drwhat posted:still waiting for the mmo where i can be a cool but fucked up merchant-operative in space
Is the "cool" part negotiable?

terran chauvinist or hero of galactic liberation the face of maquis left-deviationism
someone should make a game like vigilante 8 or twisted metal with star trek ships that'd be badass
cars posted:eve online spaceship game is banned from this thread, forever.
his name was sean smith
ADMIRAL PICARD: [settles into space chair] It’s great to be back running the Enterprise. Now I can finally do the most important thing in the history of space: find Captain Benjamin Sisko.
MAJOR GARAK: I warn you, this is going to take a lot of homosexual tension and well-acted scenes between people who are not student council dorks from Starfleet.
CAPTAIN DATA: “Dork”. A variant of a 20th-century Earth term for male genitalia. I am uncertain
PICARD: [presses button on armrest and Data gets shot into space] You know what to do.
CAPTAIN GARAK: Ah, Commander Worf. Would you please be so kind as to set course for the Romulan Gun Factory.
[BANDITOS by THE REFRESHMENTS plays from the top as ENTERPRISE Ω jumps away]
cars posted:he also crossed a picket line and o'brien ran in and put hands on him
what ep is that
Gssh posted:i am now watching ds9 for first time.
update: i stopped watching around the 4th season.
drwhat posted:i can't tell if that's made up or not
I didn't get [+25133 / -182] by lying about Star Trek!!

TG posted:i never got past the first episode of enterprise, largely because of the preposterous scene where two people have a "debriefing" while "decontaminating" each other by rubbing lotion all over their naked bodies. i can only assume its the sexiest star trek ever
Enterprise is the least sexy Star Trek, it's because the show-runners decided Enterprise would be the sexiest Star Trek because they'd had Star Trek shows on the air for 14 years in a row and ratings for the entire franchise had been declining for like 10 years straight. it turns out exactly like when a nerd whose life is collapsing decides he's going to "cut loose" and start talking about how horny he is all the time. HOW EVER 3rd season Enterprise is them going back and trying to do the Voyager concept again and it's better enough that it's worth watching if you watch every episode with Jeffrey Combs in it from seasons 1-2 and then start watching from the last episode of the second season
Mainly it's about 9/11 for Star Trek, and it turns out Star Trek 9/11 is a little ball flying up to Earth and shooting a gigantic death ray directly into Florida, killing seven million people
cars posted:shooting a gigantic death ray directly into Florida, rescuing seven million people