sorry for shitting up the math thread, please continue

Edited by karphead ()

karphead i understand you are pissing and shitting all over the math thread but i cant really tell the difference between your posts and the serious math posts because i dont speak math
new math thread theme tune
im learning angular velocity, centripetal force, deriving cute equations, wow catadmin enable mathjax
alright welp ive been putting it off for a long time but im about to go down a deep 2-3 month hole and come out the other end an insane haskell idiot. ive been posting a lot about philosophy of science and stuff lately on facebook , and one of the meme-damaged math weirdos i sent a random add out to (if you are unaware of the uhhh mathematician shitposter community i highly recommend investigating that.. its really something hahahaha) posted some stuff on one of my statuses that i have been looking for for years. i know a lot about dialectics in biology but apparently all the category theory freaks are into dialectical philosophy of math and theyre very closely related which i had no idea about. proclick https://www.researchgate.net/file.PostFileLoader.html?id=53ac5970d685ccdf2b8b465f&assetKey=AS%3A273549233721345%401442230627468

and a little bit of math humor. it took me a while to work through this but it is worth it https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/adjoint+modality
all the math commie memers i know are into category theory and being finitists lol. it do make sense but im hesitant to commit to discarding cantor. ill get thjere im sure..
it could also be bad positivist shit but i am not sure yet. need to invetisgate
quoting mao in afucking category theory paper what is this world coming to hahahahahaha
ya Bill Lawvere is a longtime maoist who was let go from his position dalhousie university in the 70s for organising disruptions of lectures & getting into fistfights over political disputes. while also apparently being one of the most significant modern mathematicians in the anglo world.

he explicitly sees category theory as a higher justification & formalisation of dialectical principles but i'm a math illiterate so it's gibberish to me sadly.
holy shit
what a baller.
hey GUSSRI where does one find these math shitposting communities?
as you all know im unfortunately very active on fb and thats where i know they congregate. i am open to adding any of you if you still use it and i can add you to the groups. the main one is called mathematical mathematics memes and theres a bunch of pages i forget too

edit: its apparently public so you can all take a gander. my friend jack whos a medievalist phd student at uchicago told me about this dude scott letigre he went to school with who is a brain broken math shitposter and we are friends now. he dms me things like "you ever heard of tropical geometry bro? it GO" all the fucking time
I think all facebook meme group chat should be excised from the forums forever
that seems like the wrong opinion to me personally.
Category theory is interesting because its one of those areas of math thats very abstract and foundational but very hard to turn into something practical because the community around it doesnt care about applications beyond identifying which type of morphism is involved in a given setting. Ive been exposed to a lot of it and it mostly seems useful when you want to classify various types of processes but i have yet to see any application of it to a problem that tells you something more about the problem than just studying the problem in the currently understood context

c_man posted:

Category theory is interesting because its one of those areas of math thats very abstract and foundational but very hard to turn into something practical because the community around it doesnt care about applications beyond identifying which type of morphism is involved in a given setting. Ive been exposed to a lot of it and it mostly seems useful when you want to classify various types of processes but i have yet to see any application of it to a problem that tells you something more about the problem than just studying the problem in the currently understood context

What? Category theory was explicitly created to formalize topology, and lead to algebraic topology and homological algebra.


graphicalUSSRinterface posted:

all the math commie memers i know are into category theory and being finitists lol. it do make sense but im hesitant to commit to discarding cantor. ill get thjere im sure..

finitism occupies the same space that anarcho-capitalism or posadism does for political idealogy, bullshit that exists almost exclusively on the internet.


elemennop posted:

finitism occupies the same space that anarcho-capitalism or posadism does for political idealogy, bullshit that exists almost exclusively on the internet.

i see.

but also, well, like, thats just your opinion, man. i dunno. ill keep that in mind tho , as much as i like math its one of my less well-developed areas of interest these days, though i would like to change that. so i dunno wtf is even going on or how to really orient myself as to whats stupid or who knows what theyre talking about whereas i feel much more confident in myself in other areas i read about
furhtermore, who cares, and also, youre ugly. so
sorry, i didn't mean to come across as insulting. it was more of precaution about a black hole that has a very narrow niche of internet adherents. it's like racking your brain about moral realism vs anti-realism, i think it's a worthwhile pursuit for some philosophers, but probably melts the brains of too many people.
oh dont worry I wasnt insulted lol i was being rude to be funny but i was worried itd come across wrong anyhow. im not invested in any opinion either way yet

elemennop posted:

it's like racking your brain about moral realism vs anti-realism, i think it's a worthwhile pursuit for some philosophers, but probably melts the brains of too many people.

