Gay bars and other physical hangouts are vanishing across America, not only due to dating apps taking their place as mediums of human connection, but because the very idea of a bar specifically catering to one sexual orientation is becoming obsolete.
"Vanishing across America." Am friends with someone who owns a gay bar here so I get the scoop (some real gumshoe journalism which you'll only find here at the rhizzone) and business isn't growing in the neighborhood but it isn't shrinking either. It's at a stable, self-sustaining equilibrium. One thing I've noticed is more straight people calling themselves queer and a recognition that gay bars can be more fun and chilled out, and I'm fine if they call themselves that if it means straight men chill out a bit and be less aggro. I think it will help them be less threatening to women and more attractive to women and that is a good thing, because despite my initial skepticism about this trend I want them to know that I want them to be happy, and that I care.
But I suspect men becoming more queer and less aggro fills Jamie with dread because there has never been a war he didn't like, since his conclusion in the article seems to be that we need to put all this complainin' aside and get onboard for another crusade. If you actually talk to LGBT activists from these targeted countries though, it may come as a surprise to some but the last thing they want is "rainbow imperialism" or American bombs falling on them for gay rights. This reminds me of the India thread because I've heard from activists there that the Hindutva right plays this game where it buddies up with the U.S., buys weapons, furthers the neoliberalization of the economy etc. while simultaneously playing to nationalist / chauvinist domestic politics about LGBT rights being a Western plot to undermine traditional values. In practice this results in queer teenagers wandering down the wrong street and getting gangraped by fascists.
is this the onion @washingtonpost pic.twitter.com/B7xmIbmPwM
— T1J (@the1janitor) July 1, 2019

ialdabaoth posted:i do think itd be cool to have a bunch of tap waters on.. tap so that folks can experience the variety of safe drinking waters from across the continent and beyond. the proper venue for this is a museum dedicated to water and sampling should be gratis. however the serving staff should be unpaid conscripts derived from the clientele of that fucking water bar
I knew ialdabaoth would have a spicey take on the water bar. 'I oughta both' is our resident water-liker.
Meanwhile yes this hole in District of CIA will literally sell you Patagonian tap water for 25 bucks a half pint.
* Class B/D combo, alkali flakes dispersed in containerized petroleum suspension, supplemented by conventional ignition of Class A structure fire from ground level or lower
* drop a nuclear bomb on Washington, supplemented by dropping dozens of nuclear bombs on Washington
* friction alone
water bar dc is a place they sell weed, its a water bar to get around the other ruleshttps://t.co/HeZoK4vs99
— steph (@stephmckay1) July 3, 2019

toyotathon posted:the article says 6 million german communists resisted hitler but that figure sounds exaggerated
kornfan posted:The Irish Savant” is one of those “Angry Gamer”-type names that always makes me lol
my favourite in the genre: the greek analyst
kornfan posted:Mods change my name to “The Fourthmeal Libertarian”