im going to find some, ahem, instructional videos of fat people sex on the internet. this doesnt count as breaking my asexuality pledge because its for science

futurewidow posted:
how does anyone have sex in 2012, our bodies are too disgusting

while this is true, bodies were far more disgusting previous to 2012


babyfinland posted:
The remarkable youth of 68 did not understand—nor did we, though we would grasp it soon enough—this truth: to demolish authority did not automatically mean the liberation of human diversity; it could mean, and this is what happened, freedom specifically for the animal spirits of capitalism, which had been stamping restlessly inside the iron cage of the social contract that the system had seen as an unavoidable cure for the years of revolution, crisis and war.

Mario Tronti

is there anything more bourgeois than sexless bureaucrats

Hahaha there really really isn't, if you ever read a Michel Houellebecq book it always starts with the sexless bureaucrat who then breaks free and has sex with a kid and a robot and does some sex tourism. Cause French people are aware of the breakdown of western society and soon we'll all have beautiful sex with each other as we die of global warming

deadken posted:
asexuals were probably the best hunters, because they viewed hunting as an ends in itself, a craft to perfect for its own sake, rather than as a means to sexual satisfaction

PROBABLY NOT, because they lacked the passion thats required for the self sacrifice in difficult hunts. You need surplus to experiment, or super desperation

futurewidow posted:
how does anyone have sex in 2012, our bodies are too disgusting


Ironicwarcriminal posted:
I just got back from the beach and it always bouys me to see the healthy, suntanned confidence that people have in their bodies.

I'm tempted to wear a burqa down there one day just to see the kind of reactions I get from these bikini'd and boardshorted beachgoers.

The same way everyone looks at the blacks guys at virginia beach, with their white girlfriends, who wear timberlands and sean john jeans and long sleeve shirrts and spend their time mean mugging seagulls -- sep

I can tell you the truth, people at the beach and in public don't care about you, they're having fun, if you look novel they'll look at you but you're only part of matte painting on their fun beach day

being asexual is NOT the same as being passionless. i find your commends very offensive
the passion of the asexual is purer and stronger because he can focus on the object of his passion itself, unmediated by other desires, unaffected by the cloying libidinality that saps the vigour of others
perverts & losers
many asexuals lead a perfectly happy and fulfilled life free from sexual neuroses. i think ur jealous

Myfanwy posted:
I can tell you the truth, people at the beach and in public don't care about you, they're having fun, if you look novel they'll look at you but you're only part of matte painting on their fun beach day

yeah this. i dont go to the beach with the people there in mind and i actually prefer empty beaches to ones filled with other people doin they thing but either way they dont matter and im there to have a good time and shit

being a depressed weirdo whose level of maturity is permanently stunted to that of a 6 year old eternally playing with his lego set in his bedroom, doesn't make that person asexual, just a huge loser. there are no asexual people.

asceticism as an extenuation of hedonism is the absolute most disgusting and immoral form of self-absorption and fulfillment. the only correct practice of asceticism is to abstain from earthly pleasures, not for self-fulfillment but in order for one to better devote himself to God and Country in a battle against internal contradictions, cowardice and the moral degeneracy of the individual. strength and honor achieved through internal strife.

AmericanNazbro posted:
being a depressed weirdo whose level of maturity is permanently stunted to that of a 6 year old eternally playing with his lego set in his bedroom, doesn't make that person asexual, just a huge loser. there are no asexual people.

asceticism as an extenuation of hedonism is the absolute most disgusting and immoral form of self-absorption and fulfillment. the only correct practice of asceticism is to abstain from earthly pleasures, not for self-fulfillment but in order for one to better devote himself to God and Country in a battle against internal contradictions, cowardice and the moral degeneracy of the individual. strength and honor achieved through internal strife.

sawm (fasting), not zuhd (asceticism/monasticism)


deadken posted:
maybe.... but it seems to me that things like homosexuality and asexuality only manifested themselves as identities rather than behaviours with the emergence of sexuality as the dominant master-signifier in the 19th century. i dont know what kind of behaviours an asexual dude in hunter-gatherer society would exhibit but given the predominance of food and ritual in such societies i doubt he'd even consider himself as being in any way substantially other

the specific identities have existed to some extent for a long time, though (e.g. the term Lesbian appearing in a context meant to refer to gay women way back in Carmen Astrologicum in the 1st century CE). also, there weren't really any major gay rights groups in the US before the Mattachine society in the 50s, except for one that got crushed within a few months in 1924, but the development of strict heteronormativity in the US had definitely taken place a long time before that. i think that it's more that social organization has changed to the point that a small, naturally spread out, minority can successfully organize across the country.

