From his robes fell an ancient scroll

Petrol posted:if any lurkers are wondering why we call em wizards it's because every single one of these dorks looks like they stepped straight out of harry potters wizarding world
marlax78 posted:
wow, three different spree killings before they caught this guy? just imagine how much more awful carnage he could have inflicted if mom would just give him a ride to the mall already
toyotathon posted:where you seeing that?

it's looking good for aerdil on the first turn......
cars posted:Mainly I'm surprised how far "the McRib is back" has spread since the fateful 2012 tHE r H i z z o n E thread. guessing the light-bending shield around this place will be maintained that has prevented think-pieces about it in the mainstream press over the half-dozen or so posters here they've noticed. The state of the forums is crazy... like a fox!!
that's upsetting actually
marlax78 posted:That manifesto is 1 for 1 what you'd expect the decaying labor aristocracy to write. It's a lot more interesting than the news lets on, and I have a feeling the Left will be attacked because of it
i see him as very much a banal product of "dallas - fort worth." particularly its whitest, northernmost reaches that are still trying to act like it's king of the hill in the 1990s. a lot of what the teenybopper nazi brigade doesn't like seems irreversible though if you just drive around and go to places. it's one of the largest megacities in the country now and is filling up with brain-drained workers from all over the world in the "infill" zones, which is upsetting the established segregation. i have some sense of the reaction though hearing from my parents about the white neighbor lady's sudden, violently racist outbursts in my hometown neighborhood after people of color started moving in.
he also lived a few miles away from the new toyota of america HQ which just started up operations.
but yeah he's one of these mediocre sons of the white petit-bourg. not much in the way of skills and so on, so the result is: