there was the same sort of racket where i used to live, the cartel wound up buying out all the independent bars that booked local bands effectively destroying the local music scene. by the time i left the flagship club was on its third rebrand

then the entertainment cartel merged w a real estate/slumlord union and the local development monopoly, basically owned the whole town even before the owners started running for political offices
that reminds me of a gay club where i used to live that was run by some gangsters from lebanon who were moving heavy blow. i think it lasted about six months.

i have my spies in strategic locations and according to them, the running theory is austin moving towards more centralism. however, they do genuinely try to allow a tension to exist between democracy and centralism (unity of opposites in maoism), which also means allowing some tensions between mass orgs -- which they also genuinely try to create -- and the ideological leadership. but, periodically, the leadership can shift things decisively towards centralism if there needs to be greater ideological unity when it hasn't developed enough on its own. and that may be what's happening, and it's why there isn't an actual "split" occuring. everyone else just get more culty / falls in line with the scariest voice in the group.

pogfan1996 posted:

that entire editorial seems like what fbi agents larping as maoists would say

It's funny, Lenin says the newspaper should function as a tribune of the people, but he never refers to it as the tribune except saying that this is what it should strive to be. Those little differences add up to some serious issues with an inflated sense of self importance revealing they skipped all the hard practical work the Bolsheviks had to do

EXCLUSIVE: Insider footage of the coronavirus article meeting at Incendiary News


marlax78 posted:

pogfan1996 posted:

that entire editorial seems like what fbi agents larping as maoists would say

It's funny, Lenin says the newspaper should function as a tribune of the people, but he never refers to it as the tribune except saying that this is what it should strive to be. Those little differences add up to some serious issues with an inflated sense of self importance revealing they skipped all the hard practical work the Bolsheviks had to do

i mean, the bolsheviks also had a newspaper just named "truth" right, its not like they were v modest either, or that being modest is really too much of a virtue. I think its just a name. I like it less than the old name bc who knows what a tribune is anymore, but whatever.

i volunteer as Tribune!!

RGLA doing some cool anti eviction work
i'm 99% sure the american gonzaloite/"principally maoist" trend is a fbi honeypot, it is really the most american possible expression of maoism

pogfan1996 posted:

it is really the most american possible expression of maoism


A 10,000 word essay on why saying "fuck" in "fuck the police" is revisionist tailism, adventurist, and unprincipled

Lmao struggle sessions is paywalling their content
MCP-OC, which was the org behind For The People (FTP) dissolved their national structure:

NABPP also split it looks like
Is there any national Maoist organization in the US right now?
Biden campaign?
For The People is still doing real work across the country (check out the Chicago & Denver chapters), and the connections built across chapters remain. Dissolution of the national structure was done so that the period of decentralized, autonomous work is not prematurely skipped. Obviously I'm biased but I believe For The People is the closest thing to a national Maoist organization there is in the US, and dissolving the national structure while still in it's embryonic phase was a good decision.

pogfan1996 posted:

Is there any national Maoist organization in the US right now?

The Committee to Reconstitute the CPUSA, which is essentially the successor of the Red Guards movement, signs some international statements with other Maoist organizations and appears to operate clandestinely. Judging by graffiti and other developments, they seem to operate more or less nationwide in at least 10 or so cities. Impossible to judge the breadth and depth of their work fully from the outside though.