karphead posted:i've been putting off a re-install of slackware that I’m going to do soon. i prefer it since it can be as barebones as i like.
arch is similarly barebones but with the benefit of package management etc, any particular reason why you prefer slack in this the year of our lord 2018
bit188 posted:i'm learning c and x86 assembly right now though as well as reading a book on haxxing
How are you going about learning assembly?
bit188 posted:https://archive.org/details/mac_Zen_the_Art_of_Macintosh1986
Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is a shit book
Also I haven't updated Arch in months and months and I'm scared to boot it
Belphegor posted:bit188 posted:
Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is a shit book
Also I haven't updated Arch in months and months and I'm scared to boot it
also true but this book is very good aesthetically
Caesura109 posted:i feel like a genius when i correctly mod skyrim and im not entirely sure what linux is, how are half the people on this politics nerd forum tech whizzes
i think everyone here is just generally Extremely Online and it comes with the territory
parabolart posted:the admins have spoken! death to those who actually hve time to figure out the piece of shit amalgamated plastic and metal that is blasting pixels at their face! holism? who needs it! the Trend of the new Marxist is fuck all apathy! have a dragg
are you ok mate