not sure where else to post this observation but vancouver had its municipal election yesterday and because there are a significant number of mooks who show up and just vote for the first name on the ballot, a guy with a hitler mustache whose platform was just "rounding up illegal immigrants" got the most votes out of all the kooky outsider candidates, outperforming local favourites rollergirl and the lady i sometimes see walking around topless on commercial drive
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fuck. was it a bank fraud/identity theft scheme, or did someone you trusted fuck you over? they can usually do something about the former
dang caes
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Fuck thats awful, i hope youre able to recover something, best wishes
i have to imagine its easier getting yr shit back in CA than US and i've had a checkbook stolen and used before. but that was before, you know, 9/11, never forget
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heavy shit in the irl thread, dr.dogbless y'all

A few years ago (in the US) I had my debit card number get out in the wild and used in occupied Korea in small transactions to try and avoid notice. When I found it the bank reversed everything, even months old, including the international ATM fees. Didn't have to talk to police or anything, just filled out a form. Was completely painless. So hopefully its similar in Klanada
last i got frauded Amazon unfrauded me without me having to do anything or notice so i hope Bank will be nice
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if big dicks are evolutionary superior then why do modern chimpanzees still have tiny chimp dicks
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wikipedia posted:

In fact, the penis of the common chimpanzee is no shorter than in humans, averaging 14.4 cm (5.7 inches), and some other primates have comparable penis sizes relative to their body weight.[69]

jansenist pm me his name if u dare
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jansenist_drugstore posted:

in two days of lectures in child development so far, the professor, a barrel-chested prick with quiffed hair and tribal neck tattoos, has explained that (1) penis size is the most important trait of natural selection and evolutionary theory (then showed images of large penises compared to small ones, then human penises compared to chimp penises) and kept saying 'i think this speaks for itself! no comment necessary!' (2) that europeans who left to europe to fight with isis were 'more than likely, if not empirically-provable, to be born evil', (3) women shouldn't be 'biologically able to select their mates, but well, here we are somehow'. he also asked us to 'please never film him or record him in any way' under threat of removal from the lecture, and refers to children with mental illness as 'autists' or 'crazy, if not completely deranged'. he is also the head of the department. he's also said to visit his office hours because he gets lonely, and then winked. waiting to find out if he brings up ladder theory, pick up artistry, and involuntary celibacy next, and am near certain that he's going to start talking about peterson and harris in no time.

if your professor is a rightist but is so personally repellent that he discredits any ideas supports, does that still count as the infamous College Professor Pushing Marxism On Naive College Kids?

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im always kind of astounded when i read these stories because ive never encountered any academics who were this repellent and stupid irl(although i guess i never had any reason to go to the psych department)
everyone needs to stop drinking milk cause if you dont get a fucked throat/puking spells like me after drinking it accidentally you deserve it

also climate change

jansenist_drugstore posted:

the majority of my cohort finds him to be somehow nice and entertaining, so...

they're psych students, the majority of your cohort likes him for babbling during class so they don't have to do anything to earn their degrees. the good news is that you are going to crush them.

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get a room
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So instead of adding more buses and drivers to accommodate more routes needed for a growing city (and its insane half empty sprawling suburbs,) Edmonton Transit Service is going to kill the main east-west route through downtown that literally everyone uses to get anywhere and use the buses from that to give the far flung subdivisions token service.

Someone had the audacity to say that taking buses out of the main downtown route will eliminate the rush hour congestion that drivers are always complaining about. Congestion from the buses. That get in the way of all the prairie tough guy vanity trucks that will never be used for actual truck work.

This is also happening in the aftermath of the ridiculous new arena squatting in the middle of downtown that the city generously bought for the Katz Group for millions of dollars, which doubled all the parking prices downtown overnight, so even people who can drive downtown don't want to because it costs 40 fucking dollars to park for an evening out.

I love this dumbass city
The traffic reduction strategy could still work. Those riders just need to pitch in by driving at top speed through downtown Edmonton at rush hour.
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one time i had my debitcard stolen and the only charges were three $10 ones for something called ANASTASIA DATE
If you’re wondering how it turned out: 1918 after all
Did intake for dbt today, first session in 2 weeks. Wish me luck
Good luck
Recovering from jaw surgery. Just ate my first solid food in four weeks. Oddly enough not being able to talk IRL made me more reticent to post online... It was fun reading everyone's posts whilst on codeine though, ty all.

Belphegor posted:

Recovering from jaw surgery. Just ate my first solid food in four weeks. Oddly enough not being able to talk IRL made me more reticent to post online... It was fun reading everyone's posts whilst on codeine though, ty all.

Good luck with your recovery.

not sleeping great reading loads of bizarre police investigations though
Been getting sick every 15-20 minutes for the past 6 hrs and my body is exhausted
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