— bremroaner (@SirSandGoblin) March 14, 2019
drwhat posted:ialdabaoth posted:drwhat posted:hello all, after watching footage live from parliament i would just like to take this thread out of the back closet to say that i hope every mp dies in brexit-induced food riots. thank you
sure but why wish for food riots too
i think no-deal has a nonzero chance of creating some
I saw a flow chart the other day where basically every path wound up ending in no deal. I believed it immediately. It's happening
sovnarkoman posted:the fuck is "no deal"
it's ok, it's impossible, the parliament voted for no no deal
swampman posted:i think certin posters like myself dont actually understand what all happens to Eugland when it flops out the EU like a placenta into a birthing pool
dies of complications easily preventable by modern medicine because they refused to give birth at a hospital.
in the very long term for british workers it is possible that it might be better, due to domestic industry and a smaller labour pool, right, i think we have talked about the left case for
the theoretical good way of doing this is to agree on a deal with the EU where you have at least a gradual transition period but this is impossible because the english hate the irish but also because the tories including theresa may are a bunch of babies throwing their own shit at each other and themselves.
i say the problem is the english hating the irish because the mps claim that the reason for rejecting the brexit deal is because there is one paragraph in the 600 pages that says, basically, due to the good friday agreement the uk must stay in a type of union with the eu until some new arrangement is made. (iirc this was asked for by the uk negotiators.) brexit mps say this is uh indentured servitude and permanent castration and england shall never be slaves or something.
and so, on top of that, in the case of no-deal, the irish border would need to be enforced, but that would also violate the good friday agreement and the ira will re-arm (some already have). some tories actually claim that they won't enforce an irish border and instead will force RoI to create special customs enforcement between themselves and the EU, but they don't say it very loudly and if they did it wouldn't go very well imo.
anyway, the shitlords in parliament have been unable to vote positively on anything, or even to propose any useful options over the past two years, other than "no no deal" (on Wednesday), the most useless gong show i have ever seen, and in favour of asking the EU for a delay (on Thursday), but they haven't figured out what positively-stated goal the delay would help them accomplish, and without one the EU will not agree to it. so no deal. so far.
sovnarkoman posted:the fuck is "no deal"
theresa may keeps saying "no deal" and theatrically crossing her arms until eventually it's time to open the briefcase she randomly selected at the start of the parliamentary brexit process and finds out it contains 50p and a crude drawing of a monkey
- price rises will likely be even more than tariff rates due to the inability of ports to handle the extra delays
- some people claim the UK will just charge 0% tariffs on everything from everywhere to balance it out but i don't think this has been looked at more than someone drawing diagrams on a napkin
- this may lead to the utter destruction of the tories as a political party though, in canada the conservative party got crushed to nothingness after introducing NAFTA, so it's possible (though the only available alternative was the liberals so eh)
drwhat posted:if you exit with no deal you have no treaties with other countries, and you are required (afaik) to charge them WTO tariff rates because WTO Says So. you go immediately from zero tariffs on many commodities to WTO levels, which on a lot of things is 40%. as far as i understand, the UK is bound by WTO to charge those tariffs and other countries are too,
that sounds like something that will be whisked away with magic unless the Brussels-orbiting bourgeoisie thinks they can use it to shift UK policy in their favor in a very short period of time. if not then a catchphrase will be invented to explain why it used to be like that but now that's going away because of Emergencies. like since when does stuff like this bow to the rule of law when it's whitey's neck in the noose.
lo posted:how effective do you uk people think the blarite 'antisemitism' stuff about corbyn is? i mean to me it seems like its all just media and wonk grandstanding rather than anything of real substance but i dont know if real life people not on the tv actually believe it or not.
i think the diehard corbyn voters tune it out but it's incredible to me how consistent and long-lived its been. at one of the worst moments in the past few weeks a number of labour MPs loudly quit the party over this stuff. it seems impossible to imagine they weren't incited to do so.
it's hard to notice lately through the brexit noise, but whenever that quiets down a notch you immediately see a bunch of op-eds about how labour has to deal with its antisemitism problem. continually citing nothing or one dissident blairite or something. (though one day on a disused corner of some bbc page i did see something like "tories have to deal with their anti-islamism problem", once)
i can't really tell as a still-outsider how much the media themselves believe it. tory rags will say anything. i guess (?) everyday UKers who grew up here are used to insane levels of bias in the media so maybe it has a smaller effect here, but i really get the feeling (not just because of this) that the establishment will do almost anything to keep corbyn out. fuck up brexit, fuck up parliament, bribe, steal, cheat, invent terrible shit in the news, whatever needs to be done. ultimately that is probably one of the biggest reasons brexit is this fucked up, tbh. if not for the threat of Literal British Stalin, the tories probably would have gotten rid of May and possibly gone along with an election even imo
cars posted:that sounds like something that will be whisked away with magic unless the Brussels-orbiting bourgeoisie thinks they can use it to shift UK policy in their favor in a very short period of time. if not then a catchphrase will be invented to explain why it used to be like that but now that's going away because of Emergencies. like since when does stuff like this bow to the rule of law when it's whitey's neck in the noose.
the idea that the UK will bow to the WTO sounds just slightly less foolish than the idea that the US would bow to the ICC posted:“We work with Shai, we know him very well,” the group’s director Ella Rose admitted to an undercover reporter in 2016, a transcript of the conversation shows.
