I mentioned a while ago that I was letting the readpolitzer.org domain expire and that I wanted to create another page that would include other books that the rhizzle has been transcribing. I guess I'd like to keep expanding it as a resource for rarer items and I think my own focus will be on out-of-print stuff from International Publishers. Dynamics of Social Change is one of those and it's source material for EPoP which is why I had a copy.
EPoP is pretty much done for now, just need to add some sources from DoSC. I'd like to fill out the extras page but I don't know what to put there. Maybe more links to good intros to DM. Any ideas, let me know. EPoP seems more popular outside of English speaking countries which was nice to see.
I've gotten FNFI close to where I want it. toyotathon has volunteered to transcribe the footnotes. The only thing left after that would be to compile source links, but I'm opting out of that for now.
Settlers links to readsettlers.org - I'll probably mirror it at some point if I can figure out how to automate the process.
Stalin: Black Legend has links to an both English and Spanish HTML versions (the English translation by wuyong) as well as links to pdf versions. I'd like to see a nicer homepage for it. Possibly breaking up the English html version into chapters and making it more mobile friendly.
I'm going to link Caliban to this transcription for now: https://anarchivists.gitbooks.io/caliban/content/
Dynamics of Social Change will be transcribed/html'ized by me. I'll bump this thread once I get going on it.
The pages for Unforgettable Days and Blood Lies will basically be text dumps from the threads (which I'll have done shortly). They'll both need a contents page and better formatting.
i'm moving at the end of the month and my home server is going to be down for a while. the cloud version will still be up and all that really means is that you need to use the "www" in the address.
any problems, thoughts, complaints, suggestions, sage advice, verbal assaults, let me know
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kamelred posted:my only comment is that reading politzer was the most illuminating and clarifying moment in the whole zany history of my fractured political consciousness and its the first thing i recommend to everyone else. i think it often doesn't occur to people that their politics has some origin or congruence with a more general or abstract philosophy and understanding idealism is a very useful in appreciating how fascism and liberalism can fit together so seamlessly
fun fact: his "elementary principles of philosophy" was the first book to be banned by the turkish military junta
Gssh posted:you could also add lil.red to the webring.
yep, that was the first thing that I was going to put in the links section
toyotathon posted:for caliban these friendly anarchists completed a transcription: https://anarchivists.gitbooks.io/caliban/content/
nice! i'll be ripping that off toot sweet...
toyotathon posted:big ups to karphead for the bad ass formatting + attention to detail... my first takeaway was realizing that the internet 2018's got like 5 web designs and none of them have two eyeballs up top to switch day/night mode, the site looks great and is purpose-built
thanks again, html is the best format for presenting/reading a book imho (depending on how much work is put into it) and there's no reason every book in the world shouldn't be on the web (except for the obvious asshole reasons)
edit: The French original of EPOP is available on MIA, that'd probably be good to link. https://www.marxists.org/francais/politzer/works/principes/index.htm I remember there being at least one spot in the English translation where the printing was completely fucked up so maybe we can fix that
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Constantignoble posted:for future domain purchases, just wanna throw out there that, while "marxism.science" has been bought & parked, "immortal.science" is still available
marxist.science is available too
What other books would people like to see transcribed? I don't want to duplicate effort like I apparently did for Caliban... I could do Khrushchev Lied, Patriarchy & Accumulation on a World Scale, I could do Red Sun by Chakravarti or Red Star over China...
wuyong posted:The image files are still pointing to your home server from the cloud, makes them take about a minute to load
that shouldn't be the case - there's nothing in the html that specifies server addresses for images. can you clear your cookies and let me know if you can re-create it and what page you're seeing it happen on? thanks for the link to the French version, i'll put that up soon.
swampman posted:I can clean up the Blood Lies text and make a table of contents. What are the formatting rules for your use? I understand how to do html tags for bold and italics, how about quote blocks and chapter / section headings?
you don't need to go overboard with formatting, unless you actually want to be the primary in charge of the design of the page, which is fine, just let me know, otherwise, just the basics:
put a <p> </p> in front and back of every paragraph and if you can add a blank line between paragraphs it makes it much more legible
every sub-site has it's own img folder, so EPoP's is http://www.readmarxeveryday.ml/epop/img - when you use img tags please do it like this:
<br><img src="img/NAMEOFIMAGE.PNG"> </img><br>
for headers/titles/whatever just use a <h1> </h1> tag and I can search for them and change as necessary
<strong></strong> for bold
<i></i> for italics
that's it really, i can do the rest to get it up. this is a big help by the way, the majority of my time is spent tagging everything correctly.
