actually i think we got gender reassignment surgery leave in the last round of bargaining. we're still taking home 16 grand if you're a lucky ducky but hey at least you can get some time off for that dong surgery you cant afford lol

if we go on strike ill bring my laptop to the picket line and make a thread about it so i can get picket pay for solidarity postng
i think the accepted term is penile sabbatical
In the novel, Lucy is a fairly important supporting character, with several chapters dedicated to her story. After Sonny is killed, Lucy is sent to Las Vegas by Vito's consigliere, Tom Hagen. There she is given a small interest (five and later ten "points") in one of the family's hotels, primarily so that she can keep an eye on Vito's middle son, Fredo, who is learning the hotel business. She also serves as a shareholder-of-record who has no criminal record of her own: several such owners are necessary for a valid gaming license. On paper, she was a millionaire, although she didn't vote her shares in the casinos.

Eventually, she establishes a whole new life for herself in Las Vegas, and becomes largely independent of the Corleone clan. She is very lonely, however, and occasionally pines for Sonny: while she did not love him or even really know him, she misses him as a lover, and cannot achieve sexual satisfaction with anyone else. That changes when she meets, falls in love with, and marries a surgeon, Jules Segal, who explains that her difficulty in reaching orgasm was caused by a loose vagina — which commonly results from multiple childbirths but in Lucy's case was apparently congenital — and can be fixed with a simple vaginal surgery. After Segal's colleague in Los Angeles performs the operation, Lucy is finally able to enjoy sex with her husband, and the two presumably live happily ever after.
Each plot details Hanzo Itami's foiling a plot by corrupt officials in Edo period Japan. Distinguishing characteristics of these films include:

Hanzo vilifies elitism and corruption, consistently railing against the powers-that-be who continue to threaten Hanzo with hara-kiri for his insolence.
Hanzo continuously mocks his superior officer, Magobei Onishi, whom Hanzo dubs "Hebi no Magobei" ("Snake Magobei") due to Onishi's penchant for bribes and beautiful women.
Hanzo is a constable who normally carries a short 2-pronged dagger (jutte) rather than a sword; this jutte has a hidden, weighted chain within it, which Hanzo uses to block against sword attacks or ensnare fleeing criminals.
Hanzo consistently utilizes torture (both on himself and on others) as a means of interrogation and self-purification;.
Hanzo ritualistically flagellates his huge penis so as to make it stronger; this exercise is always followed up by Hanzo's practicing sexual intercourse with a bale of rice.
Hanzo's home is filled with exotic traps and weapons to defeat assassins, such as a hidden wall of weapons near his o-furo (Japanese bath) and spears that descend from the ceiling.
Hanzo interrogates female suspects by raping them; later, he drinks sake with them in his o-furo and they immediately become infatuated with him, primarily due to his sexual dexterity.
wonder why asia times has a bunch of state dept and NSA career banner ads..

Crow posted:
wonder why asia times has a bunch of state dept and NSA career banner ads..

i noticed this too when I was reading it on a public computer. except the ads i got were just for the cia.

coat my ass in pine sap

methlabretriever posted:

Crow posted:
wonder why asia times has a bunch of state dept and NSA career banner ads..

i noticed this too when I was reading it on a public computer. except the ads i got were just for the cia.

lol da CIA

Puffer Volpe was a beat poet. His poetry has appeared in magazines, but he has never published a book of poetry. His brief notoriety in 1961 centered around his claim to have had a brief homosexual encounter with Allen Ginsberg.

Capitalizing on this minor success, he later claimed, with less veracity, to have had a long-term relationship with William S. Burroughs. This culminated in a famous series of letters to Rolling Stone in which Burroughs denied the allegation and Volpe retaliated by criticizing Burroughs's spelling of the word jism, which Burroughs insisted on writing jissom. Quoth Volpe, "Well, then, why not 'jisholme' if we're going to just spell it however we like? Lame, man. Lame."
that has gotta be one of those fake fyad articles. well done, well done.
according to the dude's facebook he's coming to san francisco! in the words of one of his friends, "Especially take a few bodyguards when you go the most anti-Jewish city in the US, San Francisco."
Be even more careful in Berkeley, the home of the anti-Semitic Black Panthers, a center for Nation of Islam, and the home of hateful european christian bigots who won't admit the fact they are occupying Native American land after their own ancestors committed egregious genocide.

And please do remind those so-called progressive european christian anti-Semites that they are in fact occupiers of Native American land. They HATE hearing that and its an argument-stopper.

im feelin a lil' conflicted here..
Salmiakki Koskenkorva, (also Salmiakkikossu for short or generically as Salmari) is a pre-mixed liqueur which caused a minor revolution in drinking culture in Finland during the 1990s. Canonically salmiakkikossu consists of Koskenkorva Viina vodka and ground up Turkish Pepper brand salty liquorice. Very similar drinks are popular in Denmark, but are referred to with names like "sorte svin" (black swine) or "små grå" (little grays) instead. In Northern Germany, there is also another very similar drink with the name "Schwarze Sau" (black sow) which is based on Doppelkorn instead of vodka. It is most popular in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein and often associated with that state.

