Belphegor posted:touché... quid pro quo; ergo, per se - strawman.
i.e, to wit, that is to say, dum diddly dum dum, i win
zhaoyao posted:, which is to say, who benefits
i do because i win
Constantignoble posted:it's a sly move, since all the posts rebutting you will eventually be lost to deactivation. history will ultimately record you standing unbowed on fields of discursive carnage, with the unrecognizable forms of your interlocutors scattered at your feet
i agree with everything you say because i will never die, thus, i win
JohnBeige posted:the forum is alive if we will it to be so
dicto simpliciter, i win
Themselves posted:I’m gonna start working out again soon maybe I should post updates lol
i can do more push-ups than you, i win
aerdil posted:mods change my name to ${jndi:ldap://}
more like aerball, i win
gay_swimmer posted:After hundreds of thousands of posts we finally rooted out all revisionism and figured out the correct line on everything in all instances. No further posts are required. Great work, everyone!
But eternal truths are in an even worse plight in the third, the historical, group of sciences, which study in their historical sequence and in their present resultant state the conditions of human life, social relationships, forms of law and government, with their ideal superstructure in the shape of philosophy, religion, art, etc. In organic nature we are at least dealing with a succession of processes which, so far as our immediate observation is concerned, recur with fair regularity within very wide limits. Organic species have on the whole remained unchanged since the time of Aristotle. In social history, however, the repetition of conditions is the exception and not the rule, once we pass beyond the primitive state of man, the so-called Stone Age; and when such repetitions occur, they never arise under exactly similar circumstances. Such, for example, is the existence of an original common ownership of the land among all civilised peoples, or the way it was dissolved.
In the sphere of human history our knowledge is therefore even more backward than in the realm of biology. Furthermore, when by way of exception the inner connection between the social and political forms of existence in any epoch comes to be known, this as a rule occurs only when these forms have already by half outlived themselves and are nearing extinction. Therefore, knowledge is here essentially relative, inasmuch as it is limited to the investigation of interconnections and consequences of certain social and state forms which exist only in a particular epoch and among particular peoples and are by their very nature transitory. Anyone therefore who here sets out to hunt down final and ultimate truths, genuine, absolutely immutable truths, will bring home but little, apart from platitudes and commonplaces of the sorriest kind
Constantignoble posted:it's a sly move, since all the posts rebutting you will eventually be lost to deactivation. history will ultimately record you standing unbowed on fields of discursive carnage, with the unrecognizable forms of your interlocutors scattered at your feet
blinded by hubris, karphead foolishly quoted all retorts which will preserve them forever even if their authors swisscheese us
gay_swimmer posted:After hundreds of thousands of posts we finally rooted out all revisionism and figured out the correct line on everything in all instances. No further posts are required. Great work, everyone!
If only Marx were here to see it.
JohnBeige posted:the forum is alive if we will it to be so
i followed the directions to rhizzone hq and all i found was this dilapidated house and a pile of broken rap cds with a note that said "tpaine was here"