Shai Masot was the Israeli embassy spy forced out of the UK after an undercover Al Jazeera investigation last year exposed him plotting to “take down” a senior UK government minister.
In a transcript of a conversation Rose had with an Al Jazeera reporter who was using the pseudonym “Robin,” Rose admits to working closely with Masot both before and after she was appointed executive director of the Jewish Labour Movement.
lol they straight up caught israel pledging to take down pro-palestinian pols and now just a little over a year later they're taking down all the pro palestinian pols. i guess they decided it's fine if they can use it to run out corbyn
Edited by ilmdge ()
Every motion loses
— Alex Wickham (@alexwickham) March 27, 2019
No deal loses 160-400
Common Market 2.0 loses 188-283
Efta/EEA loses 65-377
Customs union loses 264-272
Labour alt plan loses 237-307
Revoke A50 loses 184-293
2nd referendum loses 268-295
Managed no deal loses 139-422
ilmdge posted:Every motion loses
— Alex Wickham (@alexwickham) March 27, 2019
No deal loses 160-400
Common Market 2.0 loses 188-283
Efta/EEA loses 65-377
Customs union loses 264-272
Labour alt plan loses 237-307
Revoke A50 loses 184-293
2nd referendum loses 268-295
Managed no deal loses 139-422
ah, wrapped up in a tidy package then

Petrol posted:i love that she dangled the promise of her resignation as a sweetener the third time and they were like "that's weird and honestly a little tempting but lol no"
Funniest part is that had her deal passed she would’ve resigned, but now that it failed for the third time she will remain in office.
Petrol posted:it would be easy to simply point and laugh at may but it's much more satisfying to point and laugh at the entire british parliament for being so utterly broken
you know lately its been in vogue to poke at how absurdly stupid the american system is, and while that's totally fair, i think contemporary events in britain, australia, and canada, should remind us once again that the problem isn't the particular flavours and forms of capitalist liberal democracy, but the real actual content of all capitalist "democracy" itself
Petrol posted:it would be easy to simply point and laugh at may but it's much more satisfying to point and laugh at the entire british parliament for being so utterly broken
to be honest i think this whole spectre of "crisis" is something of a concoction in the face of parliament actually being vaguely democratic for once. these votes leading to impasse is representative of where the country is over brexit, and if it forces an election then so much the better.
it's same as various "crises" for the labour party because of its membership no longer being such a neutered passive door-knocking body.

shriekingviolet posted:Petrol posted:it would be easy to simply point and laugh at may but it's much more satisfying to point and laugh at the entire british parliament for being so utterly broken
you know lately its been in vogue to poke at how absurdly stupid the american system is, and while that's totally fair, i think contemporary events in britain, australia, and canada, should remind us once again that the problem isn't the particular flavours and forms of capitalist liberal democracy, but the real actual content of all capitalist "democracy" itself
I haven't quite got it figured out but I think it's an interesting series of events to develop in the core imperialist countries. Capital is not threatened, the working class has been defeated and hasn't recovered from the last crash anyways so there's no confidence there, and the only anti-imperialist states still out there are too isolated and weak to mount any kind of challenge. So what objective reason is there as far as the top bourg in Brussels, the City and on Wall Street are concerned to continue paying out rents to all the angry white yokels?
There ain't one. So this "right-wing populism" is really a compulsive freakout attempt to lock everything down "before it's too late." In other words, there's a goose and the golden eggs are the rents paid out to the yokels maintaining their dominant, superstructural position in the imperial core, but the goose is laying fewer golden eggs these days so the urge is to strangle the goose to death and ration what's left of the eggs. The goose is the base (also imperialism).
Edited by trakfactri ()
trakfactri posted:shriekingviolet posted:Petrol posted:it would be easy to simply point and laugh at may but it's much more satisfying to point and laugh at the entire british parliament for being so utterly broken
you know lately its been in vogue to poke at how absurdly stupid the american system is, and while that's totally fair, i think contemporary events in britain, australia, and canada, should remind us once again that the problem isn't the particular flavours and forms of capitalist liberal democracy, but the real actual content of all capitalist "democracy" itself
I haven't quite got it figured out but I think it's an interesting series of events to develop in the core imperialist countries. Capital is not threatened, the working class has been defeated and hasn't recovered from the last crash anyways so there's no confidence there, and the only anti-imperialist states still out there are too isolated and weak to mount any kind of challenge. So what objective reason is there as far as the top bourg in Brussels, the City and on Wall Street are concerned to continue paying out rents to all the angry white yokels?
There ain't one. So this "right-wing populism" is really a compulsive freakout attempt to lock everything down "before it's too late." In other words, there's a goose and the golden eggs are the rents paid out to the yokels maintaining their dominant, superstructural position in the imperial core, but the goose is laying fewer golden eggs these days so the urge is to strangle the goose to death and ration what's left of the eggs. The goose is the base (also imperialism).
i can imagine some reasons like the need to have a stable(ish) domestic base, to have a pool for recruiting einsatzgruppen when need be and to have some sort of consumer base still around but not sure if these reasons are accurate or enough to justify such a sacrifice in the form of white-rent
ghostpinballer posted:a state of perpetually escalating tension with no resolving moment of catharsis
hmm it seems like constant revolutionizing of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones