Post all sorts of links you come across to stuff about communism and whatnot. I will edit my post as I find more cool stuff. (bunch of different links on marxism, including data on oil prices and analysis of that) (website of the French Communist Party) (Sasquatch Blog) (Indian Theoretical and Political journal)
Last Updated: oct. 25, 2020 (bunch of different links on marxism, including data on oil prices and analysis of that) (website of the French Communist Party) (Sasquatch Blog) (Indian Theoretical and Political journal)
Last Updated: oct. 25, 2020

Edited by Parenti ()

[account deactivated]
i remember when i was homeless in seattle in the late 90s, going to the public libraries to wash up and browse the internet on Lynx... good times...

karphead posted:i remember when i was homeless in seattle in the late 90s, going to the public libraries to wash up and browse the internet on Lynx... good times...
using lynx in the late 90s... sounds like your libraries is what was washed up
i honestly think it's a mistake we moved to GUIs for a lot of different software types, especially financial
[account deactivated]
seems to me whe need less Lynx, and more Thinks!!
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karphead posted:i remember when i was homeless in seattle in the late 90s, going to the public libraries to wash up and browse the internet on Lynx... good times...
I didn't understand what this meant when I first read it but I've been learning computer lately and have been messing around with cli web browsers like w3m so now I get it.
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