
Caesura109 posted:

i decided to "old man yells at cloud" at chapo for being silent on syria and well everything

they actually replied and basically agreed that they dont cover anything meaningful

One of the shows i listened to was pretty good about israel. From it id expect them to say something about Syria

biederman is the only one who really cares about foreign policy (and is also the literally-gooniest, undoubtedly was a regular LF reader back in the day) and it's funny how the last few months most of the rest of them seem to be growing increasing irritated and hostile towards him

you bet i hustled this over to th twitter containment thread


never fear, though: twitter has clarified that presidential threats of nuclear extermination do NOT violate their terms of service
lol i got permabanned a week ago as well
and whenever i open a new account to evade the ban i get banned again quite fast. i think the algorithm or whatever they use to catch people trying to evade permabans are mostly based on the people you follow coz my new accs get banned in a few seconds after i follow getfiscal lol

swampman posted:

you bet i hustled this over to th twitter containment thread


if thats you (and i knew it was someone good from here), did you see the reddit thread you inspired https://www.reddit.com/r/ChapoTrapHouse/comments/8b2yiw/bernie_2020_died_today/

I was a little sad by what a large peretage of replies were seriously trolled by that but then i remembered thats the thing about replies...

e: Ah shit now I have to wait 6 days before i can go back and rightly accuse them all of mansplaining healthcare to me

Edited by swampman ()

Taking this probationary period to make my stance on memes explicit. they are bad now.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
lotta people here pretend to, or sometimes actually do, hate chappo and its general sphere. part of that is that it is definitely is milquetoast but i think a lot of it is just resentment that it aped a style of comedy that at one point you could only find in a tiny handful of obscure corners of the internet (with this place probably being foremost among them) and became pretty successful doing so
me, i like it, despite the injustice of getfiscal and tpaine not getting their share of that sweet sweet patreon money
i dont know much about the gestapoklanhaus or whatever but i once saw a thread about settlers in their subreddit and more than half of the posts were in favor of the book while most of the first world "tankies" are busy calling sakai a fascist because of that stupid hitler quote

thirdplace posted:

lotta people here pretend to, or sometimes actually do, hate chappo and its general sphere. part of that is that it is definitely is milquetoast but i think a lot of it is just resentment that it aped a style of comedy that at one point you could only find in a tiny handful of obscure corners of the internet (with this place probably being foremost among them) and became pretty successful doing so

it is really unfunny and seems to be mostly just liberal and bad, or is "the joke" that they're actually not the piece of shit up their own asses people they are portraying


sovnarkoman posted:

while most of the first world "tankies" are busy calling sakai a fascist because of that stupid hitler quote

this is an appropriate thread for you to say this since you are actually referring to a handful of morons on twitter


Caesura109 posted:

anyways im listening to the show and its mostly socdem anti-war stuff, mocking liberal interventionists and their hilarious charade of egging on trump while pretending to hate him, because they know the imperialist machine isnt really controlled by him or congress

It seems like a ridiculous thinh to say but that part of the newest episode seems to be a direct response to my tweet. They not only were against the strikes but specifically mentioned israel gunning down protesters and even encouraged attending antiwar protests. Which is good. I mean theyre still not a shining beacon of mlism but whats even the point of a "left wing" platform if it's not anti war and anti apartheid. So, im glad they got around to it


thirdplace posted:

Caesura109 posted:

i decided to "old man yells at cloud" at chapo for being silent on syria and well everything

they actually replied and basically agreed that they dont cover anything meaningful

One of the shows i listened to was pretty good about israel. From it id expect them to say something about Syria

biederman is the only one who really cares about foreign policy (and is also the literally-gooniest, undoubtedly was a regular LF reader back in the day) and it's funny how the last few months most of the rest of them seem to be growing increasing irritated and hostile towards him

does the username SwarthyVillain ring a bell? thats him

I know that was his old twitter, but I don't remember a Swarthy Villain on SA
according to getfiscal he was mostly fyad? i think. future widow brought a joint so the conversation is a bit hazy
Their foreign policy episodes are usually actually pretty good, because they’re often to the left of most of the DSA crew on these issues. The show is basically just soc dem daily show, though Felix is often quite funny, I’m not gonna lie. The real problem is they are all quite rich and lazy and do absolutely no organizing, in addition to hating idpol and having no problem being publically associated with plenty of questionable people. As with Jacobin, they were a lot of people’s entry point to left wing politics (mine included) but they have not grown politically at the pace that their “recruits” have. I really think this whole Brooklyn crowd is just flabbergasted at how quickly their fans have turned on them and I’m not sure they understand the extent yet.
they don't understand the extent of it because whatever else you think of them, they are greatly Online and think the Phil Greaves set, a tiny handful of weirdos who 1) aren't part of any ML/MLM party or organization, 2) are totally unknown to MLs/MLMs who aren't on Twitter and 3) get made fun of constantly by the MLs/MLMs who are on Twitter, are the "spokespersons" for "tankies"

