cars posted:karphead posted:
what exactly are u dumbasses talking about
don’t know what the dumbasses are talking about, but i’m talking about the sudden wimpy-whine handwringing about calling fascism that nasty impolite swear word, “fascism”
then why didnt you ifap them sooner instead of dragging this shit out on and on
colddays posted:The growth of technosurveillance and extension of state authority due to covid must be discussed with these facts already understood. If you're waving away covid as a flu then you have no right to speak on complex topics like that because you can't even grasp the basics.
Fuck me, that's the best news I've heard in forever. That means every wall of text posted on every political blog doesn't need to exist. They can all be hand-waved away with "don't care, exists in a vacuum, nothing to see here." Facts and logic, little Ben Shapiro, you've finally done it!
More seriously, what's proven is that the nominal death rate is 0.008%, and all US covid deaths in 2020 account for 0.001% if you believe the self-reported data of hospitals who have a fiduciary interest in inflating covid statistics. Every ridiculous covid anecdote can be countered with multiple examples to the contrary, where liberal governments' covid policies put more people into housing precarity, more people into food precarity, and more people into child care precarity all of which will leave them with impact far outlasting the effects of covid even if they caught it. But you wanna split hairs with the liberals. One could also point out how liberal governments' policies in re: covid have been pushing against the boundary of how much profiteering on behalf of rent seekers, finance corporations, and pharmaceutical corporations could be excused from the get go, at the expense of those who did not get their windfall federal "loans" forgiven. But you wanna split hairs with the liberals. One could similarly point out how covid response of liberal governments were ultimately very infantile and indicative of their complete and total incompetence, since the susceptibility of covid spread varied greatly by region in the US, in that some places are more reliant on public transit and are generally more population dense than others. But you wanna split hairs with the liberals. One could also point out the insanity of the fact that treatment of pneumonia symptoms is indeed a thing since the industrial fucking age, and that rather than see the whole thing through the lens of one grifting pint sized italian closet case (who more than likely leaked the virus himself via contracting in Wuhan chicken-coop-esque "research" labs) we should have been focusing on treatment routines rather than PR and trying to create another political class division from the beginning. But you wanna split hairs with the liberals.
The list could go on ad infinitum, but you wanna split hairs with the liberals.
You want facts and logic? The city I lived in (in the US) prior to the one I currently live in has 5 hospitals within 30 blocks of each other, each of which has a yearly budget of around a billion dollars. They are more overrun with would-be social-media-famous grifting doctors and nurses crying on twitter all day for patreon clicks than they are with covid cases by their own numbers. The city in question's own numbers say that the entirety of the city's covid cases amount to each of those hospitals having to take on additional patient load at any given time of eight. Eight fucking people. All of those above mentioned grifting doctors and nurses make more than 8 tweets and facebook posts in any given day. Some of them had days last year with TV and radio appearances exceeding 8 per day. Their real crisis was that the transference of nurses into contract labor left them unwilling to pay the wages demanded by said contract nurses, and thus they lost out in the labor market and had no one to work the beds they owned leaving a surplus of vacant rooms. But you won't see the patreon docs on twitter bring that up, and you still want to split hairs with the liberals.
Edited by Over9000ft ()
sissyfuss posted:damn son what the fuck are you talking about your numbers are all jacked up. 300k+ died of covid in 2020 in america, that's 10x your numbers even if you assume literally everyone caught it.
385k to be exact. Apologies for the typo in the wee hours of the morning, here's the same math:
385,000 / 329,000,000 (total US population) = 0.0011
In 2019, a total of 2,854,838 resident deaths were registered in the United States, yielding a crude death rate of 869.7 per 100,000 population.
869.7 / 100,000 = 0.008697
Now, consider the fact that because COVID protocol has been to terrorize the public for politics and PR and to enrich pharma companies, how many of that 0.1% were preventable if they had been treated before hospitalization?
