shriekingviolet posted:drcat please change the vague post ratings scale for guests to use the American Standard Toilet Flushing Championship model, ranging from 18 Golf Balls (lowest) all the way to 1kg Miso (lowest)
let a thousand flushes bloom
shriekingviolet posted:drcat please change the vague post ratings scale for guests to use the American Standard Toilet Flushing Championship model, ranging from 18 Golf Balls (lowest) all the way to 1kg Miso (lowest)
hmmmmmmm i think it's the other way around

kinch posted:that would be cool
i think so too but then i have a glance at just the rhizz, all the reading lists and tips, and i realise that for all the solid reading and theory i think i have, there are always dozens more books and writers i'm just not aware of and so i start to think you know what someone has nailed this better somewhere else and i'm in way over my head here. would be nice to not be so cripplingly self-aware sometimes.
dimashq posted:I have read 0 books
ive read Less Than Zero
ghostpinballer posted:genuinely have been trying off and on for about a year to piece together a podcast in which i offer a history of the sicilian mafia using marxist analysis. it's an incredibly rich and fascinating and horrifying story, takes in over 200 years of italian politics and encompasses 2 world wars, the development of capitalism/abolition of feudalism, colonialism, the CIA, revolution, socialism, fascism, heroin, political corruption, the years of led, plus shitloads of mob wars and murders and ofc the mattanza and the mafia's war on the italian state in the 80s and 90s etc. was amazed nobody else has done it. i speak a little bit of italian and have been trying to learn more. problem is i'm doing all of this off my own learning, so i keep getting cold feet over it because once i have "a take" i reread what i've done and i'm like hmmm, not marxist enough tbh. plus i have a ridiculous northern english accent so the hilarity of pronouncing "capodecina" while sounding like a game of thrones stable boy is a bit at odds with the gravity of the subject matter. would really love to at least nail a solid 20 minutes introductory episode but i don't think i'll ever end up getting it sorted to a satisfactory level.
this sounds extremely good and my suggestion if you're having trouble taking the step of actually recording anything you could always try posting script excerpts here or sharing them in PMs for feedback. might be all you need to get confidence up. ganbatte ne
this sounds extremely good and my suggestion if you're having trouble taking the step of actually recording anything you could always try posting script excerpts here or sharing them in PMs for feedback. might be all you need to get confidence up. ganbatte ne
thanks for the offer! if i can get a new draft of a "pilot" script going i will take this up, i'll have to dig up my sources and stuff again. the first ep would have been an introductory breakdown of how a mafia clan is structured, what kind of activities they engage in, trying to emphasise this isn't just a bunch of gangsters doing gangster shit. then subsequent episodes would be a more standard history, beginning in 1800 and taking in the revolutions, garibaldi, feudalism transitioning to this especially weird form of capitalism in sicily, etc. i guess my intention would be to go heavy on the political/socio-economic history to scare off people expecting some boring true crime type shit. italian history is amazing, deserves more than just "X shot Y just like in the godfather".
toyotathon, i agree totally. i think with being a non-uni person, if i'm teaching myself something quite often just knowing where to start can be a big hurdle, without having a kind of pre-approved "learning path" in place. but it can also be more interesting, cos you find places like this and a world of stuff you'd have otherwise been totally unaware of.
if anyone is interested there's a book called gomorrah, which is an undercover expose of the mainland camorra organisation, has a lot of interesting sections about the economics and politics of these mafia groups. supply chains, labour exploitation, so on. the film and tv adaptations aren't bad but the book goes pretty deep yet is a relatively easy read.
Petrol posted:i read gomorrah a few years back and found it very interesting and enjoyable. i wish there was something roughly equivalent about the 'ndrangheta because here (down undah) it's all calabrian so i'm naturally more interested in how their thing works as opposed to the sicilians or whatever.
some recent war nerd eps covered the years of lead and they briefly touched on the 'ndrangheta here and there, but not much. mafia republic by john dickie deals with them, but mainly from the post WW2 period to the present. it's a good effort, altho his cosa nostra book is better and even then he tends to skip some stuff. would be interested to read his more academic work, i imagine he goes into far more detail than writing for a mass readership would allow.
ghostpinballer posted:Petrol posted:i read gomorrah a few years back and found it very interesting and enjoyable. i wish there was something roughly equivalent about the 'ndrangheta because here (down undah) it's all calabrian so i'm naturally more interested in how their thing works as opposed to the sicilians or whatever.
some recent war nerd eps covered the years of lead and they briefly touched on the 'ndrangheta here and there, but not much. mafia republic by john dickie deals with them, but mainly from the post WW2 period to the present. it's a good effort, altho his cosa nostra book is better and even then he tends to skip some stuff. would be interested to read his more academic work, i imagine he goes into far more detail than writing for a mass readership would allow.