Edited by Cycloneboy ()

Cycloneboy was probated until (May 1, 2012 09:20:05) for this post!


babyfinland posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:
being a depressed weirdo whose level of maturity is permanently stunted to that of a 6 year old eternally playing with his lego set in his bedroom, doesn't make that person asexual, just a huge loser. there are no asexual people.

asceticism as an extenuation of hedonism is the absolute most disgusting and immoral form of self-absorption and fulfillment. the only correct practice of asceticism is to abstain from earthly pleasures, not for self-fulfillment but in order for one to better devote himself to God and Country in a battle against internal contradictions, cowardice and the moral degeneracy of the individual. strength and honor achieved through internal strife.

sawm (fasting), not zuhd (asceticism/monasticism)



futurewidow posted:
how does anyone have sex in 2012, our bodies are too disgusting

not mine. sorry


gyrofry posted:
i unironically love the beach and the sun and happiness



babyfinland posted:
sawm (fasting), not zuhd (asceticism/monasticism)

aGREED. Christ is Lord.


aerdil posted:

futurewidow posted:
how does anyone have sex in 2012, our bodies are too disgusting

while this is true, bodies were far more disgusting previous to 2012

yeah and it was liberating. a woman could exist in the 70s and regardless of what she looked like, she was still woman. she can't exist now.

men are judgemental shits who just want one thing, the destruction of woman
they won't be happy until we're walking holes available at all times, preened, bleached and waxed, surgically rearranged if necessary. welcome to reality, why fight it. I'm making an appointment right now to get myself sorted
anything other than white or in a pinch, a delicate asian lotus, is unsightly
get that shit off my screen, creamy light skin above all else, teeny nipples, straight long hair. the first sign of a sag and it's death
[account deactivated]
it's easy for white women to say that imo, they're not the ones rendered less than human
[account deactivated]

futurewidow posted:
anything other than white or in a pinch, a delicate asian lotus, is unsightly
get that shit off my screen, creamy light skin above all else, teeny nipples, straight long hair. the first sign of a sag and it's death

I dont think any of this is accurate unless you wanna be like on tv or associate with rich people or live in California


The Prophet Muhammad said, “No one degrades women except vile and contemptible men.” Rumi says in his Mathnawi:

Made attractive to men is love of desires …
God has made [woman] attractive, so how can men escape from her?
Even if a man is Rustam and greater than
Hamzah, still he is captive to his old woman’s command.
The Prophet, to whose speech the whole world
Was enslaved, used to say, “Speak to me, oh ‘Aishah!...”
The Prophet said that women totally dominate men of intellect and possessors of heart,
But ignorant men dominate women, for they are shackled by the ferocity of animals.
They have no kindness, gentleness, or love,
Since animality dominates their nature.
Love and kindness are human attributes, anger and sensuality belong to the animals.
She is the radiance of God, she is not your beloved.
She is the Creator – you could say she is not created.

The 13th century Spanish scholar, philosopher, and mystic, Ibn Arabi, considered the most perfect contemplation of the divine in the world to be women. He writes:

In relation to the Prophet, women are as the Universal Nature is to God in which He revealed the forms of the Cosmos by directing toward it the divine will and command, which, at the level of elemental forms, is symbolized by copulation…. Whoever loves a woman in this way loves with divine love, while he whose love for them is limited to natural lust lacks all true knowledge of that desire. For such a one she is mere form, devoid of spirit, and even though that form is indeed imbued with spirit, it is absent for one who approaches his wife or some other woman solely to have his pleasure with her, without realizing whose the pleasure really is. Thus he does not know himself truly, just as a stranger is not known until he reveals his identity. As they say:

They are right in supposing that I am in love
Only they know not with whom I am in love.

Such a man is really in love with pleasure itself and, in consequence, loves its repository in women, the real truth and meaning of the act being lost on him. If he knew the truth, he would know whom it is he is enjoying and who it is who is the enjoyer; then would he be perfected.



futurewidow posted:
men are judgemental shits who just want one thing, the destruction of woman

wow Nice Girl spotted.

cycloneboy is just a broken teen overall and can't comprehend a conversation outside of a marxist.org script. The "perfect" way to exist is not to have the right answers you dolt.
california started its relentless expansion decades ago, the only ramparts left are our homes, our families, and whatever few, tiny, scattered islands of true, selfless love and friendship we can build. california has lain siege to them, and one by one they are falling
i do not care about cyclone sudden urge of his mother as a 12 year old girl to take up horseback riding and attendant obsession with ponies
cycloneportrait of a pedophile / rapist as a young man
cyclone boy will turn out ok once he realizes you can't self-induce autism no matter how strong a comrade's will
what if he really is a high-functioning autistic, did we already establish that he isn't
like if a woman speaks to him without the perfect marxist ideology, he shuns her away and his feet begin to stamp. A loser will always stamp his feet and exclaim his innocents with regards to his participation in his sorrow. He is the John Smith without the golden plates: please forgive his pathetic excuses of sexuality and manipulation.
maybe he just gets shy around girls

littlegreenpills posted:
maybe he just gets shy around girls



Groulxsmith posted:
cyclone boy will turn out ok once he realizes you can't self-induce autism no matter how strong a comrade's will

perhaps the classical chinese medicinal use of mercury was on the right track all along...


Meursault posted:

futurewidow posted:
anything other than white or in a pinch, a delicate asian lotus, is unsightly
get that shit off my screen, creamy light skin above all else, teeny nipples, straight long hair. the first sign of a sag and it's death

I dont think any of this is accurate unless you wanna be like on tv or associate with rich people or live in California

shows how much u know

it's a jungle out there

wide areolas enjoy strong support