Strangle ministers, wear brown shirts, plant bombs
Weep no more but pity me,
Fleet persistent shadow cast
By your lameness,
caught at last,
Helplessly in love with you,
Elegance, art, fascination,
Fascinated by
Drab mortality;
Spare me a humiliation,
To your faults be true:
I can sing as you reply
deadken posted:
what is canada anyway. do we really need it
a few acres of snow
Life in Texas???
deadken posted:
i was kinda astounded by the number of people slumped amoeba-like over mobility scooters. they didnt look sad or despondent though, and they all kept on eating with a kind of perverse pleasure, as if gorging themselves into disability somehow constituted a kind of victory. in a way it supports my whole Thing about the freedom of western societies producing a tyranny of the self and of the self's desires but i think theres something else going on there..... they're not just fighting against nanny-state liberal biopower, theyre almost in resistance against their own cherished ideology of self-reliance and individualism, running, leaping joyfully into reliance.... in a fractured society the mobility scooter is the nurturing other, it is nurse and lover, their mounds of adipose tissue are the objects of desire, it's not self-absorbtion, it's a caesura of the self, almost platonist.....
Weep no more but pity me,
Fleet persistent shadow cast
By your lameness,
caught at last,
Helplessly in love with you,
Elegance, art, fascination,
Fascinated by
Drab mortality;
Spare me a humiliation,
To your faults be true:
I can sing as you reply
keep going
babyfinland posted:
Crow posted:
I live in texas??? coincidence????
Life in Texas???
blinkandwheeze posted:babyfinland posted:TIM HECKER > BORED OF CANADA
babyfinland posted:blinkandwheeze posted:babyfinland posted:TIM HECKER > BORED OF CANADA
deadken posted:
i think i got some good ones of the historical reenactor people outside the alamo though
did you check out the basement
Upon waking up I saw more posts pointing out the flaws of IC than Kony posts. I knew this would happen and I made a conscious decision to ignore the negativity but as usual I am not following my original intentions. I am going to impulsively share my opinions. Prepare yourselves. I will try to refrain from the cursing.
All of you who think you are so intelligent for pointing out how much money DOESN’T go to the children, all of you who are pointing out how this has been going on for 25 years and it shouldn’t just now be a big deal: You are ignorant. So ignorant it’s disgusting. And yes, I am speaking to those of you who are my friends. I am seriously reconsidering our friendship because of some of the posts I’ve seen.
When you complain that only $.25 of each dollar you donate goes to the actual children, you just sound ignorant. Please try to explain to me how you can effectively run a business…go ahead, try. Try to explain to me how you build an effective business with no money. Explain to me how it would be more profitable to just give all the money directly to the kids in Uganda. Go hand a kid an American dollar and see how effective they are with it. YOU ARE IGNORANT. Money runs the world and there’s nothing you can do about it. You are remarkably uneducated on how a charity works and how it works effectively. Clearly the people of IC are not, since they have created a movement of millions in just days.
Yes IC does support the Ugandan army. Yes the Ugandan army is also oppressive. But you have to understand that in every war, there is a strategy. You choose the strategy that is most effective, not most appealing. They are fighting to bring justice by whatever methods possible. It’s like an American presidential campaign. No one actually likes the dickwads that are running but you vote for the lesser of two evils. None of you seem to have a problem with that.
Yes, this movement should have happened years ago but it didn’t. It’s happening now. Why, in the name of all that is good in the world, whyyyyy would you want to question that?
And yes, there are billions of other people who are facing injustices like this one, even in America. So instead of depleting the relevance of this campaign why don’t you get off your computer and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
The people of IC have a heart for Uganda and the tragedies going on there. Maybe you are plagued at night by the injustices in Thailand and Malaysia. SO DO SOMETHING. DO SOMETHING. DO SOMETHING. DO SOMETHING.
It sickens me to see that despite the good intentions and efforts of hundreds of thousands of people, there will always be people who say it’s not good enough, or it’s not worth getting involved with.
You are a selfish and ignorant human and you disgust me.
In my opinion, every person in the world should be devoted to a campaign like this one. One that fights for justice. One that is devoted to peace. One that takes great measures despite the costs.
So instead of criticizing the efforts towards something good, why don’t you get off your ass do something about the things you care about.
tpaine posted:GoldenLionTamarin posted:
ahahah oh my hgod