cars posted:I realize some people here may not know what Axios is, the people behind the story that Twitter's fake "trend" manufactured out of a bunch of people using the word "censorship" on Twitter to describe any number of unrelated events, as people do every day.
The short version is that Axios is a fed cut-out, literally headquartered in Arlington, that writes super-short "articles" to disseminate Red-Scare and pro-U.S. disinformation.
The long / "open-source" propaganda version is:
What the above doesn't mention is that Mike Allen, co-founder of Axios and its executive editor, is the son of Gary Allen, an infamous John Bircher, antisemite and unhinged Red-Scare propagandist, the sort of garrulous semi-cretin that passes for an aristocrat among the U.S. far right. Gary's son Mike is an obvious asset of the United States federal government. He was hand-picked as the court stenographer to accompany George W. Bush on a "secret" trip to Iraq and puff up that story. Soon after, he weaseled his way into the good graces of the Obama White House as a surprising bipartisan darling among the Washington cocktail set. Allen was also hired to write a recurring feature for Politico, the spooky self-whitewashing product of (also Arlington-based) Allbritton Communications / Capitol News Company, which started off as a southern-fried owner of local TV stations that was cozy with KKK-friendly talk radio and the sort of people who'd always rubbed elbows with Mike Allen's Jew-hating neo-Nazi family.
Politico, you've probably heard of, though maybe not Mike Allen. So you also may not have heard that Allen, future co-founder of Axios and the man behind Politico's "Playbook", was outed by other journalists for running a pay-for-play scheme out of Politico's office, trading favorable coverage of mega-corporations (and their K-Street lobbies) in direct exchange for big money from the advertising departments of the groups Allen "reported" on. Allen and Politico faced zero consequences when this scheme was made public, though it all but destroyed Politico's credibility in the eyes of its peers for a couple years (not that most of Politico's competitors in the U.S. "news" industry cared about peddled influence so much as they did Politico's and Allen's inability to hide the dirty laundry from the eyes of the public, and, eventually, Politico would buy their way out of their fairly-earned bad reputation.)
Axios executive editor Mike Allen remains mysteriously well-connected in Washington, even though he's now all but a pariah in his own (supposed) line of work, journalism. He's actively despised by his peers as a notable slime-ball even for the Washington press, though I'm sure it's in part out of sheer envy. Allen famously lands top-dollar interviews by getting full approval for everything he'll ask from his subjects' publicists beforehand. If the P. R. flacks object, he changes his script to please them, simple as that. This included a sit-down with Bill and Hillary's spawn that produced explicit proof in the form of a written exchange between Chelsea's top office lackey and Allen, emails all about how Allen would be sure to make Chelsea Clinton look good and not surprise her with any real questions.
Again, getting caught red-handed in blatant, high-profile pay-for-play was not allowed to affect Allen's career by the powers that be in Washington, even though managing to be exposed for doing what's Allen done is still considered extremely poor form in their dog-and-pony show. Instead, Allen's career just kept going up, up and up. Whatever Mike Allen has shielding him from harm, it's protected him from embarrassments that would have dumped many of his peers out into the I'm-so-sorry book circuit for a while and replaced them with any one of the gaggle of eager boot-licking lemmings always waiting to assume the position. Gary Allen's kid's uninterrupted good time in Washington serves a peculiar purpose for parties outside the national-press clique, that's what seems likely to me.
A good summation of Mike Allen's suspicious career is the way even the most flattering pre-scandal piece on Allen from the Obama years (the awkwardly-titled "The Man the White House Wakes Up To", from the New York Times' airy-fairy Sunday supplement) still couldn't help but paint Allen as a creepy weirdo. The NYT article's writer was surprised to discover that most of Mike Allen's "friends" had no idea where Allen lived, and, of the few who did, almost none had ever set foot inside his home, which is usually just shy of a mortal sin in the wine-and-cheese pecking order of the Washington news press. The one source who did supposedly visit Allen at home described a rent-to-own-furnished hole in the wall, one that sounds more like "the place Mike Allen took people who wanted to know where he lived" than the primary domicile of a man who was already recognized as among the world's most well-connected and well-paid of faux-journalist courtiers.
Around a decade ago, stories on Allen evinced no obvious close-knit social network to explain how the heir of a famed frothing far-right paranoid became one of the most pseudo-respected professionals among his peers, mostly a bunch of image-conscious, bourgeois-to-petit-bourgeois Democrat "moderates" or their just-as-fastidious Bush-era Republican counterparts. In fact, none of those peers—in a town where who you know is everything—seemed to know much of anything about Mike Allen, beyond that he was already incredibly big-time in Washington for reasons they couldn't explain. But a few years after that Times piece was published, Mike Allen would be revealed as a shameless and mercenary peddler of influence, such an egregious pay-for-play crook that even his fellow Washington-cocktail-party journalists denounced and disowned him. Yet, like outed CIA mouthpiece Ken Dilanian, Allen's tarnished star has just kept on rising in that shitty, slave-built town.
