cars posted:shriekingviolet posted:
that just seems depressing, i can’t muster the sadism to laugh at that person.
watch out guys, we got a saint over here
apologies to @dasharez0ne
— Mr. Argent! (@Evan4096) August 26, 2018
— Yung Zoe🌴 (@narcokitty404) August 26, 2018
Me at McCain's funeral celebrating
— Urban 🇻🇦🇺🇸 (@EmperorOfSoup) August 26, 2018
— Sheikh ☭ (@SheikhStalin) August 26, 2018
— Enlightened Chairman (@ChairmanComrade) August 24, 2018
Petrol posted:— Yung Zoe🌴 (@narcokitty404) August 26, 2018
neckwattle posted:if we're serious about funding our Maoist microsects we should do the modern equivalent of the BPP hawking the Little Red Book to Berkeley students & all make accounts on twitter with names like 'Hoe Chi Minh', upload avatars of Stalin ran through a filter found by searching 'vaporwave effect', and sit back while those sweet retweets pile up. time to get that bread
way ahead of you
I’ve Blocked and Muted my personal Twitter followers to about One Million cool MFs... Dumbfucks and Trolls have been quickly and systematically dispatched.
— ICE T (@FINALLEVEL) August 26, 2018

cars posted:I’ve Blocked and Muted my personal Twitter followers to about One Million cool MFs... Dumbfucks and Trolls have been quickly and systematically dispatched.
— ICE T (@FINALLEVEL) August 26, 2018
Had a busy day today . But I always make time for #Twitter
— Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (@Ahmadinejad1956) August 28, 2018
ilmdge posted:dril might be doing the same persona for 10 years now but it's still funny when you see someone else accidentally doing it out in the wild
Actual unpopular opinion I have: casual racism against whites is still racism and still bad, and has concrete negative effects. Not necessarily on society at large or white people specifically, but on the individuals and collectives engaged in it.
— 🌇vole, mighty digger🌆 (@miraculate) August 25, 2018
DSA 2018 is Young Republicans 1956. I think Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the lesser evil and I'd probably vote for her if I had the chance, but it doesn't really have anything to do with anticapitalism.
— Don Hughes (@getfiscal) August 30, 2018
"How many layers of revisionism are you on right now my dude"
— airza (@airzae) August 26, 2018
"Uh... The south fought heroically in the civil war only to defend states rights"
"You are like a little baby to me"
@ ur lrt this stuff is apparently in every hotel room in the largest chain in the country. also their canadian subsidiary had to remove antisemitic articles from their rooms lol
— KILLED_4_LIFE (@reiyashi) August 30, 2018
cars posted:"How many layers of revisionism are you on right now my dude"
— airza (@airzae) August 26, 2018
"Uh... The south fought heroically in the civil war only to defend states rights"
"You are like a little baby to me"
these arguments have been around for like two centuries, apparently many of the old time japanese imperialists were saying that the western nations were the bourgeois nations and the japanese was a proletarian nation and that their duty was to liberate other asian nations from western imperialism by invading them
The only silver lining in Venezuela's increasingly worthless currency (due to Pres Maduro's corrupt autocracy) is how little the devastated economy has to sell. #AutocratsGetItDone!
— Kenneth Roth (@KenRoth) August 30, 2018
a day or so after he/they published a blowjob obituary of john mccain
The weak crumble, are slaughtered and are erased from history while the strong, for good or for ill, survive. The strong are respected, and alliances are made with the strong, and in the end peace is made with the strong.
— PM of Israel (@IsraeliPM) August 29, 2018
note: may not actually go very well
— vi bygger oss en arbetarstat (@althusserina) September 1, 2018

Stalin was, indeed, the Clinton of the Bolsheviks in that he clearly possessed more support among party constituencies despite the hijinks and in that his opponent's stans love painting rosy, evidence-free alternate scenarios
— Greg Afinogenov (@athenogenes) September 4, 2018
cars posted:imo the Axis and GEACPS was extremely fucking bad for Asia in an objective way
thought about it some more and this is extremely true and correct, especially given much of the propaganda in question is a symptom of it and exists to provide cover for the rape of Korea by the Japanese government. Sorry guys
the axis was bad