bit188 posted:i wish i wasn’t so marginal
marginals like you are too mainstream for facebooking subalterns
i am currently reading "Marx at the Margins" by Kevin Anderson, which gets into Marx's thoughts on India, Indonesia, China, imperialism, the US Civil War, etc, through his ethnographical notebooks and newspaper articles
it is pretty good, except that Anderson is a Raya Dunayavskeya acolyte, which means he subscribes to the "Engels ruined Marx" school of thought, a line of reasoning so self-evidently stupid that i am always in awe of its sheer audacity
"Marx's collaborator, best friend, and the person personally entrusted by Marx to finish his writings clearly did not understand Marx. those are all irrelevant for understanding Marx, you can only gain insight into Marx through such experiences as being Trotsky's personal secretary"
neckwattle posted:we should have a Zimbabwe thread no? I know embarrassingly little and I wanna figure out why Mugabe within a short time went from being an extremly cool Marxist guerilla calling for Rhodesian genocide to agreeing to give Rhodesians automatic political overrepresentation (?) and then was surprised when Rhodesians voted in Iain Smith (??) instead of returning his goodwill (???). was there a threat of Western intervention? Like I really don't get why he gave into accepting weak democratic concessions in exchange for Zero land reform, only to do it halfassedly 20 years later. And then go after rival nationalists with colonialism was still alive and well. The Virgin ZANU vs. Chad FLN etc.
make it. the thing about this place is, to start a discussion, you have to read a little and advance some claims that people can either support or shoot down, put some skin in the post game!! that or start a thread by luck just at the right moment that everyone wants to talk about some issue or another, that's what i do
Petrol posted:I think the only reason we don't have a Zimbabwe thread is none of us knew enough to start one.
nah i think it's probably because the anti-imperialism thread became the Zimbabwe thread but that doesn't mean it shouldn't have one
Dimashq posted:I'm reading Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism (and hopefully its sequel later) and also Herodotus cus its fun. If anyone has cool book recommendations on Antiquity that would be sweet.
roland boer wrote this thing, haven't found a copy in the wild Online yet
Dimashq posted:If anyone has cool book recommendations on Antiquity that would be sweet.
Thucydides, Xenophon, Epicurus, Lucretius, Tacitus, Suetonius, then re-read Marx & Engels & press up B to open your 3rd eye
ilmdge posted:Grinding Up Against Another Man. Then An Explosion of Shots.
Gibbonstrength posted:Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World is a good book on antiquity
Yea I found this in a bookstore like a month ago and it was so expensive. There's some cheaper options online that I found though.
cars posted:if you enjoy Herodotus you'll probably enjoy those guys especially the first two and the last two but I'd recommend the middle two anyway, because Marx wrote his dissertation on Epicurus and i guess that probably matters to you because you post here
I actually have this book called The Landmark Thucydides and it's really cool. They have maps (and pictures) next to the text to help situate yourself. They have one for Herodotus too.
I've got the rest on my reading list.
cars posted:i also recommend at least the beginning of Hegel's lecture series published as Lectures on the Philosophy of History for commentary on the methods of Herodotus etc. and if you go ahead and read the rest of the book it demonstrates pretty well why Marx read Hegel, sighed and drew his katana
Oh yea I read a lot of this but forgot most of it. It's a pretty cool book even though it's wrong.
Petrol posted:tears posted:Petrol posted:is there any way to actually access the papers directly or is it another panama filtered through the obviously very trustworthy eyes of what the GUARDIAN and BBC deem to be important; i want the juicy drug smuggling money deets
the closest they've come to making source docs available on this one is this section in the ICIJ Offshore Leaks database, which also has a broader search function for previous similar leaks but not raw data dumps sadly
Soros, 86, is worth an estimated $25 billion. His Open Society Institute is one of ICIJ’s main funders, granting it $1.5 million last year. The Panama Papers data reveals only the tip of Soros' offshore iceberg, the Quantum Group of Funds. The ICIJ’s leader, journalist Gerard Ryle, said he had not noticed Soros’ companies in the Offshore Leaks database until called the matter to his attention.
“I suspect we would have more information because the public database … does not contain the underlying data,” Ryle said in an email has requested access to that data.
Caesura109 posted:reading Eichmann in Jerusalem, for some general history and interesting themes about fascist government. Maybe trying to find the line between Good Zionism and Bad Zionism.
It doesn't exist. I'm reading about this right now, even the supposedly Marxist Zionists were irrevocably fucked - Borochov essentially birthed Ben Gurion and the modern state of Israel. Here's Borochov on the Palestinians in 1905:
“It is the Jewish immigrants who will undertake the development of the forces of production of Eretz Yisra’el, and the local population of Eretz Yisra’el will soon assimilate economically and culturally to the Jews The local population in Eretz Yisra’el is closer to the Jews in racial composition even than any other of the ‘Semitic’ peoples.
That's about as benign as it gets within Zionist thought, the good people end up abandoning Zionism as a framework sooner or later.
Meanwhile I would guess that trotskyism is very strong on the Israeli "left"

toyotathon posted:hell yea make a thread
Are the mods cool with that? Copyright and everything. Also I don't feel comfortable publicly linking what I have yet (but maybe that's just me being dumb). You'd have to discuss the thing in one thread and go all the way to the secret PDF forum to actually get the thing!