one cool way to make a cartoon supervillain IRL is to introduce some unsuspecting dumb bible college kid to metaethics. i still don't know anything about math, but i do know this

another incredible meme group focusing on the other topic ive been posting about. we got good PA memes and math memes so im happy. https://www.facebook.com/groups/639852399532721/

edit: this ones private unfortunately so you will have to send a request

blinkandwheeze posted:

I think all facebook meme group chat should be excised from the forums forever

A plea to our empress Tears to institute this by decree posthaste!

beware, so far appeals to tears have been granted with ironic be-careful-what-you-wish-for style twists

blinkandwheeze posted:

A plea to our empress Tears to institute this by decree posthaste!

i keep thinking about downvoting you as a joke but i hesitate because im afraid it would be too cruel and not be read correctly


blinkandwheeze posted:

blinkandwheeze posted:

I think all facebook meme group chat should be excised from the forums forever

A plea to our empress Tears to institute this by decree posthaste!

Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other.


tears posted:

blinkandwheeze posted:

blinkandwheeze posted:

I think all facebook meme group chat should be excised from the forums forever

A plea to our empress Tears to institute this by decree posthaste!

Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other.

All facebook meme group chat banned, except for blinkandwheeze, who can only communicate in facebook memes


elemennop posted:

What? Category theory was explicitly created to formalize topology, and lead to algebraic topology and homological algebra.

Yeah and all of those subjects are of incredibly narrow application outside of learning more about algebraic topology and homological algebra. There are applications in physics but thats the area of physics that hasnt made any subsequently verified concrete predictions in decades. There are more mundane examples to like, resistor or chemical reaction networks, but from what ive seen the results usually of the form "this process is an example of that type of weird category, therefore the methods for dealing with it that are already well understood are examples of some kind of functor". Maybe john baez or someone has struck gold in the past few years and i havent heard about it, which would be cool.

Edited by c_woman ()


c_man posted:

elemennop posted:

What? Category theory was explicitly created to formalize topology, and lead to algebraic topology and homological algebra.

Yeah and all of those subjects are of incredibly narrow application outside of learning more about algebraic topology and homological algebra. There are applications in physics but thats the area of physics that hasnt made any subsequently verified concrete predictions in decades. There are more mundane examples to like, resistor or chemical reaction networks, but from what ive seen the results usually of the form "this process is an example of that type of weird category, therefore the methods for dealing with it that are already well understood are examples of some kind of functor". Maybe john baez or someone has struck gold in the past few years and i havent heard about it, which would be cool.

well, i mean, direct applications of category theory are probably narrow indeed, but so much of modern mathematics e.g. algebraic geometry is built down stream of it, that results proven through scheme theory give results that can interpreted in terms of classical algebraic geometry of varieties that has real applications to robotics. there are AG applications to coding theory and cryptography, and i think i've heard of phylogenetics as well. how many of those results can be derived on "classical" AG is bit harder for me say without going through all the papers. also i believe that algebraic topology is used in ML algorithms for say clustering, and other topological categorization. criticizing the community of category theorists for not caring about applications is like criticizing Zermelo and Fraenkel at the start of the 20th century for not focusing on applications of set theory.

All i said was that its hard to use it to use it for practical applications? Maybe in 50 years people will be talking about categories as much as they do about sets, meaning maybe a half dozen lectures unless youre a math student.

Edited by c_woman ()

Here's an interesting example. UMAP is an algorithm for dimensionality reduction of a dataset, and it was developed by someone who framed it in the language of category theory because thats what their background is. On the other hand, is really not clear that this understanding adds anything to understanding the algorithm or its performance. Theres a link to an article by someome explaining why they think it works better than tSNE, a similar algorithm, and it seems like it boils down to a smarter cost function and skipping a normalization step. Theres a commenter on baez's blog who went thru the category theory section of the paper and claims that it doesnt add any crucial understanding. This is basically the way that ive seen "applied category theory" examples tend to go.

tears posted:

im learning angular velocity, centripetal force, deriving cute equations, wow catadmin enable mathjax

can you post the cute equation now

[account deactivated]
NICE i loved that shit

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]