
Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Jason Russell told the New York Times, “No one wants a boring documentary on Africa. Maybe we have to make it pop, and we have to make it cool. We view ourself as the Pixar of human rights stories.”

i had to google that quote because i wasnt' sure if i was being trolled

turns out i was being trolled but in a much worse way
you couldn't make it up
if you got a long neck
[account deactivated]
somehow now i no longer want to stop kony
it's a shore thing


Invisible Children in the UK is registered to Baldon House, Marsh House, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX449LS — which just happens to be the same address given by David Young, the director we mentioned earlier. That’s not so strange in itself; plenty of people work from home. But just look at the home - a seventeenth-century grade II listed manor in a part of Oxford where the average house price is more than half a million pounds.

So now the question becomes, who is David Kelly DePauw Young? Could he be the son of David R. Young, founder of private intelligence agency Oxford Analytica? Young Sr.’s 2004 Reuters lecture seems to confirm it:

“Finally, from our own home, Baldon House, here in England, carved in the marble fireplace 200 years ago is the motto of the family that lived there at the time. It reads, “Verite sans peur” — ‘Truth without fear.’

So presumably Young the Elder would not be afraid for you to learn that his biggest claim to fame is as a member of the Nixon administration’s National Security Council back in 1970 — one of the original ‘plumbers’ charged with hushing up the Watergate conspiracy.


Ironicwarcriminal posted:
So we find out today here that Australian special forces have been running around Africa doing God knows what.


A SECRET squadron of Australian SAS soldiers has been operating at large in Africa, performing work normally done by spies, in an unannounced and possibly dangerous expansion of Australia's foreign military engagement.

The deployment of the SAS's 4 Squadron - the existence of which has never been publicly confirmed - has put the special forces unit at the outer reaches of Australian and international law.

The Herald has confirmed that troopers from the squadron have mounted dozens of secret operations during the past year in various African nations, including Zimbabwe, Nigeria and Kenya.
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Hunting for spies ... the SAS's 4 Squadron.
They have been out of uniform and not accompanied by Australian Secret Intelligence Service officers with whom undercover SAS forces are conventionally deployed.

It is believed the missions have involved gathering intelligence on terrorism and scoping rescue strategies for Australian civilians trapped by kidnapping or civil war.

But the operations have raised serious concerns within the Australian military and intelligence community because they involve countries where Australia is not at war.

There are also concerns within the SAS that the troopers do not have adequate legal protection or contingency plans should they be captured. ''They have all the espionage skills but without legal cover,'' said one government source. In a comment relayed to government officials, one soldier said: ''What happens if we get caught?''

A professor at Australian National University, Hugh White, a former deputy secretary of Defence, said: '' deprives the soldier of a whole lot of protections, including their legal status and in a sense their identity as a soldier. I think governments should think extremely carefully before they ask soldiers to do that.''

Despite the dangers, the then foreign affairs minister Kevin Rudd last year asked for troopers from 4 Squadron to be used in Libya during the conflict. His plan was thwarted by opposition from the Defence Minister, Stephen Smith, and the Chief of the Australian Defence Force, General David Hurley. Mr Smith and General Hurley declined to be interviewed for this story.

SAS 4 Squadron is based in Victoria, at Swan Island in Port Phillip Bay, a high-security facility that has doubled in size in the past decade, in part to accommodate the new squadron.

The squadron was formally raised in 2005 by the Howard government but the Herald has learnt that its intelligence-focused role was authorised in late 2010 or early 2011 by Mr Smith.

The SAS is at the forefront of gender change in the Australian military, with six female soldiers being trained in the US for their work with 4 Squadron.

Collecting intelligence overseas without using violence is the main function of ASIS, which was created in 1952 but not officially acknowledged until 1977.

Since the mid-1980s, ASIS has been refused permission to carry weapons or use violence but in 2004 the Howard government amended legislation to allow officers weapons for self-defence and to participate in violent operations provided they did not use force.

It was about that time that the creation of the fourth SAS squadron was authorised, to be an elite version of bodyguards and scouts for ASIS intelligence officers.

The African operations by 4 Squadron initially centred on possible rescue scenarios for endangered Australian citizens, such as the freelance journalist Nigel Brennan who was held by Somali rebels.
The soldiers have also assessed African border controls, explored landing sites for possible military interventions and assessed local politics and security.

