jansenist_drugstore posted:
lol that the only three positives they could come up with apply equally to people who dont work there
"A family member from every family was imprisoned for no reason."
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) September 18, 2018
Uighur Muslims who escaped Xinjiang give their testimonies to HRW. pic.twitter.com/OP9ArYncdh
Caesura109 posted:the re-education camps, surveillance and checkpoints are real.
so is the terrorism

reuters: Iran's Revolutionary Guards threaten to avenge military parade attack
is he gonna kill himself now
Caesura109 posted:like look at oz katerji, i absolutely believe he thinks he's on a moral crusade and is always searching for an opportunity to virtue signal about it by engaging with faceless twitter accounts
absolutely this. he's a genuine howler. his shilling for nusra, his vicious, misogynistic, and sectarian harassment of leftist, female, non-sunni arab journalists, the alliances with a parade of neocon creeps and weirdos like lister, the preening 50 tweet threads where like every other freak he calls for bombing the enemies of al qaeda and also wants you to know he's risking his life with every preening 50 tweet thread, stanning for turkey as they ethnically cleansed afrin, etc. i mean i suppose there's no point criticising him for any of this because it's what almost every other dipshit journalist with a platform and a brand does these days when it comes to the middle east and syria in particular but it makes me die a bit when you see this blooter going off on one time and again without any consequences.
plus the fucker blocked me on twitter.
Result of Macedonia's referendum is another victory for Russia
"Mattis’s attempt to bolster the yes vote, backed by $8m in US congressional funding, were complemented by visits by Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, Jens Stoltenberg, the Nato secretary general, and Federica Mogherini, the EU’s foreign policy chief. Britain’s Foreign Office reportedly provided referendum funds.
All sought to assure Macedonians their future security and prosperity were best served by closer integration with the west. "
tears posted:everyone who works for vice dresses like an undercover cia operative
talking of poorly dressed cia operatives guess who i found on okcupid and made me want to immeditely set up an INLA/Red Army Fraction in London for my own mental health