In a recently published study, it was reported that in patients hospitalized due to severe Covid-19 and receiving either invasive mechanical ventilation or oxygen, anti-inflammatory treatment with dexamethasone resulted in lower 28-day mortality (19). Whereas corticosteroids in high doses may be more harmful than helpful, beneficial effects of corticosteroid treatment in Covid-19 are suggested to depend on the right dose, at the right time, and in the right patient (19). In connection with this, it is also interesting to note that corticosteroids are known to be effective in reducing HA levels in bronchoalveolar lavage and circulation (20, 21).
The verification of abundant HA in the lungs and, specifically, in alveolar spaces of individuals deceased with the most severe form of Covid-19 thus indicates a possible pathogenetic mechanism behind the hypoxemia and respiratory failure seen in these critically ill patients. A recent synopsis proposed some new possible approaches to the treatment of critically ill Covid-19 patients, among them reducing the presence, or inhibiting the production, of HA in the lungs (1). However, the article presented no proof at all that HA was present in Covid-19 lungs. Nevertheless, it was suggested that airway inhalation of hyaluronidase would degrade and reduce HA. It is possible that early in the disease, when hypoxemia is developing, inhalation of hyaluronidase could possibly clear the hygroscopic macromolecule from the lungs and facilitate respiration and oxygenation. Experimentally, it has been shown that intranasal administration of exogenous hyaluronidase can reduce lung HA content and restore lung function following influenza infection (18). Hyaluronan shows a molecular weight–dependent role in regulating inflammation, and HA fragments generated in the course of inflammation might influence the release of inflammatory cytokines (22). In inflammatory diseases, high-molecular weight HA can also be found in cross-linked complexes (e.g. with inter-α-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain and versican) (22, 23). Regardless of size, a degradation of HA by hyaluronidase to smaller oligosaccharide polymers could therefore possibly reduce the ongoing inflammatory reaction in Covid-19.
Another suggested option is the clinical use of 4-methylumbelliferone (4-MU) (1), which can inhibit the production of HA in inflammation, autoimmunity, and cancer (4). 4-MU both inhibits the gene expression of two HA synthases (HAS2 and HAS3) and blocks the last stage in the formation of HA from glucose metabolites (24). This substance or its chemical derivatives is already used in Chinese medicine, which may explain the observed positive effects of combined herbal therapies in some Covid-19 patients (1). In clinical trials, however, not including Covid-19 patients, 4-MU has been demonstrated safe during short-term administration in approved doses (4).
In conclusion, we have for the first time demonstrated a striking presence of hyaluronan in alveolar spaces of the lungs in lethal cases of Covid-19.
More harmful than helpful, in a patient that is going to suffocate and die, lmao.
Corticosteroids significantly reduced mortality in adults with severe pneumonia (RR 0.58, 95% CI 0.40 to 0.84; moderate‐quality evidence), but not in adults with non‐severe pneumonia (RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.45 to 2.00). Early clinical failure rates (defined as death from any cause, radiographic progression, or clinical instability at day 5 to 8) were significantly reduced with corticosteroids in people with severe and non‐severe pneumonia (RR 0.32, 95% CI 0.15 to 0.7; and RR 0.68, 95% CI 0.56 to 0.83, respectively; high‐quality evidence). Corstocosteroids reduced time to clinical cure, length of hospital and intensive care unit stays, development of respiratory failure or shock not present at pneumonia onset, and rates of pneumonia complications.
Dexamethasone – the inexpensive steroid that quickly emerged as a highly effective Covid therapy thanks to a large drug testing programme pioneered by UK scientists – has so far saved the lives of an estimated million people globally, including 22,000 in the UK, according to NHS England.
Key word inexpensive. And doesn't help Joe Biden win any elections, nor does it get rid of Jeremy Corbyn. Shame, really.