ASIS officers are legally permitted to carry false Australian passports and, if arrested, can deny by whom they are employed. Defence Force members on normal operations cannot carry false identification or deny which government they work for.
While the SAS has worked alongside Australia's intelligence agencies for decades, the creation of a dedicated squadron mirrors the US model in which the military and intelligence services have forged much closer links.

That close relationship has resulted in the growing importance of the US's Joint Special Operations Command whose soldiers killed the al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden last year.

Some staff at the ADF's special operations command see 4 Squadron detracting from what they believe is the main effort - the war in Afghanistan and the counterterrorism teams on the east and west coasts of Australia, manned by soldiers from the 2nd Commando Regiment and the SAS respectively.

Others argue it is vital to Australia's contribution to the US fight against al Qaeda - particularly in the Horn of Africa where in recent years the US military and intelligence agencies have sharpened their focus.

US intelligence believes that many second-tier al-Qaeda fighters and leaders from Afghanistan and Pakistan have fled there. The intelligence gathered by the Australian soldiers in countries such as Kenya flows into databases used by the US and its allies in Africa.

Australia's security service, ASIO, is increasingly concerned by the domestic threat posed by the Somali Islamist terrorist group al-Shabaab. ASIO has concerns a group within Australia's growing Somali community is sending money to al-Shabaab.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/secret-sas-teams-hunt-for-terrorists-20120312-1uwhy.html#ixzz1owNkiSxC

Doesn't seem to have anything to do with Kony, but interesting timing and I really do wonder what exactly we're doing over there.

Well if Australia is Anglo-China, and China is the biggest partner of those countries, then maybe they're out looking for their combined self interest.


Myfanwy posted:
Well if Australia is Anglo-China, and China is the biggest partner of those countries, then maybe they're out looking for their combined self interest.

Interesting take. We’re not quite Anglo-China yet though, I doubt we’re working with them in any sort of military capacity. The main thrust of the relationship is that we dig up Iron and sell it to China, and in return they send studious kids over here to fill up university spots and drive up house prices.


discipline posted:
also a ngo that brings in that much money - and notice here they only include expenditures, not income - and only has 4 people on the board is really sketchy (the NGO I worked for brought in a quarter of that and had 12 board members), I bet there's not one person from central africa on that board too. also their board information is not on their website.

for comparison I've worked with dev. "good governance" programs before and these guys, from san diego, would fail their USAID audit ahahah

theres only 3 board members listed now on thier page. did something happen

[account deactivated]
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Critics of the video—and the nonprofit that created it, Invisible Children—will not be surprised to learn that Ugandans who came to the screening Webb witnessed were not happy. “For many here,” Webb says in the report below, “the video is simply puzzling,” as so much of it depicts white Americans whose connection to Uganda is not clear. And, “as the film progresses,” Webb adds, “puzzlement turns into anger.” Webb speaks with men who see the video as exploiting local atrocities for the benefit of a Western NGO. And then “rocks are thrown, the screening comes to a halt, and the crowd scatters into the night.”

lookin buff in your new av
Thanks. I'm a strong, beautiful woman.
hahahahaha wow usually it takes a little longer for them to out themselves

GoldenLionTamarin posted:

cocaine is one hellofa drug


Russell, 33, "was taken into custody after he was found masturbating in public, vandalizing cars and possibly under the influence of something," NBC's San Diego affiliate reported, citing San Diego Police Department spokeswoman Lt. Andra Brown.


exhaustion, dehydration, and malnutrition.

i want baby huey's take on this... did the CIA slip him a meth pill???
Cars be drivin by like it aint no thing in PB
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

GoldenLionTamarin posted:

right at the end he goes into what you know is going to be a hilarious posture and then the video ends

i wish there was footage from the front. i want to see his erect knob flapping in the san diego breeze

GoldenLionTamarin posted:
i wish there was footage from the front. i want to see his erect knob flapping in the san diego breeze

quoted for truth

I never stopped being amazed by this planet
i cant believe this happened. its just so perfect. like a week after that video the narrator is arrested for jacking off and doing a strange nude dance routine in public
[account deactivated]
it'd be cool if the CIA really did have a bread and circuses budget just to cook up weird bullshit to distract people. if so: great job folks, i love this show.