of the severity of the initial disease, and the pyrrhic vaccine provides little or no protection from infection or the long term risks.
A review of subsequent media suggests that allowing the police to provide material and moral support for an ongoing mass child murder is an effective means to "cover up coronavirus symptoms."
Mortal miasma in Cecropian lands
Whilom reduced the plains to dead men's bones,
Unpeopled the highways, drained of citizens
The Athenian town. For coming from afar,
Rising in lands of Aegypt, traversing
Reaches of air and floating fields of foam,
At last on all Pandion's folk it swooped;
Whereat by troops unto disease and death
Were they o'er-given. At first, they'd bear about
A skull on fire with heat, and eyeballs twain
Red with suffusion of blank glare. Their throats,
Black on the inside, sweated oozy blood;
And the walled pathway of the voice of man
Was clogged with ulcers; and the very tongue,
The mind's interpreter, would trickle gore,
Weakened by torments, tardy, rough to touch.
Next when that Influence of bane had chocked,
Down through the throat, the breast, and streamed had
E'en into sullen heart of those sick folk,
Then, verily, all the fences of man's life
Began to topple. From the mouth the breath
Would roll a noisome stink, as stink to heaven
Rotting cadavers flung unburied out.
And, lo, thereafter, all the body's strength
And every power of mind would languish, now
In very doorway of destruction.
And anxious anguish and ululation (mixed
With many a groan) companioned alway
The intolerable torments. Night and day,
Recurrent spasms of vomiting would rack
Alway their thews and members, breaking down
With sheer exhaustion men already spent.
And yet on no one's body couldst thou mark
The skin with o'er-much heat to burn aglow,
But rather the body unto touch of hands
Would offer a warmish feeling, and thereby
Show red all over, with ulcers, so to say,
Inbranded, like the "sacred fires" o'erspread
Along the members. The inward parts of men,
In truth, would blaze unto the very bones;
A flame, like flame in furnaces, would blaze
Within the stomach. Nor couldst aught apply
Unto their members light enough and thin
For shift of aid- but coolness and a breeze
Ever and ever. Some would plunge those limbs
On fire with bane into the icy streams,
Hurling the body naked into the waves;
Many would headlong fling them deeply down
The water-pits, tumbling with eager mouth
Already agape. The insatiable thirst
That whelmed their parched bodies, lo, would make
A goodly shower seem like to scanty drops.
Respite of torment was there none. Their frames
Forspent lay prone. With silent lips of fear
Would Medicine mumble low, the while she saw
So many a time men roll their eyeballs round,
Staring wide-open, unvisited of sleep,
The heralds of old death. And in those months
Was given many another sign of death:
The intellect of mind by sorrow and dread
Deranged, the sad brow, the countenance
Fierce and delirious, the tormented ears
Beset with ringings, the breath quick and short
Or huge and intermittent, soaking sweat
A-glisten on neck, the spittle in fine gouts
Tainted with colour of crocus and so salt,
The cough scarce wheezing through the rattling throat.
Aye, and the sinews in the fingered hands
Were sure to contract, and sure the jointed frame
To shiver, and up from feet the cold to mount
Inch after inch: and toward the supreme hour
At last the pinched nostrils, nose's tip
A very point, eyes sunken, temples hollow,
Skin cold and hard, the shuddering grimace,
The pulled and puffy flesh above the brows!-
O not long after would their frames lie prone
In rigid death. And by about the eighth
Resplendent light of sun, or at the most
On the ninth flaming of his flambeau, they
Would render up the life. If any then
Had 'scaped the doom of that destruction, yet
Him there awaited in the after days
A wasting and a death from ulcers vile
And black discharges of the belly, or else
Through the clogged nostrils would there ooze along
Much fouled blood, oft with an aching head:
Hither would stream a man's whole strength and flesh.
And whoso had survived that virulent flow
Of the vile blood, yet into thews of him
And into his joints and very genitals
Would pass the old disease. And some there were,
Dreading the doorways of destruction
So much, lived on, deprived by the knife
Of the male member; not a few, though lopped
Of hands and feet, would yet persist in life,
And some there were who lost their eyeballs: O
So fierce a fear of death had fallen on them!
And some, besides, were by oblivion
Of all things seized, that even themselves they knew
No longer. And though corpse on corpse lay piled
Unburied on ground, the race of birds and beasts
Would or spring back, scurrying to escape
The virulent stench, or, if they'd tasted there,
Would languish in approaching death. But yet
Hardly at all during those many suns
Appeared a fowl, nor from the woods went forth
The sullen generations of wild beasts-
They languished with disease and died and died.