The Recovery trial, one of the biggest efforts to evaluate whether existing drugs can treat COVID-19, included 2104 patients given a relatively low dose of 6 milligrams of dexamethasone for 10 days. When their outcomes were compared with those of 4321 patients receiving standard care, the steroid reduced deaths by one-third in patients already on ventilators and by one-fifth in patients receiving supplemental oxygen in other ways, Recovery researchers announced in a press release. They did not find any benefit in patients not receiving respiratory support.
But hey, don't mind the fact that there are treatments on the shelf already to treat pneumonia in people with cardio and respiratory issues, and finding more of them was always a better plan than a vaccine months after we'd sat around and watched people die.
I suppose since you're all liberals now, you got better things to read and do, like "pushing Biden left" or "trusting Fauci" or whatever it is they do all day before Maddow comes on.
Edited by Over9000ft ()
It surely wasn't steroid asthma inhalers, I know that much, because that might stop people from dying of covid and get a liberal like you guys kicked off of the Emily's List fundraising newsletter or uninvited from the Met Gala or something.
Release Date: November 22, 2021
BUFFALO, N.Y. — A national study led by emergency medicine physicians at the University at Buffalo has found that patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 who are treated with an inhaled steroid are significantly less likely to require emergency department care or hospitalization due to COVID-19 than those treated with placebo.
Edited by Over9000ft ()
Over9000ft posted:385,000 / 329,000,000 (total US population)
so it turns out, the key measurement error we've been making all along in judging case mortality rates is only including people who've had the virus
in fact, now i can see the innumerable ways we're really limiting our frame of reference. 5.2m deaths worldwide compared to 7.75b total world pop = 0.000671, but even this is maybe giving the regime too much credit. Consider:
Dudley Poston Jr., a prominent demographer at Texas A&M University, extended our original analysis to 190,000 B.C.E. and produced an estimate of around 8 billion births between 190,000 B.C.E. and 50,000 B.C.E. Taking Poston’s number into account, we came to our revised estimate of 117 billion people born since 190,000 B.C.E.
5.2m / 117b = 0.00004444444. COVID has only killed a measly 4.4 homo sapiens out of every 100,000 who've ever lived, ever. comparatively, leukemia claimed 4.5 per 100,000 deaths worldwide in 2017, and do we care about leukemia? not with numbers like that! and anyway, if you compare it to the number of living rather than share of dead, it's like, way way less anyway.
Edited by Constantignoble ()
Constantignoble posted:5.2m / 117b = 0.00004444444. COVID has only killed a measly 4.4 homo sapiens out of every 100,000 who've ever lived, ever. comparatively, leukemia claimed 4.5 per 100,000 deaths worldwide in 2017, and do we care about leukemia? not with numbers like that!
are you being intentionally sophistical? it's like you're comparing distance traveled by a plane with velocity of a wagon. maybe you're a time traveler hoping to save generations past? covid claimed at least 4,000 per 100,000 deaths worldwide since its appearance. am i going insane or has no one here studied calculus? and isn't cancer one of the most significant categories of value capture in medicine?
edit: apologies for ruining your parody. i'll go back to watching this thread in silent awe
Edited by nearlyoctober ()
tentativelurkeraccount posted:Anyway max’s covid denialism i find mostly to be an amusing turn but i really do think his cohort’s geopolitical blogging is almost worse. even mark ames & john dolan had to politely distance themselves from max & co’s silly ethiopia stance on a recent episode of war nerd, not by name but you got the picture
it looks like Ben is starting to push back against it, i wonder if it will lead to a fracture in the GZ crew.
what did they say about Ethiopia? i've only been following the coverage on Breakthrough News. the Grayzone had a semi-recent article but it speaks little about the present situation.
i have to admit i've been getting pretty irritated by all the libs and some "socialists" coming out of the woodwork now to say the Grayzone has always been a garbage conspiracy site and anything about CIA involvement or imperialism is reaching/exaggerated. i'm not going to pretend they've never missed the mark on certain topics or that Max's recent position on Covid isn't concerning but that's a far cry from denouncing the majority of their work. also, i'm not saying you fully share that view but i think moving in this direction ends up benefiting the western narrative instead of combating it.
it's just funny to hear people go, "China? Cuba? Vietnam? bah! the true socialist path has been illuminated by the Tucker Carlson guest who got personal birthday calls from Bill Clinton when he was a child."