thirdplace posted:

lotta people here pretend to, or sometimes actually do, hate chappo and its general sphere. part of that is that it is definitely is milquetoast but i think a lot of it is just resentment that it aped a style of comedy that at one point you could only find in a tiny handful of obscure corners of the internet (with this place probably being foremost among them) and became pretty successful doing so

i think any "resentment" is probably because most of those people would prefer to see others propagate left politics rather than seeing the format of their Internet jokes put in service to a new brand of beigeism

Yeah. I mean nobody needed a 'dirtbag left' or whatever is the mantle they've semi-ironically claimed for themselves. A left unafraid to be rude and funny? Sure! But not a bunch of well-to-do white hipster boys jerking each other off with internet humor with a leftist flavor. It's as hollow as the health claims of the cold pressed juice stores littering their neighborhood
Here let me spend my morning by listening to the 3 amigos of identical pinched nerd voices say random journalists i’ve never heard of look like they have Marfan’s syndrome or whatever. I’ll get around to it right after I walk down htese stairs behind my couch

Edited by Ruzbihan ()

i'll listen to three guys say that a journalist has marfan's syndrome, but only if they're hoxhaists with good accents
[account deactivated]

rolaids posted:

I really think this whole Brooklyn crowd is just flabbergasted at how quickly their fans have turned on them and I’m not sure they understand the extent yet.

i would like to know more

the pundit dunking is definitely irrelevant and a valid criticism, but i think the beigeness accusation is overstated. they praise the soviet union, reference settler theory, make no compromise with israel, constantly criticize liberals from the left both in terms of politics and in terms of overwrought culture wars discourse, call for nationalizations, and routinely highlight the role of the petit bourgeoisie in many of america's crimes in pretty much those exact terms. they think electing sanders or a sanders-like figure would be worthwhile, which is easy to sneer at, but it's not like a medicare for all program wouldn't make a meaningful difference in the lives of people of the oppressed nations and at any rate i don't think anything electoral is seen by them as a panacea

also frost definitely has done plenty of on-the-ground organizing and matt knows his marx better than most (if almost certainly not all) posters here. if it's just not funny to you, gustibus non disputandum, but it makes for an often pleasant and sometimes informative commute for me, and i wish i had checked it out earlier instead of absorbing an attitude from here that they were worthless posers (which at least is better and more far accurate than the dominant twitter criticism, that they're all a bunch of strasserites)
Also the commuting thing probably deserves emphasis. I drive 9 hours a week and will continue to do at least that for the foreseeable future. it's not like I'm sacrificing anything to spend two or three of those listening to hipsters make dumb jokes about Megan mccardle and occasionally say something cool. The competition isn't immaculate ML takes, it's WPR and classic rock radio

thirdplace posted:

the pundit dunking is definitely irrelevant and a valid criticism, but i think the beigeness accusation is overstated. they praise the soviet union, reference settler theory, make no compromise with israel, constantly criticize liberals from the left both in terms of politics and in terms of overwrought culture wars discourse, call for nationalizations, and routinely highlight the role of the petit bourgeoisie in many of america's crimes in pretty much those exact terms. they think electing sanders or a sanders-like figure would be worthwhile, which is easy to sneer at, but it's not like a medicare for all program wouldn't make a meaningful difference in the lives of people of the oppressed nations and at any rate i don't think anything electoral is seen by them as a panacea

also frost definitely has done plenty of on-the-ground organizing and matt knows his marx better than most (if almost certainly not all) posters here. if it's just not funny to you, gustibus non disputandum, but it makes for an often pleasant and sometimes informative commute for me, and i wish i had checked it out earlier instead of absorbing an attitude from here that they were worthless posers (which at least is better and more far accurate than the dominant twitter criticism, that they're all a bunch of strasserites)

I agree that it’s amusing to listen to during busy work or commutes and stuff. But Frost has repeatedly called anyone criticizing the dumbass M4A campaign wreckers and used a lot of ableism in public tirades. It’s not clear any of them organize anything at this point and they’re definitely adjacent to the “tumblr idpol gave us Nazis shit” from the DeBoer Nagle crowd. They definitely plug the Bruenigs a lot, who is absolutely a Strasserist, I don’t give a shit (“Donald Trumps base is actually women and black people”) They had a rather mealy mouthed defense of abortion (“idk if I’d do it but people should have unfettered access to it) in a recent episode, and the jokes about MOVE were disgusting. Again, fine as entertainment I suppose, but they still have an outsized platform among a certain sect of the left. Above all they are millionaires who I have never seen put any of that capital toward the DSA or left causes.


