Today I’m here to talk to you about the wide world of firearms and firearms accessories.
There are many fire arms, too many to list in fact to list so instead we’ll be sticking to more popular platforms.
Ruger10/22: Probably the best starter rifle very cheap ammo and a cheap but reliable fire arm. I would recommend this to anyone completely new to firearms and on a budget or simply someone who wants to try the basics out without having to deal with recoil.
Shotguns: cheap, easy to use and cheap ammo. Next to .22 plinkers this is hard to beat in terms of budget. I Recommend 12 gauge as 20 gauge aren’t as well supported or supplied.
First the most common platform the bolt action hunting rifle or scout rifle if you’re feeling frisky. Not much is to be said about bolt actions, they’re usually high caliber and designed for hunting. Scout rifles:
Cowboy guns: ineffective but fun, they have special shooting competitions so if you ever wanted to be a Lakota warrior here’s your chance.
Autoloading rifles:
AR-15: fires 223/556 generally, though some have been chambered in .300 blackout. Most common autoloader in the united states. I highly recommend familiarity with this platform if you’re in Amerikan or Filipino. Uses direct gas impingement which roughly means you must clean your rifle more than a piston-based rifle which is more reliable though the difference is negligible depending on the quality of the AR. Most AR15’s are direct gas impingement though more recent variants have adopted the piston-based platform. The negligible recoil of the 556 is a bonus when learning to shoot, along with the relatively low ammo costs. ARs can be found as cheaply as 400 dollars for a reasonably usable weapon.
How to use:
AK47/AKM variants
Rule one of AK’s do not buy American made they are bombs. A good AK these days will run you 800+ thanks to protectionist policies. Passed the initial start up cost AK ammo is cheap as the come and the gun is extremely reliable, a bonus for the lazy gun owner. Not as accurate or common as the AR15, but it has a lot of spare parts and cheap ammo. There are does and do not dos of purchasing AKs, Do: purchase WASRS, SLRs, SAM7Ks, and Norinco rifles. Do not dos: purchase any Amerikkkan made firearm, they are literally bombs waiting to go off.
Advanced Combat Rifles.
These are guns for people with more money than brains, they consist of modern Galils, bushmaster’s ACR, SCARs, and 805 Brens. These are expensive and only for assholes. That said I would recommend the Bren because it looks and acts like a SCAR but doesn’t dent your wallet as much. And Galils are made by satan’s penis. (Israel).
Bullpups: If they fuck up they’ll take your face off, but they do look cool. Avoid the Tavor series it has gas venting problems.
Honorable mention:
SKS: limited range of around 100 yards relatively cheap and simple to use. Get a Chinese or Russian SKS if optional. Notably heavy, but very reliably great for survivalists.
Pistols Most Common Calibers:
9mm: The most common pistol caliber ranging from full sized service pistols to petite pocket pistols. Controllable and still deadly the 9mm is the work horse of pistol calibers.
.40 S&W: a relatively young round that has seen much popularity, price is slightly above 9mm as is the recoil.
.45 ACP: these are the 1911s and other high caliber pistols ammo is moderately priced per round.
.38 Special: Second most used round used in revolvers, particularly snubnosed
.357 Magnum: powerful cartridge with medium to high cost per round.
Places worth visiting.
Edited by Populares ()

kinch posted:everyone noticed that the two dozen 'defectors' who took part in the latest coup attempt were armed with antiquated american weapons, but few noticed this stupid piece of shit lol
In case anyone is unfamiliar it's an AR-57, which is a bizarro upper for the AR platform from an American company which no longer exists and is designed to fire the same ammunition as the FN P90 with the top-mounted horizontal magazine. As it happens the Guardia Nacional Bolivariana de Venezuela uses the P90 which means the coup plotters don't have to import the ammunition. The best thing is how the spent cartridges eject downwards into the (false) lower magazine. You can see the spent brass collecting in the magazine: totally gooberish for any firearm unless the operator doesn't want to leave any brass behind after murking somebody.
But why would you go through all the trouble of importing guns designed to murk / massacre people if you're just going to stand around on a bridge for a few hours?

