cars posted: <<-- lmao get it while it's unedited
new article titled this: posted:Azov Battalion: ‘We are patriots – we’re fighting the real Nazis of the 21st century’
Catherine Philp finds an elite battalion challenging its far-right reputation
and in the header photo is a dude wearing a shirt from nsbm band М8Л8ТХ lol
lo posted:i like the idea that if some nazis split themselves into civil and military wings that means that they're irrevocably split forever and can't talk to each other or coordinate their activities any more. one western trick to denazify your military!
and the kicker here is that the Nazis in Ukraine did this fake “split” exactly so that the Nazis holding the guns could pull down funds and weapons and ammo from Kiev / Washington as a fash hive within the army, without ever having to win an election in Kiev-controlled Ukraine through their “political party”. Good Arbeit if you can get it.

Khodorkovsky has undergone blood purification and earned the CNN honorific of “ex-Russian”.
For extra Lmaos the host is Fareed Zakaria, who immediately owns Mikey by describing him as some guy “who was once Russia’s richest man”
tears posted:penciling in rearmament of germany under 2022 on the timeline
So naturally the solution is German boots in every Eastern European country and Lebensraum from Berlin to the Russian border. I guess Washington and London figure they might as well give it another go and see if it works out better for them this time. First as tragedy etc.
of course you have the liberals who immediately fall in line with NATO and insist that the ukrainian command is not fascist, or it is a little bit fascist but it doesn't matter because russian despotism is worse. pretty boring, but sheds some light on what russiagate was for. next most obvious are the fringe fascist international, your 3%ers, atomwaffen, combat 18, vlassovites, etc., that flocked to azov over the last seven years thanks to the relentless media advertisements. of course there is the new phenomenon of self-described 'communists' who imagine the russian federation as the successor to the soviet union (helped along by the russian MoD publishing footage of russian units flying soviet flags, and not only the victory banner). there are less backward communists who understand the RF is not the USSR and so cheer on the L/DNR as though they were calling the shots, as though their leaders have not been killed and replaced by frauds, as though their entire male population has not been sent unsupported into the meat grinder. there are white russians awaiting the new tsar. there are americans awaiting the new tsar because they think its cool and like a video game plot. putin mentioned 'cancel culture' in one of his war speeches so midwit 'traditionalists' think he's on their side (helped along by the liberals). there are realists who shake their heads and say russia was forced to defend itself. there are other realists who say the same thing but also that the ukrainian fascism is understandable, as jewish bolshevism (khazars?) tried to exterminate them in 1932-33. there are the duginists who celebrate the rupture between america and eurasia. there are dengists who usher in the new multipolar world. and then there are tucker carlson fans who support russia because liberals put ukrainian flags on their lawns.
anyway i say this war is a joint production of the US and russia, to deindustralize, depopulate, decommunize, and sever the union of former soviet states, forever.
it was interesting to see how the amount of outright fakes that were floating around in the first week was more than i had seen in months of syrian conflict, and within no time the narratives emerged cemented out of the initial fog.
kinch posted:hard to talk about this one with anybody
i think another aspect of this is the centrality of media in disciplining public discourse and entrenching positions that intensified during covid, even if (or perhaps specifically because) they were polarized. there appears to have been a near seamless transition from the saturation of messaging through every channel 'we must do something, people are dying' that rapidly was able to coalesce public health anxiety into wartime psychology.
i'm not sure what it's like in the usa beyond what i see online, but from my observations of the places i am familiar with in europe the effect of this at the affective level appears to have caused a sudden spike in anxiety for many people, of being suddenly adrift in the unknown, who quickly supplanted entrained behaviors around health crisis updates with war news and aquiescence to further and deeper economic and political shifts.
to clarify, around here government and media policy has shifted nearly unacknowledged from one crisis to the next, despite the statistics underpinning the justifications of various mandates or economic policies being as bad or worse than this time last year. in many places the mechanisms for generating these stats (or indeed providing healthcare) have been quietly shutting down.
instead we find productive forces being mobilized from healthcare to military aid, with only marginal dissent even from 'the left'.
perhaps i posted about one of my anxieties at the beginning of all this in 2020, which was around how the sudden relocation of many people to their 'home country' meant that populations rapidly became much less mixed, likely smoothing over some of the equations around risk to expatriated nationals distributed across states potentially at war with eachother.
in a way perhaps that wasn't so far off the mark; little more than a year of incompatible vaccines resulted in much economic and logisitical disentangling that flowed automatically without the need for state oversight or coordination.
i'm not stating that all the above was necessarily planned as such, but the last years of psychic brutalization in tandem with working out frictions of recurrent supply chain issues, remote work, deeper surveillance, population movement, etc has certainly facilitated the speed at which this conflict was able to establish itself for what i anticipate will be a long time.
kinch posted:anyway i say this war is a joint production of the US and russia, to deindustralize, depopulate, decommunize, and sever the union of former soviet states, forever.
this is certaintly an aspect of it, although i sense other very significant developments happening within europe, north africa, pakistan, china, etc are also interrelated.
Freaks me out to see people talking about this in real life with glee in their voices. Did you see what fucking fail thing the Russians did today? You won't believe the epic response this Ukrainian guy said to this warship! Here let me pull my phone out and show you!
It really is unenjoyable to the point of making me physically wince through putting up with people continents away consume propaganda like it's just pure content. It is actually going to make me lash out like a complete fucking lunatic at work or something embarrassing and I'm helpless to stop it.
Literally the best-case scenario is that 100% of the guns fall into the hands of a basically unknown amount of soldiers, the large and vocal majority of whom believe that Jewish people are meant to be exterminated and an Aryan nation established in eastern Europe, and the other half are frightened, apolitical teenagers, and then to what end?
The blowback is going to be so hard. When some disaffected Azovite blows a 747 out of the sky as it’s ascending to altitude out of an international airport in Western Europe using an American javelin what are European liberals even going to say. That it was unforeseeable when they turned an entire region with a porous border practically next to Germany into another Syria just to appease American capital? With that and the impending financial blowback, heads are going to roll, literally. This will be the qualitative shift in the reformation of a independent, and militant German imperialism.
since the Big Four firms all officially exited Russia weeks ago to maintain their much bigger contracts with the U.S. state and its affiliates, this is 75% meaningless gesture, 25% mega-corporate favoritism to prevent smaller firms from drinking the Big Four's Moscow milkshake. If PricewaterhouseCoopers won't do business in Russia, no one else is allowed to either.