Maybe you can get on the war nerd too lol. Although that annibale guy probably already knows everything about this
ghostpinballer posted:genuinely have been trying off and on for about a year to piece together a podcast in which i offer a history of the sicilian mafia using marxist analysis. it's an incredibly rich and fascinating and horrifying story, takes in over 200 years of italian politics and encompasses 2 world wars, the development of capitalism/abolition of feudalism, colonialism, the CIA, revolution, socialism, fascism, heroin, political corruption, the years of led, plus shitloads of mob wars and murders and ofc the mattanza and the mafia's war on the italian state in the 80s and 90s etc. was amazed nobody else has done it. i speak a little bit of italian and have been trying to learn more. problem is i'm doing all of this off my own learning, so i keep getting cold feet over it because once i have "a take" i reread what i've done and i'm like hmmm, not marxist enough tbh. plus i have a ridiculous northern english accent so the hilarity of pronouncing "capodecina" while sounding like a game of thrones stable boy is a bit at odds with the gravity of the subject matter. would really love to at least nail a solid 20 minutes introductory episode but i don't think i'll ever end up getting it sorted to a satisfactory level.
Just go on RWN for a three episode run, it would be great (and apparently we have a zzone hookup(?)(!))
dimashq posted:Although that annibale guy probably already knows everything about this
don't be a dick when someone wants to do something cool
ghostpinballer posted:dimashq posted:cars posted:dimashq posted:Although that annibale guy probably already knows everything about this
don't be a dick when someone wants to do something cool
E: cars is right, that came off wrong, I didn’t mean it in a dickish way
no harm no foul guys, appreciating the feedback :)
What I meant is it would be a really cool podcast, especially since anibale piqued my interest in post-ww2 Italy and the war nerd podcast framework doesn’t allow for the sort of extended discussion your aiming for,
anyway I’d totally listen to it
littlegreenpills posted:when i am listening to podcasts i am sincerely and entirely unable to imagine that they are my friends who are having a conversation with me. is there something wrong with me or with everyone else
your experience will change when your good ol' pal CG666 releases his podcast
littlegreenpills posted:when i am listening to podcasts i am sincerely and entirely unable to imagine that they are my friends who are having a conversation with me. is there something wrong with me or with everyone else
you want to be able to imagine that they are your friends who are having a conversation with you?
ghostpinballer posted:i gave this podcast called behind the bastards a spin because they did a 2 parter on bashar al assad and i wanted to know what a self-proclaimed anarchist made of the syrian civil war. the host and his friend spend 10 minutes at the start of both episodes saying assad has a tiny dick.
now on episode 2. he and his pal have gone off on a huge rant about how the US should have intervened in syria in 2011 and if george bush and cheney had been in charge they at least would have intervened, and it's a shame that iraq went badly because the US could have made the difference in syria. the white helmets are good, the US only gave the rebels three dollars and a box of blank ammunition. the woman says "at least cheney and bush got results", and they wrap up by saying iran is allied with syria so anyone against the US fucking with iran is supporting "the evil".
the woman co-hosting the podcast claims to be a bit of an expert on syria and supported trump bombing the country last year. she also didn't know what the mukhabarat was until midway thru the first episode lol
anarchists, man. yeesh
Edited by ghostpinballer ()
ghostpinballer posted:ghostpinballer posted:i gave this podcast called behind the bastards a spin because they did a 2 parter on bashar al assad and i wanted to know what a self-proclaimed anarchist made of the syrian civil war. the host and his friend spend 10 minutes at the start of both episodes saying assad has a tiny dick.
now on episode 2. he and his pal have gone off on a huge rant about how the US should have intervened in syria in 2011 and if george bush and cheney had been in charge they at least would have intervened, and it's a shame that iraq went badly because the US could have made the difference in syria. the white helmets are good, the US only gave the rebels three dollars and a box of blank ammunition. the woman says "at least cheney and bush got results", and they wrap up by saying iran is allied with syria so anyone against the US fucking with iran is supporting "the evil".
the woman co-hosting the podcast claims to be a bit of an expert on syria and supported trump bombing the country last year. she also didn't know what the mukhabarat was until midway thru the first episode lol
anarchists, man. yeesh
Doesn’t the host of that podcast work with bellingcat