So now Mike Allen, literal offspring of the upper-crust KKK, sits atop his co-creation Axios—a 300-word-"article" autocannon for DoD/CIA/U.S. State propaganda—while Twitter—a de facto public-private bourgeois partnership named in the Congressional record as a necessary tool for destabilizing Washington's rivals abroad—uses its entirely fake "Trending" story promotion to pimp out the most faked-up, fakey-fake propaganda "story" imaginable from Axios.
A writer for Axios China, an explicitly anti-China propaganda outfit, rings up a writer for Fox News, an explicitly anti-China propaganda outfit, and complains about being "censored" by the Red Chinese by way of... Chinese government bureau LinkedIn(??)... That is, the Axios "journalist" was dinged for a personal page on LinkedIn's China-facing mirror site, which, uh, must have been due to trickery by the Chinese government instead of user complaints... because no doubt that reporter and Axios China are otherwise in great demand for further work among the many Chinese people who enjoy Washington-backed attempts to overthrow their government. Then, Twitter invents a "trend" of imaginary people talking about this loser's whine for the purpose of cheap-and-easy China bashing. The propaganda value is obvious, but I suppose these crazy kids also had to "clap back", as they do, at the true mortal sin among the U.S. news press: blocking line-of-sight to a colleague's bullshit resume for even a microsecond.
Wow and whoa, because all these boojy dregs with supposedly ruined careers have hit their second wind as part of an interconnected CIA / bourgeois propaganda machine projected out through Twitter. Amazing! What A Trend!
axios reports that rick scott is now on the case asking microsoft why they are obeying laws in a country they operate in

cars was probated until (Oct. 15, 2021 03:52:11) for this post!

This latest whistleblower has done something important, though, by directly confirming that those experiments have only expanded over the years. I doubt that any of these public-private partnerships have resisted adding human experiments to their surveillance functions, including Twitter. They wouldn't leave the money on the table.
cars posted:Probably the defining moment of the "social media" era was when it came out years ago that Facebook was conducting mass-scale private experiments in social psychology, that it planned and carried out direct attempts to harm its own users just to see if it could, and nobody in power even tried to exploit that for cynical political gain by demanding Facebook reveal the identities of everyone to whom they were now liable. There was too much money in letting them do whatever they want, and I'm sure the U.S. intelligence and security agencies were given access to their findings and every reason to preserve their use of the general population as a laboratory for experiments on unwitting human beings.
This latest whistleblower has done something important, though, by directly confirming that those experiments have only expanded over the years. I doubt that any of these public-private partnerships have resisted adding human experiments to their surveillance functions, including Twitter. They wouldn't leave the money on the table.
Brain ‘pacemaker’ could eliminate severe depression in seconds
tears posted:trending Brain ‘pacemaker’ could eliminate severe depression in seconds
weirdly cynical and coordinated campaign to rebrand ect as 'brain pacemaker' doing 'deep brain stimulation'... i guess we can look forward to signing up for personalized/ai/buzzword bsaas app subscription soon enough.
lenin had to reregister as a bolshevik in 1920 and fill out paperwork explaining how much lenin he'd read...
— fully autistic materially sufficient communism (@NEPenjoyer69) October 5, 2021
Here’s the document:
Here you go (from vol 42 of the eng CW) - the transcriber has made a mistake on the PDFs and underlined Lenin, this is not in the original Russian.
— Katjo Boo-ssink 👻🦇 (@proletarikat) October 6, 2021
dimashq posted:Here’s the document:lenin had to reregister as a bolshevik in 1920 and fill out paperwork explaining how much lenin he'd read...
— fully autistic materially sufficient communism (@NEPenjoyer69) October 5, 2021
Here you go (from vol 42 of the eng CW) - the transcriber has made a mistake on the PDFs and underlined Lenin, this is not in the original Russian.
— Katjo Boo-ssink 👻🦇 (@proletarikat) October 6, 2021
The best part of this is:
“What documents or certificates do you have certifying that you were in our illegal party organization?
answer: history of the party - document”
gay_swimmer was probated until (Oct. 15, 2021 03:51:20) for this post!
cars posted:so Facebook's shown us what will happen whenever a whistleblower starts telling the truth about one of these companies: they will shut down all operations temporarily and lock their employees not just out of their own email and business-app accounts, but out of the offices where they work, to give their internal security teams time to scrub all their databases before they're sent letters directing them not to destroy information pertaining to new cases against them, to review all accounts and access for potential deletion or lockout, to delay their legal obligation to inform every employee to preserve emails under their existing retention policy, etc. I do not really expect them to face consequences for that, i expect that to be "debunked" as a "theory" in the mainstream press with as much swiftness as their political allies can muster, but who knows.
the Grayzone seems to think that she's a spook and this whole thing was carefully prepared.
