toutvabien posted:in my d&d campaign i haven't even been writing stats for enemies or giving them real "by the book" weapons/attacks, i just roll dice audibly and say if anybody takes any damage. i just wing it and it's the best
i only ever tried to gm as a Teen but when i did, it was Shadowrun and the rules were such a pain in the ass that i ended up basically doing this and none of us knew what not to do, so we did everything, and it was awesome. i wish i could unlearn all the things i know not to do now
招瑤 posted:is that like nethack for robots
it's a roguelike but it doesn't focus on item interactions like nethack or rpg-elements with an overworld like adom. its main conceit is that your 'build' consists almost entirely of the parts you're wearing and all of them can be destroyed. there's also core hp that doesn't regenerate. instead it gets refreshed every time you leave one of the ten main floors, and there's no backtracking. on top of the attrition of parts and core there's 'alert,' which increases every time you take violent action. as it climbs the complex will generate more patrols, and start sending hunter-killer squads after you with increasing frequency. destroying these also raises your alert. there are numerous ways of lowering it, but it's going to rise regardless. attrition + alert strongly disincetivize fully exploring every floor, so most of the game consists of risking what you have for what you think you need before finding an exit. then the last few floors are a mad dash to hurl yourself across the finish line before everything goes to hell.
at times the game is downright peaceful, but every little mistake you make is compounded and things can easily spiral out of control. conversely the game ain't over til your core is gone, and it's possible to recover from all sorts of calamities. you just might have to abandon the strategy you were pursuing and make do with what's available. there's an excellent balance of planning & improvisation which is really the heart of the roguelike genre. additionally the gameplay is a good balance of intuitive & esoteric, which reminds me of golden-age dungeon crawl (rip).
the only reason I hadn't played it sooner is that it's not free. but with the possible exception of factorio it's the best $20 I've spent on a video game
— PerfectGamerMoments (@PerfectVGclips) April 22, 2020
It might be easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism, but easier still, it seems, is imagining the resumption of pastoral serenity.
While FarmVille is nothing more than a masked version of social-capital building, Stardew Valley seems to want to ironize and distance itself from its simulator nature, using retro qualities as an alibi to make it seem something other than an increased contemporary extension of computerization deeper into our lives.
Stardew Valley gives this kind of clue for reading the future of its own moment. It could even be said that all nostalgia contains a potential glimpse of the future – looking forward rather than back – since it inaugurates a new relationship to the past that is heralded and brought into reality by nostalgia itself. ... Such patterns aim at the unconscious ingraining of a kind of capitalist conception of history, producing an appearance of uninterruptable linearity from pastoral national serenity to dystopic wasteland.
the essay (available today! on libgen) is kind of a disorganized "pervert's guide" to video games that gets needlessly pretentious by the end, but again games are so reactionary that reading it was like drinking water from an oasis
karphead posted:cool pixel-art reverse-city builder for free:
waiting for the dlc where it begins w a city that you have to burn down to get started
karphead posted:the moment where you have to burn down half your shit to continue on is very dialectic
it is enough to mention the commercial crises that by their periodical return put the existence of the whole of bourgeois society on trial, each time more threateningly. In these crises, a great part not only of existing production, but also of previously created productive forces, are periodically destroyed. In these crises, there breaks out an epidemic that, in all earlier epochs, would have seemed an absurdity – the epidemic of over-production. Society suddenly finds itself put back into a state of momentary barbarism; it appears as if a famine, a universal war of devastation, had cut off the supply of every means of subsistence; industry and commerce seem to be destroyed; and why? Because there is too much civilisation, too much means of subsistence, too much industry, too much commerce. The productive forces at the disposal of society no longer tend to further the development of the conditions of bourgeois property; on the contrary, they have become too powerful for these conditions. ... And how does the bourgeoisie get over these crises? On the one hand by enforced destruction of a mass of productive forces; on the other, by the conquest of new markets, and by the more thorough exploitation of the old ones. That is to say, by paving the way for more extensive and more destructive crises, and by diminishing the means whereby crises are prevented.
cars posted:my ass is the dialectic!! *smash cut to 2 days later. I'm writing a big long post about how my ass is the dialectic*
poster takes 4d4 psychic damage and is fatigued until the next long rest

20, 50, 25, 49, 11, 20, 73, 20, 79, 22
for an average of 36.9
this months games:
231, 50, 25, 44, 0, 6, 18, 37, 24, 22
for an average of 47.5
verdict; i have improved

swampman posted:did you write down the conditions that put you in a mental state to bang out 231 lines
heres a vid of the full game. highlights; an actual tetris at 8:00. "killscreen" at 8:35.
just being fresh and not frustrated. its very easy to panic and choke when you're near territory that you've never been before. but the more you play the more you get close to your PBs and finally break through. until you're finally playing at a level you previously thought was beyond your limits. my Pb before this was 210 lines i think.
Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()
tears posted:video game update: i checked and i wrote 400,000 words, in about 50,000 lines of code, in the past 12 months. considering deleting.
in another 8 months you'll have the word count of Atlas Shrugged
tears posted:video game update: i checked and i wrote 400,000 words, in about 50,000 lines of code, in the past 12 months. considering deleting.
gamer salute. when's the beta
88888 posted:gamer salute. when's the beta
after the final destruction of the capitalist world system but before the 1.0 release of corn: the game of political economy
burritostan posted:That was absolutely riveting
if you enjoy watching nes tetris you should download an emulator and rom and try it (make sure its the ntsc version)
toyot posted:tears what's your game about?
Beans: The Standalone Expansion to Corn: The Game of Classical Political Economy
toyot posted:tears what's your game about?
about 400,000 words, iirc
One area where this issue is obvious is in my research supply lines in the game that I won so far:

All those test tubes waiting in line... then when I start researching something, the whole factory starts stressing out and I run around trying to open bottlenecks only to add new, more difficult ones. Eventually, research slows to a crawl, limited by the output of my slowest science pack factory... So I worked on this issue a bit in my new game:

This is my new science pack buffer. Research domes in the southwest want to be supplied with the same number of all available science packs at the same time. Science packs arrive from the east along the same line and are filtered by color into their relevant crates by the purple inserter arms. The crates are emptied by blue inserter arms, which are only activated when they don't see any of their color on the incoming belt. Left of the crates is a configuration that balances the belt lanes, and also delays the right lane to stagger the inputs, averaging out the contents of the entire belt.
My plan for the next round is to expand on this concept and have the entire factory designed this way, just interlocking, unsorted loops of resources with buffer chests. In other news I am also able to run a little bit now on my healing ankle. See yall later