Dimashq posted:Iran "hacks" American universitiesYou know, at least imperialists in the 19th century had to do complex political maneuvering to manufacture a casus belli. Now, I don't think Americans could produce a diplomat worth a 1/100 of what Bismarck was, nor do they need to, since apparently all you have to do is point to some dumbass professors who had "pwd123" as their password and claim mass espionage. imagine having to sit in a class in 2200 about 21st century diplomacy and inter-state relations lol nothx.
people in 2200 will be hefting their rocks en masse and sharpening up their wooden sticks every time they see an offensive/unpatriotic/problematic/cop-hating/pinkwashing/misandrist/whatever smoke signal wafting over the nearest hill
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:favorited some tweets making fun of the CIA for trying to make their new torturer in charge Woke by means of pointing out that she's a lady, then deleted them to avoid getting on a watchlist as though i were not already for being the troop loathing sociopath on the schizophrenic communist offsite. love to live in a free country
oh yes deleting the fave will definitely erase that knowledge from advertiser/intelligence databases and not just cause their algorithms to add points to your indecisive and thinks he can hide scores
Chthonic_Goat_666 posted:apparently they shot the mailbombing guy just now
Dimashq posted:he blew himself up.
why not both? he blew himself up and then a jumpy cop shot him
ilmdge posted:why not both? he blew himself up and then a jumpy cop shot him
misread as "dumpy"; also easy to visualize
A Chinese college student who made no threats but had alarmed a roommate and a friend with his behavior and bought two semiautomatic rifles will be deported for an unrelated visa issue, University of Central Florida police said.
...There was "red flag after red flag," that something bad would happen, he added.
Those red flags, the chief said, included Sun being uncommunicative with others and not leaving his room, dying his hair blond, paying for a fast expensive car with cash, and referring to one of his guns as a "sniper rifle."
...But the chief acknowledged there were no comments in interviews or in reviews of his electronic devices that Sun was planning to harm anyone.
"That's the interesting thing in this case, there were no specific threats. Reiterating that, there were no threats," Beary said.
...Sun wouldn't come out of his room except to eat or do laundry and wouldn't talk to others, his roommate told detectives, according to a police report. Sun also once brought a rifle out of his room, prompting the roommate to report the violation of apartment rules to management.
On February 2 investigators asked Sun if he ever thought of harming himself or anyone else. Sun told the detective "No, never."
Police asked Sun if he would give them his LWRC International 300 Blackout rifle for safekeeping, but the student said no. Sun said the gun was in a storage facility, according to a police report.
As campus police monitored his activities, Sun bought another rifle, a .308 caliber Ruger Precision.
Beary said Sun's recent purchase of a nearly $70,000 Corvette with cash and hair color change were suspicious.
However, police could not detain Sun or take the firearms from him because he had purchased them legally. So they sought help from federal agencies.
Sun was taken into custody February 7 after his immigration status changed and his possession of firearms was illegal, officials said. On March 21 a federal judge ruled he should be sent home. Sun is not allowed to return to the United States for 10 years.
At no point in an article about a months long investigation by multiple police agencies of a college student from China who was deported because he dyed his hair and didn't want to talk to florida people is there a quote from or reference to the existence of anyone working in the field of mental health or social work.
shriekingviolet posted:its been two and a half years and i still stop sometimes and just chuckle a little, donald trump is the president of the united states of america
it is extremely funny, every day

Nick Ackerman, a former Watergate prosecutor and an expert on computer security issues, said the DNC’s move could pose significant legal risks for Trump’s allies because it could allow the party to begin “taking depositions and getting documents” to prove their allegations. It also provides another avenue to probe Russian interference in the 2016 election beyond Mueller's investigation.
I'm curious about the opposite here: can the DNC actually even prove that it was Russia that hacked them
shriekingviolet posted:https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4442900/Ex-FBI-Director-James-Comey-s-memos.pdflolll
that description of trumps conversation being so nonlinear that comey couldn't recall it clearly is cool
shriekingviolet posted:https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4442900/Ex-FBI-Director-James-Comey-s-memos.pdflolll
seems interesting that on Jan 7 2017, he was clearly writing an internal email, kind of messy, it's Secret classification with fully intermingled levels of secure info; by January 28th it's a serif-font document with paragraphs and structure that's just Confidential; and by Feb 14 it's Unclassified and self-consciously so, and he side-notes to the reader that "because this is an unclassified document, I will be limited in how I describe what I said next".
all of the Western business community, their think tanks and their political puppets have their eye on one big number when it comes to Iran, their top rank in the world for percentage of GDP growth from labor according to long-term projections, and mainly in the amount of it that will come from skilled labor performed by its population's large proportion of young, educated future workers.
a full-scale war would destroy that otherwise likely future, as it already has in even slightly lower-ranked countries deemed to be worth more in pieces. within certain bounds, though, economic desperation within Iran's higher-educated households would facilitate its exploitation by Western capitalists and their compradors.
the desperate hope of the Western elite is to "open" Iran without breaking it, that is, to exploit its potential as a future source of cheap skilled labor without destroying that potential in the process. i think that's likely much of what's kept it from being attacked & invaded in full force already, and just as concerns most other common interests of Western capital, Trump's people don't differ in kind from any other bourgeois politicians who might otherwise hold their seats.
the debate in Washington is merely over how hard to squeeze Iran's neck, and for how long: the level of pressure to apply to achieve the desired result in the shortest amount of time, and without killing the goose that's scheduled to lay the golden eggs. an invasion or civil war would almost certainly do just that. those things might still happen, but i think they're pretty far down on the wishlist of the Western bourgeoisie at the moment.
Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:and also because i haven't been less hopeful about american politics in my entire life.
Amerikan politics being hopeless is cause for joy
Drugmakers stocks jumped immediately after the speech,"
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:i havent been around for personal reasons
wow. selfish much?
lo posted:and the guy who threw a shoe at george w bush won a parliamentary seat for them
fuck yes
Although his Facebook page cites a connection to the U.S. Marine Corps, a USMC spokesperson said he is not affiliated with the Marines.
Edited by ilmdge ()
cars posted:ultimately, Trump's primary successes and his public image as candidate and president owe much more to Bill Clinton than to Gingrich or any other prominent Republican in the recent past
A new campaign ad for a Republican US Senate candidate in MI shows the blowing up of an Iraqi man running, linking it to now fighting immigrants: “I flew Apaches because I wanted to take the fight to the enemy. Now...a new fight, to secure the borders.” pic.twitter.com/f5dZ1VcuuV
— Niraj Warikoo (@nwarikoo) May 12, 2018