Synergy posted:the Grayzone seems to think that she's a spook and this whole thing was carefully prepared.
I saw that and while I've gone to bat for them here in the past... from first impressions it seems extremely spurious and don't I really have the time to watch a 2 hour video just to find out if the pressure finally got to them and they've lost their minds. can you summarize the argument/evidence?
zhaoyao posted:the bit where she says the way that facebook has chronically understaffed its own counter-espionage division threatens national security
it has now escalated to people saying that if we shouldn’t blame scabs because they’re just taking the work capital provides them then surely we shouldn’t blame landlords or cops for the same reason. it’s a shame i don’t drink anymore
SookieIlychStackhouse was probated until (Oct. 16, 2021 15:36:29) for this post!
zhaoyao posted:what's up w that probation though. how do u even probate ppl. graciously yours, noob admin
thread monitors can probate, mods can only ifap, or assign thread monitors, just as the CPSU-B intended.
edit: they can also force logout, which is a funny "you need to logoff" function

iirc at some point someone suggested a custom feature that would automatically and indiscriminately probate anyone for posting in the twitter thread, but the obvious workaround of breaching containment shuttered the idea
ps for real, imagine if you will a webforum where ifapped users retain threadmonitor power. i anticipate that the frequency of probations will return to their historical low from this point forward . apologies to the three posters who were probated prior to this discovery
Edited by zhaoyao ()
zhaoyao posted:i made myself a monitor in some thread back in my natural domain.. or tried to i don't know if it took, probate still ain't on the menu
ps for real, imagine if you will a webforum where ifapped users retain threadmonitor power. i anticipate that the frequency of probations will return to their historical low from this point forward . apologies to the three posters who were probated prior to this discovery
lmao wouldn’t be an offsite without some kind of rickety custom system.
shriekingviolet posted:Synergy posted:the Grayzone seems to think that she's a spook and this whole thing was carefully prepared.
I saw that and while I've gone to bat for them here in the past... from first impressions it seems extremely spurious and don't I really have the time to watch a 2 hour video just to find out if the pressure finally got to them and they've lost their minds. can you summarize the argument/evidence?
Brian Berletic did a shorter piece on it here:
basically, she's connected to the Whistleblower Aid organization which is staffed by former members of Radio Free Asia, NSA, DOD, CIA, etc.
Synergy posted:Brian Berletic did a shorter piece on it here:
basically, she's connected to the Whistleblower Aid organization which is staffed by former members of Radio Free Asia, NSA, DOD, CIA, etc.
thanks! the trajectory there makes sense, piggybacking security theater propaganda and the normalization of surveillance on to very real concerns of actual harm/misconduct by facebook, a classic play. tbf she could be entirely sincere and it would go the exact same way, ideological reverence for the security apparatus and a little coaching goes a long way, her own authenticity becomes barely relevant. Good stuff.
Took me like 4 entire minutes to realize what was happening in this interaction, and it broke my brain.
— boo-grimm - group chat ronin (@ExileGrimm) October 19, 2021
edit: lmaooo
Lol she grew up in Morocco.
— leon pancetta (@d1sc0urse) October 19, 2021
Edited by SookieIlychStackhouse ()
Twitter did a study on "Examining algorithmic amplification of political content" with some interesting findings, they went to some third party organizations to help categorize sources by media bias; the organisations are responsible for these graphs
— The Boner Macchiato Left ☕️ (@CiaranDold) October 23, 2021
cnn is the far left! grayzone not even on the map!
liceo posted:the prompt to log out of twiter is because it makes everyone a stupid dumb idiot baby who can't do anything but look at the stupid dumb idiot baby making website
eh sometimes there’s fun memes and cool pictures from north korea
liceo posted:if you go on twitter dot com you are guaranteed to die instantly
time to ban me for being a spook i guess?
I think the quiet part never mentioned about Cuba's doctors is it is in essence positive pr that allows them to veil the abuses they also inflict. These doctors have no autonomy, they're just shipped off where ever the government wants them to be and everyone claps.
— 🦇🕸🏴Fxgabond🏴🕸🦇 (@chitter_cat) October 27, 2021
there is something deeply disturbed in my brain i keep returning to that hell app