axis more like praxis
Twitter banned Alex jones' account along with Info Wars.

Rhizzone_txt is next, calling it now
didn't they just do a big lengthy spiel about how they weren't going to do that a week or two ago. lol at these shitshow attempts to pretend they're more than just vampires
betonniste is a good poster
[account deactivated]
i didnt watch the meme ad but i saw pictures of burning shoes and lolled
like this?

[account deactivated]

babyhueypnewton posted:

Japan actually was progressive compared to the Western nations, where Nazi race laws were the norm and not the exception. Especially in America where racial aparthied was far more developed than anywhere else in the world, black intellectuals and millions of black people looked to Japan as a model of third world resistance, uniting both Garvey and Dubois. Japan is normal to celebrate its championing of race equality (about as normal as Obama attempting to use the invasion of Korea to celebrate black civil rights anyway), they are just behind by a few decades. The key is that once Japan revealed itself to be in the model of Western racism and imperialism, it was Maoist china and Bandung socialism which took its place. If you're not a Maoist, making fun of Japan's nationalist is actually more reactionary and racist than being a Japanese nationalist. This is not abstract either, for example both the right and the left criticize Japanese imperialism in South Korea and the difference between the two perspectives is the difference between fascism and socialism. I find a generic American history textbook far more offensive than anything the Japanese right could think up. Obviously we're all Maoists here but one should be ruthless in criticizing American liberals pretending they have any legitimacy in the history of anti-racism.

For example, the JDPON will disperse all white settlers and perhaps even indigenous europeans, but the japanese can stay on their islands as a gesture of respect to the culture of anime that inspired the initial MTW vanguard.

Edited by marimite ()


the left case for not letting people move the papers around on trumps desk
you're probably thinking, 'assassinate Assad? you mean David Graeber, the famed Anarchist Anthroplogist, is pro-intervention?' but actually this is 4d chess, and it would be good if trump tried that because then the assad curse would come into effect and he would, i dunno, get impeached or something
you're probably thinking, 'assassinate Assad? you mean David Graeber, the famed Anarchist Anthroplogist, is pro-intervention?' but actually this is 4d chess, and it would be good if trump tried that because then the assad curse would come into effect and he would, i dunno, get impeached or something
i checked in on that one crazy pseudo-Red Twitter brigade today and in between replying to @Rhizzone_Txt as though it's a person, they're working hard to analyze Rania Khalek & Max Blumenthal criticizing DSA candidates on Twitter because they've decided it's the epiphenomena of a secret war between rival sleeper agents over the viability of each others' fake identities. good stuff.
It's probably making me actively dumber to read this shit, but it's some of the best kook-watching I've ever enjoyed, at least since the heyday of Geocities sites. There's a pretzel-logic through-line there for them, in that their theories about Norton, Khalek et al. depend on their diehard belief that those folks' current views on Syria are now or will soon become the mainstream POV in Western news media, a la opportunist anti-Iraq-War sentiment in 2006-2008, and so Khalek, Blumenthal and Norton have been put into place to guide their readers into a CIA bear trap (how this will work, none of them will say).

But since the Western mainstream media has stubbornly refused to adopt moderate pro-Damascus views according to the schedule of the conspiracy theorists, the conspiracy theorists interpret absolutely anything and everything as esoteric evidence for those views according to the teleology of their prophesied arrival. Therefore, DSA candidates with national press profiles and lukewarm-imperialist foreign policy ideas are now suffering under the intramural attacks of the dominant gang of U.S. government agents in the Western news media, that is, three people who got blacklisted in the Western news media when they started to defend the Syrian government against U.S. government agents.

There's really no downside to that approach for a crazy person, I guess, since even if U.S.-led imperialism sits athwart the global media for the next few decades, it's probably twenty years max before English-language history textbooks look back on U.S. imperialism in Syria in the 2010s at a safe, antiseptic distance and acknowledge it as a gruesome "mistake", comparable to how they now portray Iraq or Vietnam. Then the conspiracy theorists can declare that was the plan the whole time, playing the long game to take the most important prize of all, the nation's undergrad study guides.
Of course Norton sealed his fate when he revealed he'd been cured of the Assad curse by a superstar former tHE r H i z z o n E poster, these our forums being the true sultan behind the Caliph.
[account deactivated]

cars posted:

Of course Norton sealed his fate when he revealed he'd been cured of the Assad curse by a superstar former tHE r H i z z o n E poster, these our forums being the true sultan behind the Caliph.

we are grand vizier, tyvm

"Freelance journalist/filmmaker." So many guys shilling for imperialism and can't even get a proper job. That's how you know the American world order is falling apart, it's irregularized its own propaganda. At least Brown Moses is smart enough to make his own internet sycophant group on SA so people will give him money on patreon, this guy is reduced to trolling on twitter.
*pointing at plate* this cognitive dissonance isn’t enough to choke on. Perfect portion of cognitive dissonance right here. Four stars, goes down easy, not like that other guy’s,
[account deactivated]
Gerry Adams move the fuck over. Mahmoud is my online NAM grandpa now

im watching a lot of vines about Scottish drunks. sorry i cant post them here but it's important you learn about these things in your own good time.

that's one heck of a Freudian slip

cars posted:

that's one heck of a Freudian slip

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mary ginge koones cabrera
[account deactivated]
stephanie conway mc gill
stephanie doolan mc grail
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

Caesura109 posted:

every time i see that it makes my day better

kinch posted:


dwigt rortugal

someone linked me to a "kids react" video today & i noticed there's a single big trend in toys for children too young to walk, an automaton that stares the kid down with unblinking eyes and shouts at them in a distorted voice while its gears make sounds like growling or buzzing insects, then the robot suddenly lunges down and forward like it's trying to grab or bite the kid's extremities. i know that's consumer psychology at work, because parents love posting and watching YouTubes of kids who think they're going to die on Christmas.
[account deactivated]