Salmiakki Koskenkorva is a somewhat viscous liquid of characteristic black color, dark grayish brown in thinner layer. At closer view, very fine particulate of carbon black suspended in the liquid is visible.

Before the 1990s, Finland had a very thin and stratified cocktail culture. Some Finnish drinking establishments started serving a drink made out of ground ammonium chloride based candy (Salmiakki in Finnish). It became a trendy drink especially amongst the youth of the day, for which some consider and call it a "teenager's vodka".

However, one must note that the origin and recipe of the beverage are based on anecdotal reference. The concept of mixing vodka and licorice probably existed long before the 1990s, since both Koskenkorva Viina vodka and Turkish Pepper licorice existed before the alleged invention the cocktail. On the other hand, Salmiakki Koskenkorva was one of the first pre-mixed cocktails that hit the market in Finland. Another well-known anecdote says that singer Jari Sillanpää invented the drink when he was working as a bartender in the late 1980s.

The taste of Salmiakki Koskenkorva resembles strongly that of black licorice and cough medicine (this is because the original mixture, see Apteekin salmiakki, used in Salmiakki Koskenkorva is also used in cough medicines), and has the additional effect of increasing salivation.

Urban legend involving Salmiakki Koskenkorva

Based on the urban legend of a mythical teenager who suffered a heart attack as a result of Salmari, stories published in tabloids created a furor. A resulting public backlash induced the state-owned alcohol retailer to withdraw the premixed drink from sale. This withdrawn stock was not destroyed, merely warehoused for five years until the controversy died down. Even when Salmiakkikossu was withdrawn, the effect it had on Finnish cocktail culture remained.

Another reason for the drink's huge popularity during it's original run was the fact that despite being 38% alcohol by volume, it was taxed as a liqueur instead of spirit which made it the cheapest alcoholic beverage available in terms of pure alcohol per unit of money. When the drink was returned on sale, its strength was lowered to 32% and this price advantage disappeared.

Although the rumor of the heart attack was a hoax, care should be taken when drinking this liqueur. The strong licorice flavor can mask the alcohol's taste, leading to intoxication or even possible alcohol poisoning. (See Four Loko for similar allegations about a U.S. alcoholic beverage).
hey guys i got a detailed rejection and a request for a rewrite and resubmission from the new yorker <inexplicably absent emoticon of a guy in a party hat blowing a blower and rotating round and round>
According to one often repeated story from this period, [Carter Chief of Staff Hamilton] Jordan stared at the breasts of the Egyptian ambassador's wife at a Washington reception and remarked, "I have always wanted to see the pyramids".
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In 2000 the "Worm Gruntin' Festival" began in Sopchoppy, Florida, which claims to be the "Worm Gruntin' Capital of the World". The event includes a ball and the crowning of a "Worm Gruntin' King and Queen".
haha i just drove through sopchoppy last week, they need to worm grunt in order to feel like theres something to do there i bet
"Worm grunting" generally refers to the use of a "stob", a wooden stake that is driven into the ground, and a "rooping iron" which is used to rub the stob
i used a hammer and a machete once
id still like to imagine i know how to rub that stob tho
[account deactivated]

Crow posted:

The presence of astronauts is extremely valuable, not only to perform tasks that are difficult to perform telerobotically, but for verification of successful deployment of FSPS and to troubleshoot and correct any problems that may arise.

[account deactivated]

Crow posted:

The operations of understanding thus divide the world into numberless polarities, and Hegel uses the expression 'isolated reflection' (isolierte Reflection) to characterize the manner in which understanding forms and connects its polar concepts.


Crow posted:

"What a terrible thing to say."

"Neoteny - when the sexually mature adult form retains larval traits - is not uncommon among several other salamander groups, such as axolotls and mudpuppies."

discipline posted:
"Don't frighten him Mexico, this isn't Kenya or something, we need him as close to normative, you know, as possible."

gravitys rainbow

should i read that? i'm iliterate so i dunno if it's worth the effort

guidoanselmi posted:
should i read that? i'm iliterate so i dunno if it's worth the effort

yes its fantastic

if u like pomo lit shite like dfw & modernist stuff like joyce & beckett then u will like pynchon becuz hes the man. but if u are a callous fascist who hates humanity like impper then u probably wont.
[account deactivated]

aerdil posted:
if u like pomo lit shite like dfw & modernist stuff like joyce & beckett then u will like pynchon becuz hes the man. but if u are a callous fascist who hates humanity like impper then u probably wont.

youre an idiot


babyfinland posted:

aerdil posted:
if u like pomo lit shite like dfw & modernist stuff like joyce & beckett then u will like pynchon becuz hes the man. but if u are a callous fascist who hates humanity like impper then u probably wont.

youre an idiot

youre a tool