
Myfanwy posted:
is asexuality really a real thing or is it just something for people with clinical depression to say

i dunno, is homosexuality a real thing? durr let me just ask some really trivial, offensive questions.


Cycloneboy posted:

Myfanwy posted:
is asexuality really a real thing or is it just something for people with clinical depression to say

i dunno, is homosexuality a real thing? durr let me just ask some really trivial, offensive questions.

I don't know if this part of a joke persona or something, but it's fairly easy to tell if homosexuality is real because gay men go around having sex with each other and writing towleroad.com. It's harder to define a thing that's defined by not doing anything or feeling anything, like dark matter in the universe.

Have you ever considered having sex in a rational scientific way to test? Sorry if this is offensive to your people

Sex feels sooooooo good, even if you're not emotionally engaged it feels good. And it's not even hard to do, your body was literally made for it. I really recommend it, if you're serious and not just messing with me

Myfanwy posted:
I don't know if this part of a joke persona or something, but it's fairly easy to tell if homosexuality is real because gay men go around having sex with each other and writing towleroad.com. It's harder to define a thing that's defined by not doing anything or feeling anything, like dark matter in the universe.

~some gay men are virgins~

Myfanwy posted:
Have you ever considered having sex in a rational scientific way to test? Sorry if this is offensive to your people

I don't get pleasure from orgasm anyway, so no.


Cycloneboy posted:

Myfanwy posted:
I don't know if this part of a joke persona or something, but it's fairly easy to tell if homosexuality is real because gay men go around having sex with each other and writing towleroad.com. It's harder to define a thing that's defined by not doing anything or feeling anything, like dark matter in the universe.

~some gay men are virgins~

Myfanwy posted:
Have you ever considered having sex in a rational scientific way to test? Sorry if this is offensive to your people

I don't get pleasure from orgasm anyway, so no.

Oh that's too bad. Good luck and God bless

[account deactivated]
leave the cyclone glint in the UPS guy's eye alone, people

discipline posted:
is that bolivia myf?

cristobal colonbia


Cycloneboy posted:

Myfanwy posted:
I don't know if this part of a joke persona or something, but it's fairly easy to tell if homosexuality is real because gay men go around having sex with each other and writing towleroad.com. It's harder to define a thing that's defined by not doing anything or feeling anything, like dark matter in the universe.

~some gay men are virgins~

Myfanwy posted:
Have you ever considered having sex in a rational scientific way to test? Sorry if this is offensive to your people

I don't get pleasure from orgasm anyway, so no.

someone call dr. freud, the patient has a textbook case of frigidity

why would you have to get pleasure from orgasm to like sex wtf
cycloneboy you're probably the most insufferable person to be around irl

girdles_gone_wild posted:
cycloneboy you're probably the most insufferable person to be around irl

that's a mirror.

are you a romantic or aromantic asexual
are you homoromantic or heteroromantic
are you transromantic or cisromantic
are you demiromantic
The remarkable youth of 68 did not understand—nor did we, though we would grasp it soon enough—this truth: to demolish authority did not automatically mean the liberation of human diversity; it could mean, and this is what happened, freedom specifically for the animal spirits of capitalism, which had been stamping restlessly inside the iron cage of the social contract that the system had seen as an unavoidable cure for the years of revolution, crisis and war.

Mario Tronti

is there anything more bourgeois than sexless bureaucrats

Edited by babyfinland ()


babyfinland posted:
is there anything more bourgeois than sexless bureaucrats

lol at the idea that self-denial is bourgeois.

Groulxsmith posted:
are you a romantic or aromantic asexual
are you homoromantic or heteroromantic


Groulxsmith posted:
are you transromantic or cisromantic
are you demiromantic

i don't think these are things.

if you're asexual not having sex isn't self-denial, it's self-indulgence. true asexual self denial would be selflessly banging every virgin you can find

Cycloneboy posted:

babyfinland posted:
is there anything more bourgeois than sexless bureaucrats

lol at the idea that self-denial is bourgeois.

Groulxsmith posted:
are you a romantic or aromantic asexual
are you homoromantic or heteroromantic


Groulxsmith posted:
are you transromantic or cisromantic
are you demiromantic

i don't think these are things.

