The government shutdown is causing difficulties for Radio Free Asia, a U.S. government broadcaster. A source told me that "RFA will not be able to pay employees after the end of the month." (thread).
— Isaac Stone Fish (@isaacstonefish) January 17, 2019

there is no way in hell that this program results in anything other than a bunch of kids getting raped and assaulted all over the state by drooling ex-army psychopaths but it will all be declared worth it when one homeless guy gets massacred for trying to sleep under a bush but he had a pocketknife which indicates a clear MS13 plot to chop up precious white girls
LOL 100 % of the training required for this is just how to shoot people gooder except 12 whole hours of "diversity training" (watch this DVD saying think of a good excuse before you shoot the black ones). They're sending armed marines into schools for the specific purpose of hanging around waiting to kill a child, and teaching them literally zero anything about school.
1. Hold a valid license issued under s. 790.06.
2. Complete 132 total hours of comprehensive firearm safety and proficiency training conducted by Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission-certified instructors, which must include:
a. Eighty hours of firearms instruction based on the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission’s Law Enforcement Academy training model, which must include at least 10 percent but no more than 20 percent more rounds fired than associated with academy training. Program participants must achieve an 85 percent pass rate on the firearms training.
b. Sixteen hours of instruction in precision pistol.
c. Eight hours of discretionary shooting instruction using state-of-the-art simulator exercises.
d. Eight hours of instruction in active shooter or assailant scenarios.
e. Eight hours of instruction in defensive tactics.
f. Twelve hours of instruction in legal issues.
3. Pass a psychological evaluation administered by a psychologist licensed under chapter 490 and designated by the Department of Law Enforcement and submit the results of the evaluation to the sheriff’s office. The Department of Law Enforcement is authorized to provide the sheriff’s office with mental health and substance abuse data for compliance with this paragraph.
4. Submit to and pass an initial drug test and subsequent random drug tests in accordance with the requirements of s. 112.0455 and the sheriff’s office.
5. Successfully complete ongoing training, weapon inspection, and firearm qualification on at least an annual basis.
6. Successfully complete at least 12 hours of a certified nationally recognized diversity training program.
Edited by MarxUltor ()
Household net worth falls by largest amount since the Great Recession, new Fed data shows
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) March 8, 2019

wasted posted:Trump is gonna win reelection.
difficult to argue against this atm. the dissembling never stops, now they're saying barr is a stooge (well duh) and mueller is too goddamn honourable to drop the Explosive Truth right now because he has super secret investigations also ongoing.

Trump Organization:
— FBI Records Vault (@FBIRecordsVault) March 26, 2019
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 4, 2019
sovnarkoman posted:WELCOME BACK JOE!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 4, 2019

ghostpinballer posted:if he loses in 2020 he'll refuse to leave office. the democrats will be outraged until the exact moment people start to mobilise to demand action, at which point they'll panic at the fire they've started. they will then insist on a negotiated compromise with trump. using Logic they will agree he can have a second term if he agrees to cut medicaid and give blue states more fracking sites. he will fart and spray a diffuse cloud of shit in their faces and in return they will give him his 2nd and 3rd term and will not get their tax cuts or fracking sites. they will then throw their support behind the police and national guard as the brutal crackdown against anti-trump protestors takes place. SNL will do an affectionate musical sketch about pelosi and trump the same night ICE buries a caravan of migrants alive in the arizona desert.
i used to worry about this kind of thing but with the way the last three years have actually turned out i've changed my opinion to believe that trump lacks the ambition, skill, and ideology required to make that kind of break with the liberal order. imo he'd much rather spend the rest of his life tweeting about how the election was stolen from atop his gold-plated toilet than do something that novel and personally risky
The truth is, things don't have to go particularly unusually in United States politics to end up with greasy business pals enforcing white supremacy at gunpoint. And in any long-established party system anywhere, no one involved in the system at any level believes you have to win re-election or re-appointment to continue to exercise power through your party or, in the case of e.g. the U.S. security services, to continue to exercise influence through your "community" of connected professionals and their friends within one party or another (look at James Clapper right now).
Someone trying to fight back against their graduation from the public to the private sphere causes problems for that system, and few generals or Washington top cops are going to want to shake up a situation where they can do what they want and even shape policy without most people realizing it. So there's not a lot of incentive for someone already in office to seize power publicly external to the system in most cases, because that could actually diminish your chances to exercise influence.
I think probably the biggest mistake people make about Trump, and I've made it myself before, is believing that his administration is all that different from previous ones. For instance, he's playing nice with Korea while doubling down on aggression toward Iran and Venezuela, which isn't earth-shattering. That sort of opportunistic horse-trading defined the Reagan and Clinton administrations' foreign policies. Maybe the biggest difference is that the Trump administration escalated long-standing, simmering conflicts between the elected executive office and the security agencies into a public spat, but even that wasn't enough to get the "community" to break cover and depose Trump, because they know stuff like that won't last very long.
The U.S. federal system is a mess in a lot of ways even for the bourgeoisie, like ALEC having to write and pass the same laws in a bunch of states to do what could be done with a single administrative court decision in other countries, but when it comes to presidential elections, the U.S. system is pretty well designed to get similar results every time and to protect itself against attempts to change that. It's really just a matter of self-interest. That could break at some point in the future, but nothing really suggests someone already in power would try to do it right now.
cars posted:it's literally what Republicans claimed to believe about Obama. it's much easier in a liberal democracy to rig an election or contest a close one for months than it is to try and muster security forces and the military behind unilateral abrogation of the status quo that would probably just get you marched out of office and sent to a mental health spa, but I admit it's not as exciting as pretending that everything is suddenly going to change tomorrow for no good reason.
I'm not saying he'll use the army im just saying he'll refuse to leave cos he thinks being president is cool. he'll claim voter fraud or something just for the banter. and the dems will take it because that is what they do and they think being oh so reasonable is cool. the police will crack protestors skulls because that's what they think is cool and it works just fine for them, as it has under every admin. ryan bundy 2028 is where real heads know the fun is at.