In chief, the faithful dogs, in all the streets
Outstretched, would yield their breath distressfully
For so that Influence of bane would twist
Life from their members. Nor was found one sure
And universal principle of cure:
For what to one had given the power to take
The vital winds of air into his mouth,
And to gaze upward at the vaults of sky,
The same to others was their death and doom.
In those affairs, O awfullest of all,
O pitiable most was this, was this:
Whoso once saw himself in that disease
Entangled, ay, as damned unto death,
Would lie in wanhope, with a sullen heart,
Would, in fore-vision of his funeral,
Give up the ghost, O then and there. For, lo,
At no time did they cease one from another
To catch contagion of the greedy plague,-
As though but woolly flocks and horned herds;
And this in chief would heap the dead on dead:
For who forbore to look to their own sick,
O these (too eager of life, of death afeard)
Would then, soon after, slaughtering Neglect
Visit with vengeance of evil death and base-
Themselves deserted and forlorn of help.
But who had stayed at hand would perish there
By that contagion and the toil which then
A sense of honour and the pleading voice
Of weary watchers, mixed with voice of wail
Of dying folk, forced them to undergo.
This kind of death each nobler soul would meet.
The funerals, uncompanioned, forsaken,
Like rivals contended to be hurried through.
And men contending to ensepulchre
Pile upon pile the throng of their own dead:
And weary with woe and weeping wandered home;
And then the most would take to bed from grief.
Nor could be found not one, whom nor disease
Nor death, nor woe had not in those dread times
MarxUltor posted:The US CDC waited until the day of Le Grande Epic Child Massacre to confess the facts that have been widely known for over a year among doctors and researchers and probably most people who just studied biology.
At least 20% of the victims of the US forcible mass COVID infection policy will suffer long term (likely permanent) damage, regardless of the severity of the initial disease, and the pyrrhic vaccine provides little or no protection from infection or the long term risks.
A review of subsequent media suggests that allowing the police to provide material and moral support for an ongoing mass child murder is an effective means to "cover up coronavirus symptoms."
very apropos, IMO, because there's a nice symmetry between those who insist that every wizard attack is a false flag pretense to seize guns even though gun laws have only gotten less restrictive over the last 20 years, and those who claim that Covid would be used as an excuse to implement a bio surveillance state, when the official US government Covid policy is now "man, why you bringing up old shit"
Or.......... you could just pay attention. Because the White House is telling every state and local government that they shouldn't spend the vaccine money on the vaccine or the COVID money on COVID anymore, they should instead spend the money allocated for that purpose on increased cop salaries and buying cops military-grade weaponry. If there is some sort of neo-bio-surveillance-police-state implemented through COVID spending, the authorities sure don't care about it, because they're diverting all that money to the KKKlassiKKK police state that previously existed.
At the same time they are trying to convince everyone that COVID is over, so they're no longer publicly tracking cases accurately, and they're no longer even trying to provide the public with vaccines for COVID variants, let alone pushing them on anyone. The police state gets its largesse, not by convincing everyone COVID is a bigger problem than it really is, but by convincing everyone that COVID doesn't exist and no one should take measures against it.
Controlling communicable disease is now denounced by Western power centers as ChiCom "totalitarianism" that will surely sink China's economy, while the millions of Western workers dead from uncontrolled COVID variants are a forbidden topic in Western public discourse. Lots of stories on CNBC and so on, with "experts" talking about a stark bifurcation of trends in the labor market, how demand for labor in the U.S. service industry is still outstripping supply (i.e., "mandatory" workers during COVID with little or no health care coverage, including a lot of high-risk elderly semi-retirees) even as the economy cools down. And those stories all conclude with this gigantic shrug about why, which I guess is all they can do when positive test results, hospitalizations and deaths from COVID in United $naKKKe$ have been turned invisible by the bourgeoisie. We have pretty much no way of knowing how many service workers in the U.S. died of COVID over the last three months.
To me this is a lot like how left-liberal academics in the West spilled all this ink on how, Well of course active racism is completely over in our societies, so we have to focus completely on insidious unconscious systemic racism in this facile aping of Marxist analysis, since no one is consciously racist anymore. And then all this Charlottesville-style stuff started happening, and all these digital videos of KKKops started circulating, and Oops, actually white supremacy is an active force with its hands on the levers of power bwuh huhhh??? And now all that energy has shifted to trying to firewall Washington's "bipartisan" promotion of white supremacy abroad from the white-power rallies and spree killings back home, to hide from sight how Azov and the loner-loser shooters are displaying the same Nazi insignia, how Washington's money is going toward training and arming groups such as Azov, and how Azov's money over the last decade has gone toward training and arming neo-Nazis in other countries, including United $naKKKe$.