Synergy posted:tentativelurkeraccount posted:
Anyway max’s covid denialism i find mostly to be an amusing turn but i really do think his cohort’s geopolitical blogging is almost worse. even mark ames & john dolan had to politely distance themselves from max & co’s silly ethiopia stance on a recent episode of war nerd, not by name but you got the picture
it looks like Ben is starting to push back against it, i wonder if it will lead to a fracture in the GZ crew.
what did they say about Ethiopia? i've only been following the coverage on Breakthrough News. the Grayzone had a semi-recent article but it speaks little about the present situation.
i have to admit i've been getting pretty irritated by all the libs and some "socialists" coming out of the woodwork now to say the Grayzone has always been a garbage conspiracy site and anything about CIA involvement or imperialism is reaching/exaggerated. i'm not going to pretend they've never missed the mark on certain topics or that Max's recent position on Covid isn't concerning but that's a far cry from denouncing the majority of their work. also, i'm not saying you fully share that view but i think moving in this direction ends up benefiting the western narrative instead of combating it.
That TJ Coles article on GZ is good and interestingly enough his limited thesis there leads him to the conclusion that the US is mostly playing a wait-and-see game and trying to play both sides. But that happens to conflict directly with what Ben & Max say elsewhere, that the US goal is regime change, TPLF are US proxies, etc — just transposing the same old rote regime change/color revolution template onto a situation where it does not really apply, because they’re starting from the abstract schema, not an investigation of material reality. Anti-imperialism without marxism will be “correct” incidentally about 75% of the time and make you look real dumb the other 25%.
Their reporting can still be good obviously, I recommend Dan & Max’s Killing Gaza film to people all the time, but depending on the subject you have to sift through too much that isn’t actually reporting and is more akin to posting. And i think we have plenty better posters here for that kinda thing.
Constantignoble posted:Over9000ft posted:
385,000 / 329,000,000 (total US population)
so it turns out, the key measurement error we've been making all along in judging case mortality rates is only including people who've had the virus
Not really! Because we don't measure deaths against people who are daredevils, or people who are motorcycle owners, or people who are professional crash helmet testers, we measure deaths against who died out of a total population.
My odds of contracting and dying of covid first require me contracting it, and yet... I have lived my normal life (i.e. refusing to wear a mask, because Texas and fuck Fauci that's why... thanks local yokel right wingers you're not quite as insufferable as these libs) going to restaurants, going to stores, going to the park and sitting at public outdoor tables with strangers, etc since the whole ridiculous panic started and, you guessed it, not caught covid! Because ultimately it's a flu like any other flu. Kids in schools will probably catch it (my one kid is grown and moved out), and everyone else outside of the ~5 cities in the US where it's possible to live without a car need not worry about it unless they have kids bringing that shit home from school.
The only thing an adult can do to get the level of contact with other people required to likely catch covid is take a commercial flight, which is still suffering from all of the right wing virtue signaling that GW Bush put in place in the form of the human bullpens that are the TSA, and now suffers all of the virtue signaling you libs are doing over a flu. The covid transmission likelihood of airports could be easily reduced by a massive amount by simply throwing all of the TSA shit in the garbage.
Meanwhile, the FAA caused three near misses in the city I lived in just this week by closing air traffic control towers unannounced in the middle of the day to hire some congressman's brother in law contractor to come in and alcohol-wipe the chairs and desks in control towers. Leaving Bezos's fucking cargo jets and hapless students in little Cessna 172s to figure out who goes first and otherwise fend for themselves, with all of Biden's donors buzzing around between them in private jets like mosquitoes. The panic that caused this outrageous disregard for public safety was... a guy in one tower the day before claiming he got a positive result from a take home test.
