Edited by cars ()
Edited by cars ()

shriekingviolet posted:as of tomorrow, weed is legal in canada
meanwhile, i just spent 100 dollars on fake pee

actually i don't know if kids even skateboard anymore
toyotathon posted:am i too old to learn to skateboard
no, but you're too old to recover well from injuries.

tears posted:weekend at last
i only made this post like 4 days ago wtf
karphead posted:
this is the only good skate vid i have seen in my entire life pic.twitter.com/BaTXhbe6jY
— drewtoothpaste (@drewtoothpaste) November 17, 2017
tears posted:how do i combine the vape with the weed so i can remove the final barrier to being high all the time
i use this thing and its pretty fantastic. helps if you have legal weed stores selling like 12 kinds of wax and 20 other kinds of extracts
ialdabaoth posted:do they make juul pods that got dabs in em yet
i actually tried to do this with some almost-liquid extract but it failed miserably (too viscous)