cars posted:Lots of stories on CNBC and so on, with "experts" talking about a stark bifurcation of trends in the labor market, how demand for labor in the U.S. service industry is still outstripping supply (i.e., "mandatory" workers during COVID with little or no health care coverage, including a lot of high-risk elderly semi-retirees) even as the economy cools down. And those stories all conclude with this gigantic shrug about why,
......also bleakly funny concerning the center-right and far-right in the U.S., as they all now agree that the reason there are more service jobs than service workers is because some subset of the population received a few hundred bucks in the mail a year and a half ago, in a final attempt to appease people over the results of Trump-Biden pro-COVID policies, and so all the McDonald's employees quit & retired to St. Barts on their COVID money.
cars posted:Controlling communicable disease is now denounced by Western power centers as ChiCom "totalitarianism" that will surely sink China's economy, while the millions of Western workers dead from uncontrolled COVID variants are a forbidden topic in Western public discourse. Lots of stories on CNBC and so on, with "experts" talking about a stark bifurcation of trends in the labor market, how demand for labor in the U.S. service industry is still outstripping supply (i.e., "mandatory" workers during COVID with little or no health care coverage, including a lot of high-risk elderly semi-retirees) even as the economy cools down. And those stories all conclude with this gigantic shrug about why, which I guess is all they can do when positive test results, hospitalizations and deaths from COVID in United $naKKKe$ have been turned invisible by the bourgeoisie. We have pretty much no way of knowing how many service workers in the U.S. died of COVID over the last three months.
This is a great post and a really well-made point; but, have you considered that people just don't want to work anymore?
cars posted:"experts" talking about a stark bifurcation of trends in the labor market, how demand for labor in the U.S. service industry is still outstripping supply (i.e., "mandatory" workers during COVID with little or no health care coverage, including a lot of high-risk elderly semi-retirees) even as the economy cools down. And those stories all conclude with this gigantic shrug about why,
tears posted:ditto for a while in the uk the line was "huh, we guess that people just dont want to return to work these ass jobs", now the response more like a 2010 zak effron meme when people shrug and ask where all the workers went
wheatdevil posted:This is a great post and a really well-made point; but, have you considered that people just don't want to work anymore?
........................................................literally the next day:
karphead posted:mortality rates five times higher for low vs. high-SEP (socieo-economic position)
^ note that this is the study cited in the headline i posted if you want to read it... justice for timeline.jpeg.

I was thinking today about that dim-bulb thing reactionaries do where they do where they name some recent event or development and blame it for stuff that existed long before it, because their long-term memories don't work, or they're literal children, or they're grifting other reactionaries or whatever. Like they decide out of nowhere that 90s kids' cartoons were allowed to show tons of blood and gore and sex until (pulls slip of paper from hat) they started selling wraps at McDonald's and that forced a politically correct crackdown because of salad dressing chemicals, that sort of thing.
Anyway COVID and lockdowns and so on are the perfect scenario for that, blaming COVID for them not having wives or being unable to remember what happened yesterday and so on. And they keep trying to do it, to construct narratives around that. But they keep running into a problem: none of them can agree whether any of it actually happened lol
so it's interesting how, along that same timeframe and in inverse proportion, every new case is in reality an even bigger tragedy & travesty than the last, because each one is also more gratuitous than the last as we venture farther and farther from the point where bourgeois "society" traded the elimination-strategy conversation for one of acceptable losses, timeline: forever
i've been thinking about that concept a lot more in recent years, and its quiet centrality in the domain of morality -- how humans are never worse than when we're gratuitously evil, and never better than when we're gratuitously good
anyway, household's currently battling the virus. stay safe out there.
Constantignoble posted:household's currently battling the virus. stay safe out there.
all the best to you and yours
It's so stupid! They gave us all 3 vaccines and it helped for a little, but even in the early days before a vaccine was available at all, they had been talking about how the protection won't last forever. Well it's been like a year since the third doses were rolled out and still no further measures have been taken and previous measures have been rolled back. Testing is not even guaranteed to be free anymore. More than a million people have now died from covid in this country; I can't stop thinking about this fact. I would think that even to a cruel and uncaring bourgeoisie, one million deaths would be something to prevent. Reserve army of labor, maintaining stability in the markets, preventing logistics breakdowns etc.. But apparently they're so self-absorbed and demented that preventing mass death is only useful to the extent that it can be weaponized in the sibling rivalry between the gangs in Washington DC.
karphead posted:open database of covid-19 infection in animals
that's neat, though they should really clarify that the only known natural reservoir of sars2 is the north american white tailed deer. all the others are pets or farm animals and the virus cannot sustain itself among those species in the wild like it can in humans and white tailed deer