Catch 22 was non-fiction, it seems.
Edited by Over9000ft ()
Over9000ft posted:Constantignoble posted:Over9000ft posted:
385,000 / 329,000,000 (total US population)
so it turns out, the key measurement error we've been making all along in judging case mortality rates is only including people who've had the virus
Not really! Because we don't measure deaths against people who are daredevils, or people who are motorcycle owners, or people who are professional crash helmet testers, we measure deaths against who died out of a total population.
My odds of contracting and dying of covid first require me contracting it, and yet... I have lived my normal life (i.e. refusing to wear a mask, because Texas and fuck Fauci that's why... thanks local yokel right wingers you're not quite as insufferable as these libs) going to restaurants, going to stores, going to the park and sitting at public outdoor tables with strangers, etc since the whole ridiculous panic started and, you guessed it, not caught covid! Because ultimately it's a flu like any other flu. Kids in schools will probably catch it (my one kid is grown and moved out), and everyone else outside of the ~5 cities in the US where it's possible to live without a car need not worry about it unless they have kids bringing that shit home from school.
The only thing an adult can do to get the level of contact with other people required to likely catch covid is take a commercial flight, which is still suffering from all of the right wing virtue signaling that GW Bush put in place in the form of the human bullpens that are the TSA, and now suffers all of the virtue signaling you libs are doing over a flu. The covid transmission likelihood of airports could be easily reduced by a massive amount by simply throwing all of the TSA shit in the garbage.
Meanwhile, the FAA caused three near misses in the city I lived in just this week by closing air traffic control towers unannounced in the middle of the day to hire some congressman's brother in law contractor to come in and alcohol-wipe the chairs and desks in control towers. Leaving Bezos's fucking cargo jets and hapless students in little Cessna 172s to figure out who goes first and otherwise fend for themselves, with all of Biden's donors buzzing around between them in private jets like mosquitoes. The panic that caused this outrageous disregard for public safety was... a guy in one tower the day before claiming he got a positive result from a take home test.
Catch 22 was non-fiction, it seems.
finally a communist who sees through the bullshit fearmongering
New Year’s Day, 2022:
Here’s this pandemic, created by flesh eaters, who facilitated the virus transfer from non-humans into humans, creating a disease where none existed before.
Then said flesh-eaters are aghast at the illness and deaths they suffer, primarily among the obese, diabetic and heart-diseased populations that are the inevitable result of their flesh consumption.
But wait, as vegans we’re supposed to join them in their distress, though we didn’t make their mess nor are we likely to suffer from it, what with our intact immune systems rooted in a healthy diet and lifestyle. No, we don’t think so. We shall not concern ourselves with their folly, their self-created disease, their suffering and their death resulting from their own choice to inflict suffering and death on innocent animals.
So don’t ask us why we’re not wearing their silly masks, or “socially-distancing” ourselves or washing our hands 20 times a day. We’re happy to see their over-populated, oppressive and cruel numbers dwindle.
On a similar note, this essay from last January by Press Office supporter Camille Marino seems worth re-publishing…
Pandemic Culture
by camille marino
For purposes of this essay, I ask that the dozen or so people still concerned about Animal Liberation humor me and assume two facts:
· Covid-19 has killed 100s of 1000s of people and;
· Wearing a mask is an effective method of protecting oneself & others.
I have no doubt that this zoonotic disease is real and has devastated a lot of people. (Although not a single human has been affected anywhere close to the devastation we regularly & carelessly visit upon our nonhuman brethren.) I personally know a few people who’ve been diagnosed and expired shortly thereafter, many more who showed no symptoms or fully recovered. And debating whether those who jumped from a plane without a parachute are included in the fatality stats or whether it’s some asinine new world order conspiracy are distractions. Whether one is right-leaning or left-leaning tends to influence whether they view the current coronavirus as a threat to liberty or a threat to life itself, respectively. Let me clear this up: the only threat is the one we pose to the animal nations. The simple fact is that, no matter where one falls on the political spectrum, they’re likely an integral & active part of our Pandemic Culture.
