deadken posted:
only a fascist can be a good leftist.
no thanks i choose democracy and liberalism
Impper posted:
the good leftist must eventually become a fascist
if by fascist you mean liberal then yes
getfiscal posted:
deadken posted:
only a fascist can be a good leftist.
no thanks i choose democracy and liberalism
i choose pikachu
deadken posted:
im going to stop posting and be 'social' with 'people' soon i think
*makes some sort of vague gang sign then looks aroudn for urban types*
Impper posted:
the good liberal is a fascist in waiting
no thanks, freedom
getfiscal posted:
deadken posted:
im going to stop posting and be 'social' with 'people' soon i think
*makes some sort of vague gang sign then looks aroudn for urban types*
its me, im the urban type in this post
deadken posted:
its me, im the urban type in this post
good times.
good times
babyfinland posted:
modern political ideologies are all the same state and nation worship and their differences are minute and only different enough to allow for war and conflict that makes Good Business for You Know Who
not liberal socialism
Impper posted:
no, i don't know "who"
its the jews impper. the jews
deadken posted:
actually, the post-ideological age is an illusion, and antipathy towards ideology is itself ideological. ideology is ultimately the same as the Symbolic order
deadken posted:
actually, the post-ideological age is an illusion, and antipathy towards ideology is itself ideological. ideology is ultimately the same as the Symbolic order
ya but homie dont play Menu de Socialisme
i dont reject "ideology" but modern political ideologies as antidotes to the problem of modern politics
well right now i'm listening to lady gaga mashup with annie lennox while in my underwear.
that legally makes me gay.
deadken posted:
well yeah the reason most people dont vote or care about politics is b/c they know better than us argue nerds that politics is useless. that in itself is an ideological stance
thats me irl really but argue nerding is like a stupid hobby for me
im actually pretty bored of theory anymore and i just follow geopolitics like most people do sports
deadken posted:
well yeah the reason most people dont vote or care about politics is b/c they know better than us argue nerds that politics is useless. that in itself is an ideological stance
yeah the average person is smart that's why they watch american idol and chug coca cola.
getfiscal posted:
yeah the average person is smart that's why they watch american idol and chug coca cola.
this but unironically, its the best pragmatic course of action for the labour aristocracy
deadken posted:
im not ban im just prob8. is cbass jewish or something
its rules that on wddp and lf previously it's Commonly Held that its impossible to be racist against a people who have all the power (because racism is a structure of oppression etc. etc.) so that means its alright to go UGH, WHITE PEOPLE all the time, but Racism Is Never Okay against probably the most densely powerful per-capita race on the planet, jews
you know why?
chaos reigns.

someone who will fool around while listening to "the bad touch" by bloodhound gang...
- best line or greatest line?
getfiscal posted:
what do i look for in a woman?
well right now i'm listening to lady gaga mashup with annie lennox while in my underwear.
that legally makes me gay.
then my dream is all but reality