<h1> <strong> <i> EXAMPLE </i> </strong> </h1>
<p>“Arrested in Finland in March 1908, Krasin was imprisoned in
Vilpuri. Several attempts to escape failed. But after a month he was
freed, as the Russian authorities had not supplied the necessary
documentation to justify his continued detention.</p>
<img src="img/11.png">
<p>“The staff and students of a bolshevik school and workshop for
explosives, situation in Finland, who were arrested in 1907, were given
up to Russia only after a prolonged legal battle between Finnish and
Russian authorities.</p>
toyotathon wrote:
> what if the FNFI cover was lowered so the
> right-pointing arrow in polizer fed into its graphic's
> 'funnel', and the funnel ends, centered on the title
> block on Settlers?
> if somehow you posted the code + dependencies people
> could mirror it on the couple other url suggestions in
> the thread but i dunno how feasible that is
I'm not 100% happy with the size ratio for the cover images and will be modifiying them. I'll keep the arrow design in mind. What I really want to do is have them generate randomly but that'd take some javascript work that I don't want to do right now.
On the extras page for each sub-site will be a "download this website"" link that is basically the site in a zip file. There's already one for EPoP but it needs to be updated.
wuyong posted:Yeah I see the image URLs pointing to your IP address in the source code. This is from http://www.readmarxeveryday.ml (
got it - should be good to go now, thx for the heads up
if you can just get it all into a basic html format like i mentioned above that'll go a long way

don't know how much you value your hard copy but if you can scan it in then I can help with chapters and possibly OCR it


that second book is obscure vietnamse ppl and other international communists writing about uncle ho?
been working with swampxhing on blood lies, chk out my front page it's a getting a little metal: http://www.readmarxeveryday.org/bloodlies/index.html
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toyotathon posted:for caliban these friendly anarchists completed a transcription: https://anarchivists.gitbooks.io/caliban/content/
there's an active bug report by someone who found a hundred errors so it might improve soon
sorry if you already know of it
doesn't seem very far along; currently only has the first four chapters of Is the Red Flag Flying? (with Human Rights in the Soviet Union also "coming soon"). that said, it's the first online reproduction i've found that doesn't render table 2.1 illegible along the gutter, so that's neat
FNFI - alt-tagged images with captions that toyatathon transcribed. footnotes soon to come. i also zipped up the site, please download: http://www.readmarxeveryday.ml/fnfi/xtras/fnfi.zip
Unforgettable Days - Index, Table of Contents and the majority of Part One are up, will be adding chapters as CG666 transcribes them. took me a while but I like how the Table of Contents came out, need to add better blurbs for the chapter previews.
Blood Lies - Index, Table of Contents and Chapter 1 are up. The next thing on the to-do list is to start adding more chapters for it - Swampman, let me know if you have anything you were working on.
Main page is finished for now I think. Let me know if you come across any issues, especially on mobiles...
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karphead posted:
i checked out this website (readmarxeveryday dot em el) and it looks even better than the last time
unforgettable days: added chapters 24 & 25. once Part One is finished I need to go back and add italics and other stuff i missed.
dynamics of social change: i'm starting to transcribe this, the contents and intro are typed up, unformatted, but it should give you a good idea on what it's about
epop: linked up more of the source material, DoSS was one of them
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please take a few minutes and navigate through the site randomly and PM me if you find any bad links, grammatical or spelling errors, thx
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Each citation, noticed on its own in a History 101 term paper by a sharp TA, would get a freshman undergrad flunked, with an accompanying sobering lecture about whether they should be attending university at all.
a good burn but entirely too optimistic
Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()
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