I challenge anyone to name a recent pandemic that was not zoonotic in nature; that is, that did not directly result from humans destroying wildlife habitats & decimating our natural barriers or by eating animals. Go ahead, I’ll wait… mad cow, ebola, bird flu, swine flu, SARS… nope, I can’t think of any either; but you can get back to me. In fact, you can discount me as a fanatic or extremist, but you may not dismiss the Brookings Institute as easily:
“The devastation wrought by COVID-19 underscores the need for measures to minimize the chances of another zoonotic pandemic. That means radically changing how humans interact with wildlife and natural habitats, preserving terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity, and overhauling food production. Otherwise, another contagion originating from animals could arrive at any time, compounding the disastrous legacy of COVID-19.”
For 43 years, I believed that drinking cow’s milk was natural and healthy & that stuffing bread up a murdered turkey’s anal cavity was a festive way to celebrate family. I wasn’t told that heart disease was a wholly-avoidable leading cause of death. Nor was I aware that high cholesterol, obesity, late-onset diabetes and a host of other standard diseases were caused by eating animals. Like everyone else, I simply learned that big-pharma drugs would alleviate the symptoms. Now we have covid. Same system, different sickness. And while the morning news has catchy little segments like “vaccination nation,” no one is telling us the truth. We are all responsible.
I’m guessing that neither Sean Hannity nor Rachel Maddow got on their respective soap boxes recently to rail against our culture’s complicity in creating zoonotic illnesses. Every single person who continues to eat, wear, or otherwise use animal products is utterly delusional and sickeningly entitled to demand that others wear facial petri dishes to protect them while they actively cultivate yet the next pandemic. Every medium promotes the absurdity that we’re all in this together and most appear to have digested it without question. Sorry to rain on everyone’s animal exploitation parade, but, as long as our culture embraces a wholesale animal holocaust, I’m not in this with anyone but your nonhuman victims… and we all reap what we sew.
So, then, vegans get a free pass, right? Nah, not exactly. Every single vegan who finally crawled out from hiding under the table in 2020 to throw their alleged convictions and the nonhumans under a bus, advocated for animal-torture vaccines, and unabashedly began publicly worshiping the nation’s top vivisector, the degenerate Anthony Fauci, is a special kind of loathsome human-supremacist hypocrite. Maybe they can find one of those equally-useless animal rights philosophers with whom to discuss their new utilitarian bent. In the meantime, I suggest these vegans go find themselves one of those magnanimous vivisectors who are offering all kinds of rewards if they’ll sign up to be human vivisection subjects for their vaccine. Go on, get your DNA tweaked. It’ll be fine. And I can hardly think of anyone more deserving.
I thought I’d come to terms with the fact that I live in an insane society a long time ago – we murder the innocent for profit, wear skins torn off their bleeding bodies for style, and eat their remains three times a day while giving thanks to some deity. We sing songs about peace on earth while carving up a pig whose last bloody screams on this earth were ignored. And then when our selfish perversions come back and only begin to give the human race back an infinitesimal iota of the karmic retribution we so justly deserve, we turn our fear and hatred on people who won’t wear on a diaper on their face?! Mutating our RNA and petri dish masks is a solution? That this makes sense to any single individual is incomprehensible. We’ve gone beyond insanity to full-blown social psychosis.
So next time you want to leer at my bare face in a supermarket from behind your mask while you’re grazing in a frozen cemetery or deli case of dismembered animals, I invite you to approach me so we can have a cozy little face-to-face chat.
