Ufuk_Surekli posted:lo posted:
what's the story with those ethopian ones? are they from the PDRE period?
the rectangular Karl Marx (which is still at the university of Addis Ababa today afaik) is pre-PDRE - it was actually a gift from the DDR shortly after the Ethiopian Revolution (1974). Erich Hoenecker was present for its official unveiling in situ in 1977. the rock-church style drawing is more difficult to date, could be from the PDRE days (1987-1991) or even prerevolutionary, but it seems more likely that it and images like it were commissioned shortly after the Revolution as part of a campaign to supplant and syncretize clerical imagery with secular Marxist persons and concepts.
i've also seen, lost and now can't find a picture of a surviving street mural (which i think is from PDRE-era proper) expressly depicting MEL as Africans, with no attempt to make them look European at all. if i find it again i'll post it here
cool ty. i'd love to learn more about how the different socialist states in africa represented marxism culturally.
Ufuk_Surekli posted:this is incredible. do you know what their take was, besides "Joseph Stalin: heartthrob"? im having difficulty understanding how they could sell a Stalin special-issue to an australian audience
i think it's a cover and that's all. the previous two weeks covers featured churchill and FDR so its just war-time mindset, as shriekingviolent said. i had a quick browse and there doesn't seem to be any stalin-specific articles but you can look for yourself if you like:
still cool
Ufuk_Surekli posted:the southernmost Lenin on earth (pictured above) is at Polyus Nedostupnosti Station, Antarctica (the so-called "pole of inaccessibility", i.e., the furthest inland point from all Antarctic coastlines)
reading this post in Werner Herzog's voice

Ufuk_Surekli posted:the southernmost Lenin on earth (pictured above) is at Polyus Nedostupnosti Station, Antarctica (the so-called "pole of inaccessibility", i.e., the furthest inland point from all Antarctic coastlines)
Eventually the snow will bury the bust... or maybe in a thousand years the Antarctic will be ice-free, like it was during the Cretaceous Thermal Maximum, and Lenin’s toppled head will look dolefully out onto a quiet earth, and an ocean full of nothing but lanternfish and tiny jellies. Make s U Think
Edited by Ruzbihan ()
Ruzbihan posted:Eventually the snow will bury the bust
that’s what they always say but they keep coming back every friday
Ufuk_Surekli posted:and finally this rather astonishing and a possibly a little bit gross mobile baby-Stalin:
i hate this man's nipple
moving into controversial territory here

dimashq posted:if u press alt-f4 u can see lenin
i was skeptical at first but as it happens my desktop background is an actual portrait of lenin

first night it opened it of course had a bomb scare
it is one of only two places within the "uk" that has a lenin statue the other being Islington museum in london.

mural of bobby sands, che and a mini Lenin in west belfast. I don't think this is any longer still around though