can anyone tell me which translation of demons is better, the P&V everyman library or the recently done belknap version for penguin? or does it not matter as long as its not constance freakin garnett. i like P&V's Idiot a lot but hate hardcover boox! ! ! thank's
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Ach mein Hund
Ach lange Johann
Ach lange Johannson
Ach Don Klavier
Warum ich ya beäugte?
Alle die lebenlangen Tag
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I'm Reading "Rep"resenting Cap"it"al By F"red"eric Jame"son"
anti oedipus by deleuzer and guatarridiot. a thousand plateaus is next because i have aspired from a young age to become an egg
whats the difference between da 2 translations of kokoro someone break it down for me


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happy february 26th everybody. please open your minds and your hearts to understanding the true path to salvation, god bless
I'm reading rhizzone


im gonna go start posting the rhizzone url in hentai website comment boxes
you left out a lotta good ones

Keyphrases used on search engines
34 different keyphrases Search Percent
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gyrofry posted:
cultivate rice corn and cassava using slash-and-burn farming methods 1 1.8 %

fuck impper wheres all the goddamn seaqrches for AERDIL OWNS wtf people
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aerdil posted:
fuck impper wheres all the goddamn seaqrches for AERDIL OWNS wtf people


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lol whoever searched for australian aboriginal zoos and stumbled on our thread from here got a REAL treat ahahahah
I'm near the end of the making of the english working class and thompson talks about the limits of Cobbet's middle-class anti-clericalism by comparing what he says about the church of england (string them all up) to what he says about 'turks and jews' (side with the church against them), I immediately thought of this http://leninology.blogspot.com/2011/05/unmitigated-evil.html

There are a lot of really funny moments in the book, like when thompson reprints an account of a secret meeting where the police mole raises his glass and says 'death to the king, kill all priests' or something to try and bait everyone else, and nobody takes it, and later a number of the non-moles apologize for the mole's behavior to a visitor who was at the meeting, and say something like "yeah, Charles over there is a real firebrand sometimes. apologies if he gave you the wrong impression of our organization" Plus ça change.
i just finished a brief history of neoliberalism by david harvey and i just started the condition of postmodernity by david harvey
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im reading the protocols of the welders of zion, its a set of workplace safety standards for israeli construction engineers
i probably will just read all of his stuff, i like his style and he writes almost to a lay audience so im not having to constantly google stuff, sigh, append another name to my reading list
btw does anyone know where i can get a pdf of The Gulf War Did Not Take Place? a cool guy rec'd it to me as a jump in for baudrillard but i cant find it anywhere except for money
I'm reading rejection emails.
then stop emailing women creepy come ons

cleanhands posted:
btw does anyone know where i can get a pdf of The Gulf War Did Not Take Place? a cool guy rec'd it to me as a jump in for baudrillard but i cant find it anywhere except for money

seems like something aaaarg would have, i havent checked though

[account deactivated]

animedad posted:

cleanhands posted:
btw does anyone know where i can get a pdf of The Gulf War Did Not Take Place? a cool guy rec'd it to me as a jump in for baudrillard but i cant find it anywhere except for money

seems like something aaaarg would have, i havent checked though

no aaaarg has the same stuff as everywhere else, namely a pdf of collected essays that says it contains it, but doesn't, and a spanish edition.

i went to universal studios with a copy of simulation and simulacrum in my pocket but at no point did i actually produce it
good. the real money is in executive producing it.
currently trying to get through Marx's Kapital, I got half way though volume 1 a year or so ago but I look back and I realize I barely understood anything. Having read through Graeb's Debt is really helpful because it puts capitalism's historical epoch in context with other periods and I can understand what Marx actually means when he says nomadic peoples were the first to discover the earlier forms of commodity exchange because they came into contact with others often.

on the fiction front I just finished The Grapes of Wrath and am going to reread Their Eyes Were Watching God and im pretty sure after that i will start a garden because food is important.

deadken posted:
I'm Reading "Rep"resenting Cap"it"al By F"red"eric Jame"son"

this was good and as a result im browsing my way through parts of v1 again


taht pains me...
Killing the Cranes: Beyond Afghanistan's Unwinnable Wars
by Edward Girardet

journalist with 30 years of experience of reporting in afghanistan writes about his experiences, really good so far
i stole commentary on the society of the spectacle the other day... this time debord is kinda annoying me, he maintains this weird insistence on the validity of authenticity as a concept which im not really entirely convinced of, but maybe its because i am a Child Of The Spectacle and am literally unable to comprehend anything other than image & appearance