Photo is from June 2014 so they could've been up to all kinds of stuff. South Sudan, hunting the LRA in the Central African Republic, DRC, etc...
The reviews of the gunsmith gave me second thoughts:
very impressive cuts made on the rifle. But if done with incorrect size what's the point...
Jim is an honest business man. He admitted his mistake. (Would have gone unnoticed)
Jim has his heart in the right place. He enjoys his work. Very knowledgeable about firearms.
Sketchy business practices.
Brought up ATF interactions on multiple occasions during my first visit.
Does not organize client info.
Records incorrect serial numbers.
Does not securely transfer firearms
Did not request identification when returning rifle to my possession.
Anyone could probably go in and pick up a finished product.
Under employed.
2 employees (including Jim) 2 dogs
Staff Overworked and stressed.
Jim may violate terms of agreement
If Jim agrees to a time frame expect to wait 3 times longer.
In my case my project was 3 months over due (job only takes a week at most once wait time passes)
Jim will take short cuts. (Working on multiple projects at once)
Jim boasts about how many projects he works on at one time. Which is no surprise he made a mistake.
Jim is in the business where mistakes are irreversible is some cases. He lacked the ability to organize multiple projects effectively.
Jim drilled and mounted the wrong components. (too large pin size)
Jim tried to backtrack on his mistake with multiple excuses. He even went as far as invoking his personal issues as an excuse.
Jim lacks the temperament to effectively dissolve his own escalation.
Jim may physically damage your property and will expect you to deal with it. (Throwing rifle with force)
Jim lacks customer service and basic communication skills. When handling a product discrepancy.
Jim is an escalation enabler. (Threaten customers by knocking them unconscious in his office if you request, in timely matter he resolves the issue)
Jim may threaten you with death if you suggest constructive criticism about customer relations.
Jim treats his customers like they're scum.
Jim expects his customers to be on equal understanding with his personal problems which is a problem because he doesn't know his customers nor does he ever communicate with them.
At pickup Jim had the insanity to charge full price for an incorrect project. Absurd...
Also did not return fixed stock
lo posted:welcome! to the fbi honeypot megathread!
This is an ATF honey pot, speaking of which would anyone be interested joining in discussing their moonshine distilling methods.
karphead posted:any recommended youtube gun channels that don't divert into talk about how this target just got pink-canoed, taliban-style
karphead posted:any recommended youtube gun channels that don't divert into talk about how this target just got pink-canoed, taliban-style
Hickok45 high school teacher and old cowboy shooter.Covers all sorts of guns that you'll find on the market for the most part sort of a reliable reviewer.
Demolition ranch, guy with too much money does funny things
Forgotten weapons probably the most interesting choice if firearms history and design interests you.
C&R arsenal does extremely detailed history of historical firearms pertaining to the first and second world wars usually.

gauss posted:ok story nobody cares about is i vividly remember like 11-12 years ago watching on the sa gun subforum, The Guy On A Quest For All The Nazi Guns. lived in michigan, got so obsessed that not only did he become a gun dealer, he got up to being a licensed gun dealer for cops (post-sample dealer) which is the only way you can own legally a machine gun made after 1986. so he could get a real g36.
but the g36 only happened after he owned a full auto mp40, pretty sure maybe even an stg44? and an mg42 and a PAIR of mg34s, sequential serial numbers iirc. post these long and loving detailed image sets. and even at the very lowest, 8mm was still 25 cents a round. fed into a gun with a 1200-1500 rounds per minute cyclic rate. and he never came off as anyone who was wealthy, just psycho about building his whole business around buying guns for himself.
anyway, i sent this guy this new site i had been looking at, that had the weird rare shit i had never seen, lot of weird german shit, (the site design has not changed of course).
and the guy that had just devoted a couple of years of his life and no small part of his marriage in classic goon fashion to a quest for buying nazi machine guns looked at it and sent me back a message how this ian guy had some neonazi kind of angle to him, trust me i know.
and that message has literally bothered me for YEARS because i don't think it's fair but i think of it every time i watch his videos.
anyway, classic goon story ending, the nazi machine gun guy turned around and sold of all his nazi machine guns like someone coming off the joose only a few years later. probably because, like on the joose, he suddenly realized how badly in the hole he was on account of the nazi machine guns.
i bought an m1 carbine from him.
cars posted:so a guy on a forum knew a guy who had a feeling about a YouTube guy neither of them knew?
he also has another channel where he shoots guns with a guy who's really into rhodesia
toutvabien posted:i've been shooting exactly once and the range in Texas i went to started me off with an AR-15. they had v racist "urban thug" style targets you could purchase if you wanted
When in feeling like wasting money I buy a hostage target and shoot the hostage exclusively.
cars posted:I sympathize with the thinking here but this thread is a cop and like all cops, it should live in the hidden PDF forum.
That forum was made by a cop, this site was made by a cop, the moderators are cops. You are a cop. I am a cop.
trakfactri posted:I met a Rhodesian pilot once (not a mercenary ... probably).
Who wears short shorts?
Populares posted:Who wears short shorts?
Gonna wear *that* to the gun show, hey yo!!!
dimashq posted:That forum was made by a cop, this site was made by a cop, the moderators are cops. You are a cop. I am a cop.
Yes, but, here's my point: we live in the hidden PDF forum.
trakfactri posted:Most of the people who stop by don't even know what a Komsomol badge looks like.

karphead posted: