going to play Timesplitters Future Perfect again, the only successful parody in the entire history of video games
dizastar posted:midtown madness 2
when i was growing up i had this friend who said his dad worked for microsoft and could get me any game i wanted. i asked for midtown madness 2 and every month i would ask him for a status update and he would say "my dad's busy, but he's trying". finally, after nearly a year he handed me a copy of motocross madness 2
it's an extremely smooth and chill semi-open world game in which you drive around a city doing missions like getting from A to B without the cops fucking you up. the stakes are low and the vibes are chill as heck, especially thanks to the smooth acid-jazzy soundtrack. it's a real good hang-out game and an interesting window into what japanese game developers thought were the important elements of GTA3 when set the task of makijg something like it (it's not really much like GTA at all)
sovnarkoman posted:playing this
dizastar posted:on a completely different tone i started FEZ last night. its such a good game, the universe is pretty gripping and unique and i love the summer laid back atmosphere the game has. might be the best platformer ive played
there's a weird piece of history behind that game where the creators were harassed both by the industry fucking them over financially and early gamergate psychopath stalkers. no good deed unpunished
— PerfectGamerMoments (@PerfectVGclips) April 8, 2021
dizastar posted:another game ive been meaning to play is richard burns rally, apparently it has the best physics of all rally games and the community is still going strong with modding, maps etc 16 years after release. rally pros say they use the game to train because of how authentic the handling is.
its very good yes though I didn’t know people still played it
I agree with Populares though, up to a point it’s videogames Tristam Shandy, it only becomes clear how truly bad it is after that part ends. Really my fault for not quitting & uninstalling at the exact moment the game did the big dumb Oblivion forced-conversation zoom-in on Benny at The Tops... never EVER lose sight of the poster’s verdict.

tears posted:imo fallout new vegas had the potential to be a perfect game
more like joseph conrad and hannah arendt's legion... pissweak SoCal liberal humanities shit...

Edited by Populares ()
Populares posted:A lot of people playing new vegas again, must be an Omen. Obsidian gets a lot of love because of their revolutionary addition to shootman games by adding in the feature of talk to man or talk to other man and get him to shootman.
these features are second only to the noble tetromino
The game is just a bad VN now. I’m not sure whether that part’s an improvement or not, though the script itself all seems to be by this one writer responsible for entire buildings full of terminal entries in New Vegas. It’s easy to recognize this person because they give nearly every character the same voice: breathless, cliche-laden, semi-grammatical run-on sentences built from three or more dependent clauses separated by commas. The Cocaine Habit Versus Deadline voice. “Went down to office today, trying to find out what’s happening, writing script where all characters sound the same, thinking I should get paid in cash lunchtime every day, complaining to payroll about it later, stitch time save nine.” I feel kind of sorry for the voice actors.
There’s a character where the writers want her to do all these complicated things, but it’s not possible for the game to make that happen. It would require more custom animation for that one character, in this one optional add-on, than for every character in the main game combined. No one was about to try to meet the insane script halfway. Instead, this fully realized 3D first-person-shooter open-world action video game just freezes itself.
Then, the video game narrates everything the writers WISH the character could do as silent paragraphs of text, a flurry of bracketed purple prose that never slows down. The character just stands in front of you making smiley and frowny faces. Meanwhile—because this isn’t a novel, so the conversation’s meant to take place entirely in whatever unsuitable first-person-shooter map location it begins—an entire page of words flies by, informing you that this character’s movements are so lively and expressive, she’s taught you how to counterfeit a specific casino’s chips out of scrap metal by pantomiming at the empty air between you. Okay.
In the plus column, the game adds one of those annoying Gollum clones that are everywhere in 2000s/2010s genre fiction, but if you select the right options in the dialog tree, it seems that you never have to spend any time with the split personality. The other personality, who refers to himself as “I” and “me” instead of talking like some ‘50s Hollywood actor in yellowface, explicitly warns you that you’re supposed to hang out with the murderous toddler-man who’s definitely going to betray you later and put up with the writers’ attempts to wring bathos from that, and warns you further that the game will become more difficult if you refuse, and damn son, he’d do it if he were you. Lol no, and Okay Again.
damoj posted:more like joseph conrad and hannah arendt's legion... pissweak SoCal liberal humanities shit...
yeah I agree 100%. To try to make sense out of what was obviously missing I went back and read Joshua Sawyer’s essays where he explained that he wanted to portray a situation where, like, maybe the cartoon cosplay rape-slavers were the only ones equipped to deal with a breakdown in civilization and it’s like Well dude that’s a hack’s job and you still failed.
It’s a zombie TV show without all the metaphorical gravitas conveyed by “me and my friends in the Zombie apocalypse for the epic win.” And you’re supposed to be rocked back on your heels by the moral complexity on display here, it’s supposed to make your choices in the game meaningful and memorable in some literary sense. This game’s script is near-universally acclaimed as “well-written.”
This is exactly what I mean by the generally accepted “greats” of video game writing falling so far short even of their supposed equivalents in media such as television. Most TV writing is bad just like most video game writing is bad. But “pretty good” TV writing is still nowhere near as bad as “greatest of all time” video game writing.

Edited by tears ()
Populares posted:But he read Hegel, HEGEL!
that part, lol