(i.e. refusing to wear a mask, because Texas and fuck Fauci that's why... thanks local yokel right wingers you're not quite as insufferable as these libs)
haha yeah I know what you mean, one time someone called their pet a "doggo" and I've preferred to hang out with the herrenvolken kkkrackers ever since
would you like to guest on my podcast sometime? we're trying to move beyond the left by forging alliances with...
pogfan1996 posted:(linked article) For 43 years, I believed that drinking cow’s milk was natural and healthy & that stuffing bread up a murdered turkey’s anal cavity was a festive way to celebrate family. I wasn’t told that heart disease was a wholly-avoidable leading cause of death. Nor was I aware that high cholesterol, obesity, late-onset diabetes and a host of other standard diseases were caused by eating animals. Like everyone else, I simply learned that big-pharma drugs would alleviate the symptoms. Now we have covid. Same system, different sickness. And while the morning news has catchy little segments like “vaccination nation,” no one is telling us the truth. We are all responsible.
What the author of that article means to say is "here, have some opposite of the truth."
People were fear-mongered into eating high-sugar / low-protein diets since the 1980s, for the sole and only reason that the foods therefrom are cheaper to produce and represent higher profit margins.
At this point I'd like to circle back to my point about how all political blogs could cease to exist and the world would see a net positive result from their deletion.
shapes posted:(i.e. refusing to wear a mask, because Texas and fuck Fauci that's why... thanks local yokel right wingers you're not quite as insufferable as these libs)
haha yeah I know what you mean, one time someone called their pet a "doggo" and I've preferred to hang out with the herrenvolken kkkrackers ever since
would you like to guest on my podcast sometime? we're trying to move beyond the left by forging alliances with...
Edited by Over9000ft ()
kornfan posted:I swore never to downvote here as sort of a personal promise, something to enable me to consider things more dialectically and to grow as a person, but Lord, I am being tested.
i swore only to downvote if it was ironic, so thank you for allowing me to do that
Over9000ft posted:aerdil posted:and he got covid literally the next day, congrats.
Everyone was always going to get COVID. We are not, as a species, going to gradually funnel all of creation into the ownership of fucking Pfizer.
191 new cases in China on Jan 1, 2022

Authorities in Germany faced increasing criticism on Tuesday over their misuse of a COVID contact tracing app in Germany to investigate a case.
The incident concerns authorities in the city of Mainz. At the end of November last year, a man fell to his death after leaving a restaurant in the city, prompting police to open a case.
While trying to track down witnesses, police and prosecutors managed to successfully petition local health authorities to release data from the "Luca" app, which logs how long people stayed at an establishment.
Authorities then reached out to 21 potential witnesses based on the data they had unlawfully acquired from the app.
New, very strong, meta-analysis published on 81 studies estimating #LongCovid prevalence!
— Hannah Davis (ON HIATUS FOR JANUARY) (@ahandvanish) January 5, 2022
Key findings:
32% of patients have fatigue at 12 weeks, 31% at 6+ months
22% have cognitive impairment at 12 weeks, 21% at 6+ months
Lots of additional info:
some summary details cribbed from the thread to save a click:
- Not yet enough data to determine when conditions present for 6+ months can be counted on to improve
- The headline stats in that first tweet are for adults; among kids, the numbers are closer to 10% for both conditions.
- No significant differences in figures between hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients.
- Objective measurements of these long-term phenomena reflect higher prevalence than subjective measurements; I take that to mean folks aren't playing it up on average
Finally, there's not enough data to say, yet, whether these figures change in the case of vaccinated persons. There was this in Nature in late November, which pointed to two studies looking at breakthrough infections; one said vaccines reduce incidence of long-term conditions by about 50%, and the other said not at all. (The latter had not finished peer review by the time of writing.)
Edited by Constantignoble ()
The Filipino must condemn and protest the Duterte regime’s nationwide vaccine mandate. It is patently discriminatory, unlawful, fascist, burdensome, and above all, useless and stupid.