fuck these people.
i dont think anybody here really needs to be convinced of the limits of american social democrats, the dsa and their strategy of tailing the Bernie campaign
i dont know if it was in this thread or another one but someone was talking about the Mueller She Wrote podcast, which i thought was a rhizzone joke, then i assumed was some niche liberal podcast, but now i see they have like 2/3rds as many twitter followers as chapo and are charging 30$ for tickets to their events. always good to keep stuff like that in mind when 'socialism' seems to be on everybody's tongue.
Petrol posted:I mean, i guess podcasts are great if you like listening to small groups of white guys talking about how much smarter they are than everyone else and laughing at each others jokes and getting their dicks out of their pants to measure against each other and high five with their dicks.
i guess i have missed The Dickcast, i also never checked out Penis Pod, or Dicks Out Tonight... But they seem like they don't have much in common with Radio War Nerd where relatively humble guys interview people from the areas they're discussing, or at least people who have lived there for years, to try to find out what is actually going on
psychicdriver posted:been redpilled on chapo by posts i'm sure lots of ppl here are already familiar w https://doloresvek.wordpress.com/ for example, the biggest thing is that their families are all media dipshits and they're all media dipshits too, you're right cars it's brain rotting and not even acceptable to listen to in a distanced way. it's a garbage fire.
fuck these people.
I appreciated forums poster thirdplace's comments on that blog post.
also where the HECK is Crypto Cuttlefish gone?!?! and can they please write a book.
Fayafi posted:i actually like muslim tom and am sympathetic to his disillusionment
psychicdriver posted:been redpilled on chapo by posts i'm sure lots of ppl here are already familiar w https://doloresvek.wordpress.com/ for example, the biggest thing is that their families are all media dipshits and they're all media dipshits too, you're right cars it's brain rotting and not even acceptable to listen to in a distanced way. it's a garbage fire.
fuck these people.
i suppose it doesn't matter given the convergence of how the two groups act, but the amateur-hour Online forensics are so bad here. these guys hijacked original-LF-style goonsmanship for Bernie Sanders campaign ads and Detective Snoopy here thinks they're imitating 4chan, it's like thinking rhinos evolved from horses because they both support their weight on the third toe
i'll write a gigantic run-on sentence on these our forums with a dozen commas in it every third time i post but i can't come close to

...when it comes to saying something we all probably agree with but in a way that also recommends a percoset and thirty minutes lie down in a dark room. sometimes it seems like these folks are operating on another level and sometimes it's what i imagine sitting through Hamilton must be like.
winebaby posted:my observation is that podcast listeners barely care what the podcast is about. this is because the point of podcasts is to pretend that you are friends with the podcast hosts, or that you have friends at all in this atomized, dissolute american wastescape
thats why im gonna have big gaps in my podcast audio so that the listener can talk back to me. and maybe ill add some ambient café sounds for added intimacy.
Chthonic_Goat_666 posted:thats why im gonna have big gaps in my podcast audio so that the listener can talk back to me. and maybe ill add some ambient café sounds for added intimacy.
42a Brigada de Infantería Parasocial
cars posted:tbh i don't really know what I think of CC because that corner of online usually writes how a headache feels.
i'll write a gigantic run-on sentence on these our forums with a dozen commas in it every third time i post but i can't come close to
...when it comes to saying something we all probably agree with but in a way that also recommends a percoset and thirty minutes lie down in a dark room. sometimes it seems like these folks are operating on another level and sometimes it's what i imagine sitting through Hamilton must be like.
they suck and i was disappointed that he didn't lead me to a bunch of accounts like his.
cars posted:tbh i don't really know what I think of CC because that corner of online usually writes how a headache feels.
i'll write a gigantic run-on sentence on these our forums with a dozen commas in it every third time i post but i can't come close to
...when it comes to saying something we all probably agree with but in a way that also recommends a percoset and thirty minutes lie down in a dark room. sometimes it seems like these folks are operating on another level and sometimes it's what i imagine sitting through Hamilton must be like.
cool its like the beautiful lovechild of trotskyite cinderblock paragraphs and a star wars nerd who won't stop saying things in the yoda voice.
Fayafi posted:podcasts are good for transit and 16 hour long flights. music is better for everything else.
you know whats even better for a long flight? thats right baby, the humble book is back in style
cars posted:i think a lot of the people who are mad at podcasts in the links on this page, people i agree with in general, should take a second to say their posts out of their mouth holes into a microphone, play it back and make faces at how they sound. okay right irony doesn't defend socialist politics, that doesn't mean you have to express yourself like an 18th-century cotton trader's pamphlet on the vices of the moldboard plow.
thats a good point. counterpoint: where is the good marxist podcast. who took the good marxist podcast. ill find the
toyotathon posted:like that 2nd tweet tells me in 6th grade he got extra points on a essay for alliteration, and he hasn't since figured out that it's corny unless it's well-hidden.
it's like someone wrote La Chinoise for musical theater and they're kicking off act two with a patter song
c_man posted:since this seems to have become the twitter auxiliary thread i think it should be folded into the twitter thread and be gone from here
sovnarkoman posted:twitter thread is the best so it should be brought back here and stickied
sovnarkoman posted:twitter thread is the best so it should be brought back here and stickied
damn the muzak really takes this one to a whole nother level