Caesura109 posted:

Its whatever, checking out their subreddit they seem to have inspired a ton of people to join the DSA and whatnot, and i think they interview DSA people a lot.

Yes, but they have good sides to them too.


tears posted:

rolaids posted:
I really think this whole Brooklyn crowd is just flabbergasted at how quickly their fans have turned on them and I’m not sure they understand the extent yet.

i would like to know more

Tbh I just use “Brooklyn” for a catch a to describe Jacobin staff/Jacobin adjacent people/prominent soc dem members, even if some are actually based in east bay. It’s mostly just what cars said, where these people floated a Sanders 2020 support campaign recently and got tons of push back, but wrote it off as “internet tankie harrassment”, while in reality it was all of the most active and developed members


tears posted:

rolaids posted:
I really think this whole Brooklyn crowd is just flabbergasted at how quickly their fans have turned on them and I’m not sure they understand the extent yet.

i would like to know more

Tbh I just use “Brooklyn” for a catch a to describe Jacobin staff/Jacobin adjacent people/prominent soc dem members, even if some are actually based in east bay. It’s mostly just what cars said, where these people floated a Sanders 2020 support campaign recently and got tons of push back, but wrote it off as “internet tankie harrassment”, while in reality it was all of the most active and developed members

this is now the thread for me to post the trolling attempts I would normally post on twitter. "You know how I know furry culture is fake as hell? Nobody gets prosecuted for cannibalism after their conventions..." that kind of stuff

thirdplace posted:

the pundit dunking is definitely irrelevant and a valid criticism, but i think the beigeness accusation is overstated. they praise the soviet union, reference settler theory, make no compromise with israel, constantly criticize liberals from the left both in terms of politics and in terms of overwrought culture wars discourse, call for nationalizations, and routinely highlight the role of the petit bourgeoisie in many of america's crimes in pretty much those exact terms. they think electing sanders or a sanders-like figure would be worthwhile, which is easy to sneer at, but it's not like a medicare for all program wouldn't make a meaningful difference in the lives of people of the oppressed nations and at any rate i don't think anything electoral is seen by them as a panacea

That's fair, I stopped listening a while ago but I guess they were further to the left than I had remembered. Personally I think most of the animosity I have towards them is from some of their fans and/or guests on the show. I used to follow all of the hosts on twitter and some of the fanboys that you inevitably run into around those parts are just insufferable, but that's true of any fandom or following. Seeing those same people in their sphere who were protesting against the democrats for punching left and believing in horseshoe theory now happily punching left against "tankies" and are now proponents of this "red/brown alliance" rebranded horseshoe theory nonsense (especially recently when the strikes on Syria were disavowed by some prominent conservatives) is annoying but then again not exactly surprising.


thirdplace posted:

they think electing sanders or a sanders-like figure would be worthwhile, which is easy to sneer at

you can bury this lede if you want but this is the exact reason why the rude leftists you're talking about think they suck

all the other stuff you mention + this = the very definition of recuperation. "The Soviet Union is good, death to Israel, defend Syria against imperialism, now donate to this Democrat"


thirdplace posted:

matt knows his marx better than most (if almost certainly not all) posters here

so do a bunch of do nothing rapist English professors holmes, it doesn't mean people on the left dislike them because of "resentment"

the whole contemporary discourse around "tankies" is hot garbage and it's the fault of pretty much everyone who participates in it. molly klein and phil greeves for being who they are, soc-dems (including the chappos) for falling so eagerly for the bait. i don't actually believe the "tankie" subreddits are ran by cops but i kinda do

i've never seen red/brown alliance advocacy in the wild tho, is it genuinely a thing? how could anyone be that fuckin stupid?

odobenidae posted:

That's fair, I stopped listening a while ago but I guess they were further to the left than I had remembered.

they're really not, they're right out front about being DSA all the time