
Gssh posted:

realizing that job opportunities might be quite different following this and the current downtime could allow for some planning.

what kind of jobs/fields would be worth pursuing to ensure a minimal degree of stability/mobility post-covid?

pls share visions from your crystal balls.



Gssh posted:

realizing that job opportunities might be quite different following this and the current downtime could allow for some planning.

what kind of jobs/fields would be worth pursuing to ensure a minimal degree of stability/mobility post-covid?

pls share visions from your crystal balls.

revolutionary guerilla warrior is starting to look promising.

"bring out your dead" crier has some good short term prospects.


Gssh posted:

realizing that job opportunities might be quite different following this and the current downtime could allow for some planning.

what kind of jobs/fields would be worth pursuing to ensure a minimal degree of stability/mobility post-covid?

pls share visions from your crystal balls.

we're all on the payroll, what are you talking about?

maybe you need to turn off the cameras for an hour or mess around with that new drone in the backroom

lotsa folks out of work w the lockdowns, my job is too secure. city gov has been trying to soften us up to the idea that should it become necessary they'll lock us in the water plant for a couple weeks at a time

ialdabaoth posted:

should it become necessary they'll lock us in the water plant for a couple weeks at a time

pouring package of champagne yeast into tank of soupy greywater life finds a way, my friends.

na we make drinking water. occasionally someone pulls up at our gate bc they mistook us for the wastewater plant, the best tact there is to ask them what they think we keep in the 4 million gallon tank right in front of them
i prob should figure out if the ethyl alcohol in the lab if denatured tho
i have no idea what i'll do if i get laid off at the end of summer. i'm basically fucked.

Gssh posted:

realizing that job opportunities might be quite different following this and the current downtime could allow for some planning.

what kind of jobs/fields would be worth pursuing to ensure a minimal degree of stability/mobility post-covid?

pls share visions from your crystal balls.

sysad ofc

i temporarily left my job because of covid in order to quarantine. most of the people in my building are old as fuck and riddled with secondary medical conditions so I'm doing them a favor even though they refuse to close until our trump-inspired governor issues a shelter in place order (won't happen). they also won't pay me but they let me take a temporary leave without laying me off. i have some money saved for like 2-3 months. I think its worth it since apparently 20-40 yr olds can easily be hospitalized and I really don't want to experience what it feels like to not be able to breath so bad that you think "hospital" in the US of A.
stay well dimashq
i am paid by the united states government to post online
unemployment gang. my job's not coming back. also i've got a friend in HR at an advertising firm whose boss is relieved about the timing of the coronavirus because it gives a cover-up reason for letting half of the company go, which they were working up the courage to do since november. i'm imagining similar stories across all industries. it may be common sense here but i think a lot of people will be shocked to find what lies on the other side of this quarantine thing. hilarious timing.
[account deactivated]
thanks for the kind thoughts. the climate has urged me back into studying marx and i've been playing around with the idea of articulating economic concepts with interactive simulations. i came across alan freeman's capitalism 9.0, which mostly simulates marx's reproduction schemas and the circuit of capital. lots of technical bugs though. so i've been kicking around the idea of studying and working on this alongside re-reading capital and other political economy. maybe i'll report back with something in due time. i'm blessed right now to have some room in my life to do this sort of leisurely stuff, might as well take advantage of the circumstances. otherwise if you have some work you'd like to discuss or ideas you want to kick around please reach out!

toyot posted:

the corona is the cover story for whatever upcoming class robbery they have planned,

govt here just repealed environmental reporting standards because *waving hands vaguely* uhhh corona

many indigenous communities already face systematic defacto genocide due to extremely hazardous unchecked pollution upstream from them and boy is it about to get fucking worse