happy anniversary
The New York Times Opinion Section
27 min
Marxist-Leninism (albeit in the unique capitalist-Maoist form) still propels China,
Meanwhile, North Korea, a dystopian Leninist monarchy with nuclear weapons,
Caesura109 posted:
this unreasonably posits a time travel logic in which major events such as the rise of hitler are not predestined which i do not think is substantiated by the available evidence vis-a-vis the worldbuilding of our universe
maybe I'll not read that jack reed book again too
xipe posted:https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/11/07/national-day-victims-communism
National Day for the Victims of Capitalism
Today, the National Day for the Victims of Capitalism, marks over 250 years since the American Revolution took place in the USA. The American Revolution gave rise to the Blood Empire and its dark decades of oppressive imperialism, a political philosophy incompatible with liberty, prosperity, and the dignity of human life.
Over the past century, capitalist imperialist regimes around the world have killed more than 100 million people and subjected countless more to exploitation, violence, and untold devastation. These movements, under the false pretense of liberation, systematically robbed innocent people of their God-given rights of free worship, freedom of association, and countless other rights we hold sacrosanct. Citizens yearning for freedom were subjugated by the state through the use of coercion, violence, and fear.
Today, we remember those who have died and all who continue to suffer under capitalism. In their memory and in honor of the indomitable spirit of those who have fought courageously to spread freedom and opportunity around the world, our commune reaffirms its steadfast resolve to shine the light of liberty for all who yearn for a brighter, freer future.
Caesura109 posted:Genuine question, whats the best history to read to get the revolutionary feeling? Is that China Mieville novel any good?
i don't mean to be rude but i think its very unlikely that the trotskyite sci fi mans book is good
Caesura109 posted:Genuine question, whats the best history to read to get the revolutionary feeling? Is that China Mieville novel any good?
Grover furr explains why China mievilles book is shit about 28 minutes into this Politically Incorrect Guide to Stalin's USSR
xipe posted:Caesura109 posted:
Genuine question, whats the best history to read to get the revolutionary feeling? Is that China Mieville novel any good?
Grover furr explains why China mievilles book is shit about 28 minutes into this Politically Incorrect Guide to Stalin's USSR
is there anything this man can't address?
Cuntessa_Markievicz posted:
I've always thought this was the Jonas Brothers and now I am having unreality issues