way to pull the aromantic asexual privilege card and engage in good old fashioned demiromantic erasure


shennong posted:
if you're asexual not having sex isn't self-denial, it's self-indulgence. true asexual self denial would be selflessly banging every virgin you can find

dude he's like 12, don't be creepy

asexuality is absolutely a thing & i think the negative reaction to asexuality on this board is proof that its 'radicalism' exists firmly within the parameters of conventional + conservative thought. as foucault points out, sexuality has become the central metaphor of our times, vast social structures are engaged in directing and channelling libidinal flows. all human behaviour is conceptualised as being in some way essentially libidinal. we live in a world structured around not pleasure but desire. the true threat to the solipsistic desiring-matrix of our society is not sexual deviance - deviance has become, to a greater or lesser extent, the norm. asexuality, the refusal to participate in the meaningless game of desire, provides a horrifying mirror to our conventions. the shocked response to the cyclone thing and his lack of desire on this board testifies the extent to which we all remain trapped in the prison of desire, the extent to which is continues to inform the totality of our worldview. be strong, cyclone embryo, and don't fuck anyone if you don't want to

crustpunk_trotsky posted:
dude he's like 12, don't be creepy

i, too, am 12

asexuality is a powerful weapon of critique against spectacular capitalism and it should be utilised as such. use every weapon available! long live mao zedong thought

shennong posted:
if you're asexual not having sex isn't self-denial, it's self-indulgence. true asexual self denial would be selflessly banging every virgin you can find

Oh, am I the bureaucrat in this equation? I couldn't tell.

deadken posted:
asexuality is a powerful weapon of critique against spectacular capitalism and it should be utilised as such. use every weapon available! long live mao zedong thought

i dunno, i mean there were probably asexual dudes way back in like hunter-gatherer times.

maybe.... but it seems to me that things like homosexuality and asexuality only manifested themselves as identities rather than behaviours with the emergence of sexuality as the dominant master-signifier in the 19th century. i dont know what kind of behaviours an asexual dude in hunter-gatherer society would exhibit but given the predominance of food and ritual in such societies i doubt he'd even consider himself as being in any way substantially other
Asexual cavemen probably got left for wolves and shit because they were dumb and annoying... even then dominated by the oppression of the sexuals
he'd probably just be a dude who doesnt have sex and some pppl (like the elder chief or w.e) think hes gay
asexuals were probably the best hunters, because they viewed hunting as an ends in itself, a craft to perfect for its own sake, rather than as a means to sexual satisfaction
if the sciences of evolutionary psychology and anthropology have taught us anything it is that hunter-gatherer societies were universally matriarchal societies where men were openly cuckolded and there was an infinite array of genders
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

deadken posted:
asexuality is absolutely a thing & i think the negative reaction to asexuality on this board is proof that its 'radicalism' exists firmly within the parameters of conventional + conservative thought. as foucault points out, sexuality has become the central metaphor of our times, vast social structures are engaged in directing and channelling libidinal flows. all human behaviour is conceptualised as being in some way essentially libidinal. we live in a world structured around not pleasure but desire. the true threat to the solipsistic desiring-matrix of our society is not sexual deviance - deviance has become, to a greater or lesser extent, the norm. asexuality, the refusal to participate in the meaningless game of desire, provides a horrifying mirror to our conventions. the shocked response to the cyclone thing and his lack of desire on this board testifies the extent to which we all remain trapped in the prison of desire, the extent to which is continues to inform the totality of our worldview. be strong, cyclone embryo, and don't fuck anyone if you don't want to

well maybe but have you considered that sexual tension owns


deadken posted:
asexuality is a powerful weapon of critique against spectacular capitalism and it should be utilised as such. use every weapon available! long live mao zedong thought

i'm married to the revolution.

i eat microwave pizza saturday-thurs and then on friday i think wow i havent ordered pizza in forever and treat myself

Edited by ilmdge ()

i wish i was dead. i want to commit suicide upon myself. this is the sober truth not a joke

littlegreenpills posted:
i wish i was dead. i want to commit suicide upon myself. this is the sober truth not a joke

make your life a preparation for your death. do not allow yourself to waste your death, for it is glorious to die. do not die on falsehood, for falsehood impinges on the glory of death


babyfinland posted:

littlegreenpills posted:
i wish i was dead. i want to commit suicide upon myself. this is the sober truth not a joke

make your life a preparation for your death. do not allow yourself to waste your death, for it is glorious to die. do not die on falsehood, for falsehood impinges on the glory of death

alternatively recognize that death in of itself is the culmination of the search for Meaning

how does anyone have sex in 2012, our bodies are too disgusting

crustpunk_trotsky posted:

babyfinland posted:

littlegreenpills posted:
i wish i was dead. i want to commit suicide upon myself. this is the sober truth not a joke

make your life a preparation for your death. do not allow yourself to waste your death, for it is glorious to die. do not die on falsehood, for falsehood impinges on the glory of death

alternatively recognize that death in of itself is the culmination of the search for Meaning

death is a bridge to the haqq, not a final destination


futurewidow posted:
how does anyone have sex in 2012, our bodies are too disgusting

step 1. lower the shades
step 2. navigate your browser (Firefox take back the web) to google.com and type boobs

I just got back from the beach and it always bouys me to see the healthy, suntanned confidence that people have in their bodies.

I'm tempted to wear a burqa down there one day just to see the kind of reactions I get from these bikini'd and boardshorted beachgoers.