again, Washington didn't need to build what local support ISIS could muster out of inflatable tanks and fake bivouacs, nor did it need to maintain a steady but potentially embarrassing flow of its own arms to ensure the independent-minded in Baghdad stayed weak in the face of their enemies, because it had provided both itself by invading and destroying the country whose government it was attempting to keep under its total and direct control. before that, it had kept the pressure on Saddam Hussein's government for years through direct payouts to the Iran-friendly groups whose descendants it wants to wipe out, since they've outlived their usefulness and have begun translating their formerly convenient plans into troublesome action.
i'd also point out that i don't think that Washington always succeeds with these sorts of gambits, if this is indeed one of them, their record is spotty at best and reflects the tendency of capitalism toward snowballing crises. i just see a situation where the usual parties in Washington would normally blame Trump for this happening, blame Trump for not responding to it properly, blame Trump for generally wanting and doing the same thing they want but continuing to be rude to them in the process (this is why Mark Esper heads up the DoD right now instead of Patrick Shanahan) and they're instead saying he's doing a great job and should keep it up, and considering who's wielding overwhelming military might right now, i remain suspicious about the sudden era of good feelings on the rape-and-murder circuit.
stegosaurus posted:hows it a color revolution if they storm a us military base and pillage it lol
i think the use of colour revolution in the thread title referred to "reports of gunmen targeting both police and protestors maidan style", rather than the more recent embassy storming. cars is talking about something slightly different again i think.
lo posted:stegosaurus posted:hows it a color revolution if they storm a us military base and pillage it lol
snypai think the use of colour revolution in the thread title referred to "reports of gunmen targeting both police and protestors maidan style", rather than the more recent embassy storming. cars is talking about something slightly different again i think.
Yea this is what I meant.
stegosaurus posted:wasnt this storming of the embassy in response to the us attacking an anti-isis militia? whats the point of comparing these protestors to isis? i dont really understand anything else in your post
i’m pretty sure you do but if you want to pretend you don’t no big deal. like i answered what you’re asking already for instance
Fayafi posted:Welp currently in Qatar, next post will reach you from the afterlife
Fayafi be safe
karphead posted:what happen
we just blew up the general of irans quds force at the baghdad airport
Edited by karphead ()
kinch posted:I don't think so
never bet against blowback
karphead posted:what happen
The USA just drone striked the Baghdad International Airport murdering Qassem Soleimani and multiple high ranking Iraqi PMF militia leaders. The US Government has confirmed the murder and that it was done with the personal approval of Trump. Iran has confirmed that Soleimani is dead and that their FIRST OFFICIAL response will be in the form of a missile strike. Iran's government is meeting right now to determine the level of their retaliation.
The popular mobilization units were militias which had led the fight against ISIS, and were part of the Iraqi MOD and reportedly under the direct command of the prime minister. This was a colossal mortal insult to the Iraqi government and outrageous violation of their sovreignty, so any US Troops which actually survive the upcoming retaliatory violence (survival is extremely not guaranteed) will probably be ordered expelled by the government come morning.
Losing all their Iraqi bases will probably make the war against Iran, which Trump 100% just started, difficult, because Iran can sanitize every single US base or petroleum production facility in the region at their whimsy with hundreds of thousands of missiles. The US forces were not anticipating the start of war, so the one carrier group in the gulf just left and the troops in the region are effectively just colonial administration garrisons. US air and missile defenses are well known and empirically demonstrated in real world conditions to be utterly worthless, and even if they could hit targets would be irrelevant due to the frankly unreasonable quantities of weapons Iran has to offer.
USA vs Iran in the middle east using conventional weapons, Iran "wins" under any realistic scenario, and extremely so right now when the US has relatively few Troops and nothing with teeth in the region. This is problematic because trump is a screaming crybaby who thinks nuclear weapons are fucking badass and cool and nukes will probably be quickly revealed as basically the only effective weapon the USA has against the Iranian military.
This is absolutely world war 3 level shit held in check ONLY by the discretion of the Iranian military being able to come up with a measured or covert response and China/Russia's ability to scare Trump into keeping it in his pants. Historically, Iran have been very patient and deliberate in the face of US aggressions, but America just murdered Iranian George Washington Spiderman so I would expect things to get...demonstrative.
This is all happening because some young arab guys stole a sign from the US colonial administration compound in retaliation for the US bombing the Iraqi MOD militias and murdering a few dozen army soldiers and federal police at bases on the front lines with ISIS.
MarxUltor posted:Iran has confirmed that Soleimani is dead and that their FIRST OFFICIAL response will be in the form of a missile strike.
where'd you see this?

The flag of General Soleimani in defense of the country's territorial integrity and the fight against terrorism and extremism in the region will be raised, and the path of resistance to US excesses will continue. The great nation of Iran will take revenge for this heinous crime.
— Hassan Rouhani (@HassanRouhani) January 3, 2020
serafiym posted:Seems like a complete clusterfuck. Gonna wait until journo drones stop copy-pasting PRO-IRAN MILITIA PRO-IRAN MILITIA PRO-IRAN MILITIA all over their articles and tell me whether or not they support Hezbollah and the Houthis.
Bernie Sanders is antisemitic like Corbyn
Bernie Sanders is pro Iran like Corbyn
Onward Clinton soldiers!