kornfan posted:Happy Victory Day btw lol.
Edited by Constantignoble ()
CNN has instead retroactively declared that Russians searching for Azov stay-behind commandos (which the Green Berets & CIA have both bragged about training) was a 100% successful effort to hide evidence, even though that already happened. One assumes the Russians also planted a bunch of Nazi flags and symbols all over Mariupol, such as on all the Azov banners and insignia, using the same method of time travel.
cars posted:wonder what the NATO pivot would be if things looked even worse for Kiev and Zelensky suddenly got couped without their go-ahead. Most in the Western press don't seem able to acknowledge even to themselves how many gun barrels are pointed at Zelensky at home, with itchy Nazi fingers on the triggers, though presumably NATO intelligence knows it pretty well. "Corruption" would probably be the excuse given to the world for anyone eliminating anyone else on the right within Kiev's territory right now, leaving the locals to draw the conclusion that e.g. Zelensky was a Jew spy for Russia. Azov's platform famously promotes the death penalty for "corruption" and that's always been a gun against the head of the government, one reason why NATO has run so many guns to Azov, in case NATO wants to start a coup against their own coup for getting too uppity.
i can't find it just now but i read an interview given by an azov guy from a few years back when zelensky looked like he might not be playing ball with them completely and the guy said that zelensky would be hanging in a public square if he didn't and then after that zelensky was mysteriously more friendly to them. very odd!
*entire Western press corps does the arrested development charlie brown music sad walk*

Half of them are stuck in "actually we love Russia" mode from their internalized credulous fear that the 2016 election's anti-Trump conspiracy theories would turn up hard evidence, which helps to discredit any critique of NATO's ambitions. The other half manages to remember that Azov has been training neo-Nazis from all over for the last decade, so they recognize Kiev as the spiritual capital of swastika-Wiccan moon magic and are 1:1 in line with CIA policy there. Even for the feds' favorite street irregulars they're getting duped pretty hard.
something that has been done since time immemorial by every army on the planet. media/nato discourse has now settled on the M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (manufacturer: lockheed martin) as the new wunderwaffe that will definitely turn the tide of the war for the Ukkkrainian forces and provide lots of baddass drone footage of russians dying for western think tankers to jerk off to.
in conclusion: war which they mean, Kiev just LOST control of Severodonetsk.
literal glass-half-full reporting to try and transform defeats into victories
Sunday posted:i did see some footage on the bbc news last night which the bbc said the russians would be keen to spin as showing the surrender of the Ukrainians at Mariupol,. the footage in question showed ukrainians laying down their arms and errrrrr surrendering so it seems that not only can the Russians use their dark powers to manipulate the media, they can also manipulate physical reality. chilling stuff
the terrifying implication that russia is a real place