RedMaistre posted:She said:
this is sort of hard to parse but im not sure what exactly you object to about this
Edited by RedMaistre ()
getfiscal posted:she used to call ahmadinejad her "persian chavez" back in the day which weirded me out, but whatever floats your boat.
Miss those days...
RedMaistre posted:She said:
so when youre twittering does it add all those name tags like @jacobinmag by itself or do you need to type out everyone you think will be interested like the carbon copy section of an email
Panopticon posted:so when youre twittering does it add all those name tags like @jacobinmag by itself or do you need to type out everyone you think will be interested like the carbon copy section of an email
in the convo being referred to, they were added automatically because the tweets being replied to contained them. but you can type out as many usernames manually as long as it's under 140 chars and twitter helps with a drop-down after typing "@" and a couple of letters.
in fact, it's a major source of annoyance on twitter that people remain tagged on conversations after they are no longer relevant to the discussion.

RedMaistre posted:Contrary to Yoshie ( I think it an overall a good thing for the world that America et al are reluctant to find themselves caught in Vietnam like quagmires. It may be bad for politically mobilizing first worlders, but that was never supposed to be an end in itself. The more restrained the actions of the imperialist powers are, the better. That the victories of armed guerrilla partisans in the Global South have provoked the creation of more refined form of colonial control is unfortunate, but those too can be overcome. And it needs to be remembered that those more refined forms of control are in many ways far more fragile than those used in East Asia circa 1964, let alone the glory days of the Raj.
so this again seems mostly unobjectionable but now the tweet is deleted. i should just wait a week and ask again after the dust settles
HenryKrinkle posted:did you see that not-so-subtle implication that the antiwar movement is responsible for the US relying on Jihadist proxies? downright bizarre.
lol even if this was true it would be like blaming a heroin junkies suboxone dependence on his family sending him into treatment

1. New Democracy, the conservative right-wing party got 40%, around 700k votes more than last elections. .
2. SYRIZA got a surprisingly good result(31.5%). They lost the elections, but they were basically a done deal for monts now. The main thing that Syriza people cared about is to have a high percentage vis-a-vis the old social democrats, so they can claim for themselves the crown of the political space and not PASOK who was the socialdemocratic party for 40 years. PASOK got 8.1 %, a significant increase from last time.
3. KKE, the rhizzone party, got 5.5%.
4. Golden Dawn got 2.93%, below the 3% threshold it needed to enter parliament. So, there are no longer officially any nazis in the Greek parliament(they still have 2 members in the European Parliament). A lot of the voters went to the cleverly named Greek Solution, headed by Velopoulos, a guy who used to sell exclusive copies of Jesus Christ’s handwritten letters.
5. Rock star "marxist" economist Varoufakis got 3.4%.
6. Trots and other marxist-leninist parties got crushed.
+ ND and Greek Solution also seems to have consumed the Greek Orthodox fash LAOS party which was the former party of Georgiadis, an anti-Semite and now ND's vice president.
+ Trots and Nazis both declined at the same time... how very interesting...

+ Speaking of Nazis, the GUE/NGL published a report last year on the GD's terror / attack methods which is worth an overview since there are some groups that are attempting to replicate it outside Greece:

+ Lolling at how the business papers are gushing at Varoufakis getting in. Bloomberg: "Remember Greece's leather-clad, motorcycle-riding finance minister who clashed repeatedly with his hard-line German counterpart during the standoff over a third bailout? Well watch out -- Yanis Varoufakis is officially back in the game." Cue the music. Like I want to know the class composition of his voters. He had what looked like a super-bourg crowd on election night and seems to propose this kind of left-pan-European superstate nationalism where Europe steals America's recycling mechanism and becomes the new Global Minotaur or something but I'm not really well read on him except to give his party's name points for creativity: The European Realistic Disobedience Front
trakfactri posted:+ I wonder why Kappa Kappa Epsilon has relatively high support in the red islands. Like what's the history there
After WW2 a bunch of communists got exiled to Icaria, hence the name.
pptl_idiot posted:trakfactri posted:+ I wonder why Kappa Kappa Epsilon has relatively high support in the red islands. Like what's the history there
After WW2 a bunch of communists got exiled to Icaria, hence the name.
oh! i assumed it was named after iCarly.
Korean Friendship Association Greece replied decrying this in a series of tweets i'm too bored to translate, but which contain some very choice pics:
Ανακοίνωση της KFA Greece για τα δημοσιεύματα της εφημερίδας Η ΑΥΓΗ.
— Korean Friendship Association Greece 🇰🇵🇬🇷 (@DPRK_KFAGreece) July 10, 2019
"Οι σπουδαίοι ηγέτες μας Κιμ Ιλ-Σουνγκ και Κιμ Τζονγκ Ιλ θα είναι για πάντα κοντά μας!"