Have you ever been in love? I haven't, but I definetly feel like I"ve been missing osmething. Puew locw. Beautiful love. I' m so drunk. ENYER. CREATE THREAD.
I'm sorry, I double posted. I don't know how tof ficx it. THe most beatuful woman in the world just walked outta my life and I"m devastated.
The numbness is goood. Maybe I can live like this forever.
I miss tapaine. He had a song I like, biut I can't find the esxact arrangement/.
Deep down I can imagine love is kinda like living i s yugoslaviac
How you doing Jugoslavia? I wanna hear whatever you got to say.
This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence - even this spider and this moonlight between the trees, and even this moment and I myself. The eternal hourglass of existence is turned upside down again and again, and you with it, speck of dust!
/what do you all got to say? I get it. You don't like capitaslimsm. I don't eiter. But. Have yhou ever been in love with a woman ho doesn't bother with such things? Who just lives her life, and you try to let her know, but she doesn't speek englisht well enough to know?
It is usually the whiter and not fat ones that want money
sorry, I posted that before I read your response. It was very wise and lyrica.
This girl would be fine working any job. ANY JOB. And shw wouldn't even bring it home or anything. She could suffer a million tourists and not flinch. I don't think I loved her, but, whatever step was between love and normalcy we had.
Capitalism exists because of the human desire to buy things for women
Moved to DYTD
you'll be fine later
take care friend
Excellent thread
wow first weed, then kratom, now LOVE?? get this shit out of DYTD before someone gets hurt!
I came here to also post FUCK
love is like politics, it develops by crises
no comment
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toyotathon posted:edit: someone do harry potter next and the sorting hat as metaphor for an admissions process, how a group w/ blood powers is awarded education and the chance to secretly run society
but harry potter is already written
im rather drunk rn AN i just hate yuis all uyou pricks acAuse of male domination and power you dickheads
i am in love
i feel fundamentally that men fall in love deeper cause you fuckers keep on eternally letting us down, and we settle for so little from you fuckers and are just continually let down when women are just so fucking beyond amazing, and seriously much better than you fucking infantile losers
men just fucking be better you fucking simpletons
life would be so much easier and better in terms of interpersonal romantic relationships for both men and women like!
men just fucking be better you fucking simpletons
life would be so much easier and better in terms of interpersonal romantic relationships for both men and women like!